For all of you who missed it (including Cely and Earl), the blog meet was pretty fun!
Now some people say blog meets are for bloggers to meet other bloggers or just for some young people to have fun in a group.
But listen to me when I say this.

Blog meets are organized JUST FOR bloggers to take many many pictures of themselves (cuz bloggers loveeee camwhoring) !!!
So let the pictures begin!
My snap with Cheryl

The very bubbly Kelz

William, Albert and Kelz .

and "Shaz".

Halfway through all the camwhoring, I found our shamelessness attracting more and more attention from the outside.
It almost felt like we were in an aquarium with all the passer-bys on the outside looking in like we were human exhibits on display.

And not just small little point and shoot digicams!
It's almost as if we bloggers feel that the bigger the camera a blogger has... the longer the c*ck.
Just like Albert here with his rather long.... schlong.

I also managed to meet this handsome dude.

Who upon seeing me quickly said hi and shook my hand telling me how he reads my embarrassing blog.
I love meeting readers.
Then of course, moving on there is Yee Hou with his camera flash that had a sanitary pad attached.

And a group picture of Ken, Smashpop, JustMilk and William (another one of my favourite readers!)

A random picture of us

A group picture of Pink Pau, Jolene, Me, Ming, Amanda and Mikel!

Meet Sue Ann and Yee Leen (that left in a hurry after I introduced them to everyone else).

Whew... that was one shitload of pictures!
Well, for once I can say I'm first.
Man you beat me to it. Usually I whack it up really fast, but now only am I processing my shots.
yay! 2nd. Penang Bloggers Meet bila?
pinkpau! haha
whoa must wear name tag sumore..
and some of your links are dead leh (yee leen/justmilk)
dr tan: LOL... yes i notice that few people have really posted anything on the meet yet ...
al: how come i don't know about the meet wan?!?!
reallybites: ahh sorry.... thanks for telling me.. will have them fixed
frostier: haha why didn't u go!
oh.. mae is sad cos she couldn't go for blogger's meet.. ->mae sobs shamelessly<-
but then mae will probably be youngest there so sure paiseh anyways. lol
CHEH ... blogger meet only mar. Not like it's a big deal. Go meet some people you barely know, I guess I don't need to anymore now that I'm married to THE ONE, right?
*sigh* Actually damn jealous that I couldn't go. But who wants to hang around me and a baby anyway. Potong stim only because you know my son will curi all the attention from the cute girls to himself.
*punches her pillow and cries to sleep pitifully* No money to go back Msia laaa ...
Haha, it looks fun...
But with all the girls u mentioned there... my gosh.. i Dont know anyone la..shy leh...
Nm la... :)
I can view pictures from ur blog, and the organizer's blog ma :p
ei, see lai, apasal tak muncul?
boss, send me the link to ur stash of treasure (pics)
Oh.. and one more...all LOOK BLARDI young.. ok?
I m old biscuit to join... si beh paiseh!
william... what the... u are so BOSS STEWIE to call me see lai!?
ok.. i think i dowan to be called as see lai ... therefore i decided i dowan to come...
after all other bloggers think why got see lai there in the gathering..
hate u boss!
u big influence !
decided to quit ur blog jor... all ur readers call me see lai.. i can die
wooops, sorry boss, made u lose a reader
nvm ba cely jie, if u think ur the oldest, can teman me the youngest.. together gether kk? :P
ouuuhhhh thats william...
my bestie [mae] punya lam pang yao [ boyfriend ]...XD
aiyaaa...why anonymous one??? noob...XD
wa.. even jolene lai lai si also haven't posted anything up yet. boss you wanna take over her place of 56k killer izit?? now where's that tummybellydancing shot? if i didn't remember wrongly cely aka see lai was all for it too! bwahahahaha :p
wuahh!!! nice party!!! wish i was there too!!
you lucky bastard!! you had your picture taken with Maggi Q!!!
ehehe, was fun to have been able to have lunch on friday, breakfast on Saturday and pseudo-lunch again on Saturday(bbm) with both you and ming! :D
at least we got to talk alot more ya!!
suicidalconversationjunkie: sabar la sayang:D!! i still got a backlog of posts to be put up.
mae: actually.. the blog meet was full of really really young people.. i was among the older group that went
gwen:.. i'll wanna hang aroudn you! and your cute little son
cely: yes it was fun! u rugi u! and i don't pity u for missing out on the fun! cuz i called u two hours before and tried to convince you to come but nooooy you lansiii
jason: HAH! that's what u get for not bringing me my mille crepe
william: LOL!!
sara: oh u mean mae is william's gf?
suicidal: hahahaha! no la.. but don't u people love pics
wingz: yes.. if only u were there huh :P
jolene: yes.. i always enjoy your company
hahaa.. wow wow.. faster go c mine :)
Yups Boss...!!!...william's gf is Mae...!!!...=]...!!!
jen: hahaha ok jen
sara: mae.. as in the mae who comments.. mae the tesco girl?
Why aren't blog-trolls invited?? =(
they were lance!!!
Actually, that's not my camera, that's Dylan's.
Hmmm, that sounds so wrong when you put it into that context.
(Though I might add that I had two such lenses which I didn't bring that day.)
Lol that last pic.. "And the last picture for the day... Amanda!" followed by a pic where Boss takes up about 2/3 of the entire picture... No kidding about the camwhore part eh?
albert: hahahaha i know i know.. u told me!!!
jackson: hahahaha!!!! yes.. no kidding indeed!
Yupsss...Mae the tesco girL...!!!...william's gf is mae the tesco girl...=]
sara, i think that should be enough... anymore of that, i guess might as well as Smash to use Astro to broadcast right?
Isn't mae Tesco Girl and mae who comments the same..? Omg who's stalking me?? *looks around suspiciously for probes*
*luff luff willy*
i was supposed to join you guys for bakuteh mmmm... bakutayyy
but sleeping in ftw!
i miss penang ='(
wow.. i see myself in there... nice to meet you ^^
sara: oh really? hahaahaha
william: what are u not telling me
mae: hahhaha i am confused too
amanda: awwwww..... make a trip down to penang then
april: great to meet u too april
Is the "handsome dude" you mentioned in ur blog called "seng meng"? looks familiar......
First time dropping by. Didn't know you are young and hensem too!
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