The house has been around for many many years and up till today... it still looks as beautiful and well-kept as it was when it was first built.

It's inspiring to hear of success stories like that.
The story goes that Tan Sri came to Penang many many years ago and fell in love with the place.
He then decided to stay and build his empire and build his empire he did!
Now every once in his lifetime, a poor Penang boy will have a chance to taste the life of the rich and famous and last weekend... that boy was me.
Through a friend, I was invited to a big garden party at Tan Sri's house.

I arrived in the evening of the Garden Party to find a whole lot of cars parked at the side of the road outside the house.

Just as I reached the front gate... it OPENED FOR ME.

I was on a natural high as I walked into the beautiful compound which was filled with cars of the guests of the party.

Many of the seats were empty when I arrived but were quick to fill up.

The party started with an opening speech by a refreshing and inspiring speech by Tan Sri.

After his speech, an entire orchestra played music in the background while the rest of us guests rushed to get our food (ladies went first but the men joined the queue shortly after).

The place was packed, there must've been over 500 people there.

So pack that you would imagine a garden party like this in Malaysian weather would feel like we're all packed into a microwave... but this party had many of these outdoor air-conditioners to keep everyone as cool as they could get.

It turned out to be quite a fun party
In the end, the guests (which were mostly business associates and golfers) got together with the Tan Sri to dance the night away.
Ahh... I went home that night... sober (even though wine was served).
But I managed to take a few last pictures of the beautiful house before I left that night.

beautiful house.
the life of the rich.. yes. of the famous.. not so I guess. I'd hate to be hounded by strange stalkers and paparazzi.
i tot that castle belongs to Fumakila boss? The garden party was held once a year for the neighbourhood also right? But i think Pearl Hill has really awesome house too
LOL..that house you showed me!
Oohhh...u didn't get to see the inside of the house did u?
tiny car?? last i heard beemer 3series didn't quite count as small, much less "tiny" cars..
did u go "HoOoOOoooooOOOOoOo" upon seeing the tan sri? betcha did!!!
i love that house! my piano teacher lives at the top of that road, so i see it every week, but never get tired of it! haha! it's so pretty.. sigh! i want one!
yeah, on that pic with the gate, i was thinking: STALKER!!
And why are almost all cars silver? is that the rich colour?
timothy tiah's house is as big as that!!!!!!!!
clem: but in return u get to date people like Jessica ALBA!
eve: yeah he owns fumakilla as well
ahpau: *Sniff* unfortunately not... even toilet i had to use the outside wan
suicidal: and get myself kicked out of his party? hehehe nooo noooo.. i was very well behaved
swee lin: yes.. i want one too
jackson: hahaha! i have no clue.. i think black falls into the rich colour as well ahh if only that were true
Didn't you dance with the crowd when the real boss started singing and dancing?
anonymous: yes i did :P
So! Did you guys have sushi for dinner? ;)
When you said garden party I imagined people loungeing about the swimming pool in their expensive swim wear and a glass of champagne in hand, a scrumptuous buffet spread, chill out music, an infinity pool. . . I must be watching too much MTV XD
Beautiful house!
now boss, why are we more tempted to believe what said than what you've rebutted?
How come you didn't take some of naughty naughty pics of the statues (ie. the 3 interlocking nudes)? You'll be surprise at the objets d'art inside the house! - faints -
apple: hahahaah yes there was sushi there too.. sponsored by sushi king :P
william: haihh... why would i lie about that?
anonymous: hahahaha no ler... i pai seh to take
Why no poser photo wan?
eh, looks like my house. Eh, it IS my house! *dreams*
First thing I noticed is that some of these people are gonna appear on the Worst Dressed List ... I mean c'mon something so nice, a nice place, even if it's informal, doesn't mean you can throw on yesterday's smelly T-Shirt and just attend right? That's as vile as wearing a tuxedo-t to your wedding.
Potong stim and ruin the niceness of the beautiful place.
maniacz: no poser photo? u mean i should do a smashpop jump? ahhaha
fei: yes yes ur house indeed
gwen: ok i'm sorry.. i'll spend some money and buy some better clothes next time ok?
Yeah, really nice house, really nice guy. The Japanese are cool.
no need to go to posh residence in the United States.... the picture alone makes u think ur there already...
I think this Japanese had enough of crampy houses and apartments, so to lepas geram, he built a Mansion instead....
If not mistaken his company is based in Malaysia... Must have migrated to Malaysia already...
I don't remember that house.. But then again all houses in the Jesselton area are very big and impressive.. Eh Boss going to the Penang Bloggers Meet ma?
What for house so big...I prefer smaller house. But I wanted to have a garage as big as his house though. Put as many car as possible...maybe few airplanes, space shuttle, sr-71 blackbird etc...
I like my hamster's cage... *oogles*
hasan: yes hasan!
lufiasism: his company is based in malaysia... and he's moved here for good
mae: uhmm... i'm not sure wor... nobody invite :P
chapree: so u want a small house but big garage! lol
lance: hehehe
i want small house but with big garden. lol!
Yup, I used to visit the house pretty often... he's my mom's old boss and my aunty is his executive secretary... nice leh the party? didja know their maid has her own apartment inside the house? and pg mutiara chefs go to his place to cook him dinner sometimes :)
apalah you boss. i helped to extend the invitation to you from the host d. sumore said no invitation =.='
FYI...this house is really not very old. It was completed in 1995 or 1996 (my ex is the architect)
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