Fortunately my brother was around to drive half of the way so I spent half of the way just playing Airline Tycoon on my iPhone. 

Plus the heavy rain didn't help the jam much.
The journey turned out to be pretty worth it though. It's always nice to be back home sometimes. My room gives me a nostalgic feeling that reminds me of before and I sometimes find old things that I used to use a lot (no longer though). Perhaps I'll blog about that next. Let me settle down first ok? Must spend time with parents.
Haven't seen them for a long long time.
So to keep you guys occupied in the mean time. Here's episode 2
and episode 3 of Project Alpha featuring Princess where Jojo dragged her to the gym after hearing that she never exercises.
I thought she was really cute in episode 3.
Catch you guys soon ok ? :)
Selamat Hari Raya!
Episode 2 & 3 were out~ And Audrey never go to gym before? Perhaps you should motivate her to go gym often by offering her some shopping after the gym...then sure she will agree...LoL~ Just kidding...^^
Anyways, nice Project Alpha! It's awesome...can't wait for the next episodes! ^^
hehehe thanks dude.
Yes it was really her first time (and probably last time) in the gym :)
hahah i got to agree...she is damn cute!!! hhahaha sweet carrying her =)
anyway good job..i lobe project alpha! its funny yet entertaining..
i thought the carrying part was damn sweeeeet!!! hahaha.
this show's not bad yeah!
Nvm long as she remains healthy and cute always...That's enough for you, right! ^^
p/s: Btw, i read from your previous post that you actually go for gym early in the morning before heading to work? What a healthy lifestyle! XD
crystal: hahaha glad u liked it :) It took quite a bit of work to produce it :) Credits to Jojo and our producer Michael
zeihwye: heheh yeah she was too tired to walk after the exercise
joshua: hehe yeah I wake up early and go to the gym before I head to work. If i didn't do it then, i'll probably never get to do it the rest of the day
Haha , she still remember her shower gel anyway !
And I have to agree shopping to best therapy !
I thoroughly enjoyed all the episodes of Fourfeetnine Project Alpha. It allows your readers to know both of you better.
Where is your Project Alpha? When will it be ready?
tim, d videos are good, plus got tips at the end.
but i got a question. WHY every episode so short 1??? Its like less than 5mins. :)
ur lengmou email still working? i think u might like to see this,
jess: heh.... you and her would make great friends then
magnolia: thank you :) well i'm not in project alpha. just in there with Princess as her bf. Don't have any episodes of my own :)
messi: well we find that for internet based shows it's just better to have short clips as opposed to one long clip. So you can always just take 3 minutes of your time each day to watch something as opposed to having to find and allocate 20 minutes to watch one episode
I've never laughed so much doing yoga. Audrey kept cracking me up
Tim, I hope you get your own Project Alpha one day.
You are a great blogger too :)
lol i used to push up like aud! haha. but not anymore =D
jojo is being so mean and condescending, she keeps laughing! People of different sizes and fitness level require different regimes and it takes time for people's bodies to adapt to the strain of exercising. Though it is good for aud to exercise, still she shouldn't be pushed and dragged around til she never wants to step foot into a gym again.
watched epi6 edi.. can't wait for the rest of the vids to be released ;)
yeah...u r rite! ur princess damn cute in episode 3..
"this is the only part of my body that I can move" LOL
lol audrey doing yoga was GOLD!! too cute!! awesome episodes, tim! can't wait to watch more :)
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