Went to the gym with Robb today. Was jogging on the treadmill when I kept getting work calls which subsequently led me to making more phone calls while I was on the treadmill.
At first I stopped jogging for a while just to talk on the phone but after a while I realized the phone calls were getting so long if I didn't start jogging then I never would. So I jogged and talked.

"Are you on a treadmill or something?"
I said
"Yeah.. how you know?"
She said
"I can hear you panting... "
And there I thought I was hiding my panting so well to make it sound like I was in front of a computer or something when I actually sounded like
"Could you *pant* please *pant* help me prepare a *pant* proposal for *pant* ....."
PS: Thanks Robb for helping me take this Project 365 picture while I was on the phone.
We were in the office saying,u're either on the treadmill or on Robb!!!!hahahaha.
lmao...@ carol comment....use a headset ..i saw girls in gym used to talk with their headset on phone (with constant sweet smile)while on strider machine...lol! u should try so u can multitask ...haha!
carol: haha carol!!! we'll see who'll be laughing in the office later :) we'll see
breadpitt: but how on earth do you keep a long going conversation while jogging without panting? :)
Sounds more like having sex than on the treadmill!!
thats the point i envy them....lol! salute those girls i saw be4 who made it...lol! anyway , its not a good idea to so...focus on ur workout ...;-)
Wah Boss semakin fit! XD
why u so skinny wan!
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