Sigh i've been having so much bad luck lately.
I was over in Malacca over the weekend for Pierre and Lay See's wedding. (Will blog about their really sweet wedding in the next few days)
This morning we woke up early, had chicken rice balls then started our journey back to KL. Kenny decided to tag along with Princess and I too.
It was a rather fun ride. The 3 of us in the car always had plenty to talk about. Then just some 30 km away from KL, it started pouring heavily. The rain was so bad I could barely see ahead of me so I moved to the left lane and slowed down to follow the speed of the car ahead of me.
Suddenly though the car in front of me jammed its brakes. I jammed a second after only to feel my tires lose grip on the wet road and before I knew it, I had gone up the ass of the Myvi in front of me. I was the last car of a four car pile up.
It was a rather fun ride. The 3 of us in the car always had plenty to talk about. Then just some 30 km away from KL, it started pouring heavily. The rain was so bad I could barely see ahead of me so I moved to the left lane and slowed down to follow the speed of the car ahead of me.
Suddenly though the car in front of me jammed its brakes. I jammed a second after only to feel my tires lose grip on the wet road and before I knew it, I had gone up the ass of the Myvi in front of me. I was the last car of a four car pile up.

I restarted my engine which died on impact and then managed to just inch into the emergency lane before my engine died again. My dashboard had all sorts of lights popping up with all sorts of different symbols lighting up which all pretty much spelt "I'm fucked... call a tow truck".
I called my Dad to tell him what happened and his reply was
That was when the depression began to sink in. I remembered the bad luck I've been having with cars lately. It's not just the car accidents I've been having but other stupid things. Like just a week plus ago my neighbour's apartment unit started leaking some kind of chemical water on to my car parked in its parking bay right below it. The water stained my car roof and I had to go have it polished to get it out.
After talking to my father on the phone I picked myself up and got out of the car to inspect the damage of my car.
Then I walked towards the other drivers who were already a little upset about the accident. I greeted them and immediately told them that we had to get a tow truck and make a police report.
I called AAM and ended up waiting 3 hours on the highway before they came. Then went to the police station and spent another 2 hours there making a police report
and getting an RM300 fine for banging someone in the back (no matter what the circumstances, if you hit someone in the back it's your fault and you get a RM300 fine for it).
The accident happened at 2.20PM and it was almost 9.30PM by the time I had done all I needed to do and got my car towed to my workshop to be fixed tomorrow morning. I felt a little hurt when I saw my car being towed around by a tow truck. My uncle Danny came earlier just to be with me and he was so nice to stay on with me throughout the whole ordeal. I have such a great uncle.
Kenny had to rush for a meeting and catch a flight so he hailed a cab that took him to KL. He told me later on that just in front of us he saw a 17 car pile up. Can you imagine that? That's 17 cars joined up in one long road accident.
When I eventually made the police report, the cop doing my report told me that on that very same road I was on, there were at least 30 cars involved in car accidents that afternoon. All thanks to the heavy rain. I guess I'm just one of the unlucky ones.
I don't know what's wrong with me lately. Why I've been having so much bad luck. My Dad believes that it's a blessing though. He believes that everyone will have bad luck and it's a good thing to have bad luck in all these small small instances rather than one really big one.
I guess when I look back at the recent years of my life, I've had a lot of good luck recently. Since I started driving 8 years ago up till this year I've never really been involved in any real car accidents that were my fault. At age 25, I've also got a job that I like with people I really enjoy working with.
Plus I'm in a relationship with a girl that I'm really happy to be with. Right after the accident she came over to give me a long hug to tell me that everything is going be ok. I was too distracted to respond but I told her later that the small little hug she gave me made me feel so much better.
I guess with all these other good things I've had, it would really be ungrateful of me to complain about this small streak of bad luck that I've been having lately.
Still just can't help but feel a little depressed though. Sigh... I find out how much the damage is going to cost me tomorrow. The tow truck driver said that it's going to cost me at least RM5,000 and my mechanic added that if my engine is damaged it's going to cost me a lot more.
And no... it's complicated... but I won't be able to claim from insurance so I'm going to have to find the money to pay for this damage.
Good night everyone. Hopefully tomorrow will be a better day.
may ur luck change right after this accident, boss tim! (=
Think Positive!
1)u and princess are still safe and alive despite the accident! (most important)
2)the 5k treat is as donation to charity lol.. that yr 5k may SAVE someone's life or something( which might be oh)
3)and a person wont be having bad luck his whole life 1 (god is quite fair1 ), so all bad gone, the good one are ON THE WAY !!
cheers !
always believe that everything happened for a think positive...i agreed with wat ur dad said...its probably a blessing in disguise...
cheer up!!
OH my, just read that Huai Bin had an accident, my sis called two days ago that she was also involve in an accident - a bad one that the car need to be in the hospital for two weeks and now you! ahhh.. take care boss! cheer up, there's always brighter days! Have a nice day, boss!
Very sorry to hear what happened man. We were all very stunned. I crashed my car during the worst few days of my life last year, but time heals and eventually we'll all crawl out of this rut.
At least you have a cake named after you in Melaka.
awwwwww....*pats back*
Like in a normal graph...there are ups and down..down usually dont last that will be up soon again! so cheer up! :)
Sorry to hear your streak of bad luck boss. When bad luck comes it normally comes in a streak, once the streak of bacon bad luck has been eaten, you'll get lotsa good luck. So think of the good luck coming your way soon =)
Think positive. At least everyone in the car are safe and sound, everyone in the other cars all safe and sound.
