Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Together Gather Party!

Just about a week to go before Wingz's organized Blogger Party and Wingz had been telling me the response has been insane!!!

Some readers have asked me whether I'm going.

Truth is, these few days and I can imagine even for next week I'll be extremely busy with Nuffnang.

But since Wingz put so much effort into this... I'll go...

Ok lar ok lar.. the real reason why I'm going is to see the Digi Yellow Man !!!

Click here to sign up before it's too late... and if you're not a blogger... still come okay?

You can sit with me :P


Wingz said...

1st!!!!! I will sit with lu!!! muacks!

electronicfly said... hour edi wor...


Anonymous said...

you will sit with me?

but then right.. i see u take pics with all the pretty pretty chio chio girls, my self esteem is like super low already.

and i am in sarawak anyway :(

so near yet so far, right?

Infectioner said...

aiyoh.. i also Yellow Man wat.. watch me enuf dee XD

Boss Stewie said...

wingz: eh u say only lar!!!! u sure go sit with ur ahpek all!!!

e-fei: heheh twoo

choc: i never quite understood the first ad i watched.. but now i do and i like it :P

kristin: pls lar!!! i'm not as shallow as u think

infectioner: so u're the guy in the suit eh!

Anonymous said...

waaaaaaaaaaa do i get to sit with you too???? but everybody confirm fight to sit with you eh, liddat no space for me how? some more that little tummy of yours is bound to take up considerable space too.. bwahahahaha :p

Kiss my ass said...

wooo.... if so many ends up sitting with u.. is there any other place left?

electronicfly said...

shireen: there's always boss's lap...or another leng chai's lap...or errr, leng lui's lap?

Anonymous said...

How about i let u sit next to me?

Kiss my ass said...

u dont understand.. i will break his hip or something..

Anonymous said...

sit with you ar?
is that a game for that night?

Anonymous said...

I wanna wanna sit wif u wor.. can or not?