Wow, so terok ah? Be glad no one is hurt. Since you are gonna donate $5k to 'charity', I am sure lots of blessings will be coming to you soon.
Dont know what religion you believe in. Maybe you can hang some religious stuff in your car... those for protection. I know Christians usually hang cross.
Awww... poor you but I believe there will always be a silver lining. One wont remain unlucky forever. It will be over very soon. So smile for now =)
Look on the bright side, u were the last among the pile n not in between..=) it wudve been worse that way..
there's another saying, wen something bad happens, something good comes along after dat..
all dat matters is all 3 of u came out unhurt..
take care..
Hi Tim,
Sorry to hear about the car accident. Don't worry. Everything will be fine soon.
Boss Stewie...DOnt worry....Good luck is on their way!!
Take it as challenges and dont always think all what's happening is bad thing, but take it as an experiences to gets better...
Maybe who knows, you will get to change a new car after this~ Seee.. :)
Take care anyway, Tim~ God is with you all the time!
Sorry to hear that Boss. Things are gonna be Okay!!
I think the Malacca highway is cursed =x very "cheh" you know.
my case:
last December me, my bf and another couple were in my bf's car going Malacca to have late lunch from Johor. It was raining heavily that we can't see the road clearly so to secure our lives, my bf drove to the left lane with 60km/h. I was asleep at the passenger seat and the couple were chatting behind. Suddenly some scream from behind and a jerk from the car, I wake up immediately and found that the car was out of control! My bf is gripping the steering so hard trying to get the car back to the lane but the car skidded to the left almost bumped to the road side. He cannot stomp on the brake because it will cause the car spinning at the middle of the road. I was so scared I let out my scream and I prayed so hard in my heart. Luckily the car stopped before it bumped to the side (my side). Hallelujah. Oh and luckily no cars from behind bump us in between the skidding. The situation would be worse if that happen. =s
Anyway good luck to Boss Stewie as "rainbow comes after the rain". Take care! =)
It is good that Tim is looking at the brightside =)
Appreciate what you have now and remember the 2 seconds distance.
Maybe you can make it 4 seconds distance on a heavy rainy day~
boss stewie~
Sorry to hear about the accident.
pls take care.
Tomorrow definitely will be a better day~
about 3 something when i was on the way back frm mlk, there were still plenty of car accidents :/ car can be fixed. most importantly nobody is hurt :)
I think it's accident season or something, why is everyone getting into so many accidents this year?! KY started it off, Horng, Kim, Kerol, you ... wow.
At least everyone's safe :) Take care!
scary... good things no one is hurt... i saw a very teruk accident today on highway... a maroon wira kena wack until looks like a turtle... ppl were calling as to see if anyone still alive..
5000... is a hurt...
Oo least everyone in the car was alrite..It's bf had the same streak of bad luck some time ago..and it ended after one year..So you'll be alrite =)
Sorry to hear about this nasty accident. They say bad luck come in 3s. So perhaps with the streak you had, the bad luck is now over. :) Cheer up for a better tomorrow. :)
So sorry to hear about that Boss...Well, bad things will come to an end sooner or later...Cheer up that no one got hurt and you still have Princess to sayang you... =)
I'd take several minor accidents than a big one any day, so long as you're injury free, that's what matters most. :)
shit does happen bro, the most important is everyone is injury free.. life cycle always about up and down...
Not bad luck la dude, if you can't stop in time you are too close.
Remember the 2 second rule, especially when it's raining braking distances are tripled.
Doesn't matter anyway, as long as no-one is hurt.
I'm sorry to hear about the accident Tim! I'm a bit puzzled though...why can't you claim from insurance?
you really have bad luck on the roads these days boss.. i think it's time to upgrade.. its time for a personal helicopter! =D
good luck to you!
Sorry to hear but at least all three of you are fine. That's most important! Tomorrow is definitely going to be a better day! :)
ouch =(
thank god u guys are all ok though!!! u already had so much to think about and yet u still helped me with my thing, thanks a lot:)
it's good that u're not hurt by the accident. don't worry so much. as long as everyone's safe...nothing else matters.
u're quite lucky actually. my bf and i got into a car accident along the highway 3 months back which caused the car to skid and flip. total loss for the car but at least both of us are fine (though he fractured his arm)...
take care of urself and ur gf too :)
Ouch! Sorry to hear about it man!
By the way, u getting a new car soon then?
ya, pray hard that everything would hopefully be better in the future... just solve every single problems now 1st then you can have an ease of mind..
ur dad tells it the best, i have similar belief as ur dads
cheers tim, thing will definitely get better
i totally agree, it's better to have bits of bad luck than to have a fat ass bad luck, so..
hope you'll have more bits of bad luck in the future.. =.=
good luck bro..and don forget me about the UP by Pixar
talk about bad luck!
i've been going through lots of bad luck recently too regarding my health.
so yeah, july sucks big time man :s
hopefully our luck would change soon!
Thanks for the encouragement everyone. I guess there are quite a few of us out there going through or have recently just gone through a bit of a bad patch.
That's life... but it's really nice to know that you guys are out there, always willing to give such nice words of encouragement
Thank you
Yup, you are right. Think of the positive side. You should feel glad instead as there are so many peoples always there to give such nice words of encouragement to you no matter what happen. So cheers up! =D
very sorry to hear about this unfortunate incident. you are pretty calm and rational, if i hugged my bf during the heat of events like these i think he'll dismiss me. not that i mind though, there's always a time for everything. glad you had people with you to handle the situation. take care!
I know this is a lil late but wth, I know how u feel about no matter what happens you pay if u hit the backside incident. :'(
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