I had asked her the day before if she would be my Valentine's Day date, and she said "YES"!
It was a chance I bet many guys would have given their left nut for, but the lucky one this time was me.
There I was getting all nervous preparing for the big night.
I took 20 minutes and picked my favourite white shirt.

Then I jumped into my little car and braved the traffic jams all the way to pick her up from her home.

She hopped into my car and we started driving to the restaurant which brought me to my next problem.
I wasn't quite sure where exactly to take her.
At first I thought perhaps I could take her to Rasa Sayang Hotel's Spice Market Buffet that costs over a hundred bucks per head... but I knew buffet dinners wouldn't be romantic enough.

I was considering taking her to a French or even German restaurant... but in the end I just decided that the right thing to do would be to take her for something that no other Valentine's Day date would take her...

Okay okay fine fine.
Here's the truth.
My friends and I go to Golden Gate Steamboat every Wednesday for our weekly steamboat ritual, something we call Steamboat Day!

Now Valentine's Day is cool and all, it's nice to take a girl out dating but if you had to pick between Steamboat Day and Valentine's Day... you just HAVE to PICK STEAMBOAT DAY!
So that's right... even the beautiful girls in our group threw away their Valentine Dates just to come for STEAMBOAT DAY!!!

One good example is Linsey over here.

See how happy she was to be at Steamboat Night instead of at Haagen Dazs with her date.

To the guys who Linsey rejected for her Valentine's Day date: I'm sorry dudes... it's just bad luck that Valentine's Day this year clashes with an even more important day. She didn't mean to... and she does like you... muster the courage to ask her out again okay?
I though you were out of nuts already..
I'm first!! Because first person didn't claim muahahahah!
Woo. Steamboat. I wan!! Nyumzz~
jackson: hahaha nono i didn't give my left nut to her :P
second! becouse boss's entry doesn't count!!
biyatch biyatch biyatch biyatch!
i sit in front of the computer the WHOLE DAY!
then i go for dinner...
okie..actually i went for a crap..
is there any way to make that emoticon more angry? i cant seem to do it..
okay, i will be frank boss...
why is there no picture of ur date?
is this because i didn't went out for lunch? =.=
"It was a chance I bet many guys would have given their left nut for, but the lucky one this time was me."
You lost the bet, Boss Stewie. I'm not giving up any of my nuts.
But boss, as far as i counted, all ur nuts are gone by now. unless u got a 3rd backup nut, or u got one from the blackmarket (batu ferringhi?)
yeah man, steamboat anytime over haagen daaz ;)
***whispers to some other ppl** nooo, trying to make him think he's right when he isnt ***
Sniff, I was heartbroken when she said no. All for some Steamboat. Damn you Steamboat, you've ruined my life for the last time!
fei: what? boss's entry doesn't count? but it's... it's... my... blog?
andrew: HAHAHAHAA sorry lar.. i've been trying to vary my posting times now.. since william started being able to predict accurately when i post
linsey: hahaha!! yes!!
jason: the confession?
chapree: haih ok fine... fair play.. what do i owe u
william: hahaha... what ? can't i grow my nuts back?
hasan: LOL!!
why you so bad?!.. steal people's "bahagia"ness?
... I look down on you.
What do you do with a store full of nuts? You give one away~ la la la
Hmm you didn't take photos of the food? 酷い!!!
curse you boss.. no wonder the timings are all off the chart liao laaaaa.... >.< you're EVIL~!!!!!
maniacz: hhahahaha!!! aduii... i steal the bahagianess of the guys who ask her out.. but linsey is happy mah! and the steamboat peopel are happy mah!!!
gwen: hehehe i'm not much of a food blogger :P would help if my photography skills were better
william: ahhaha!
Giorgio Armani suit - RM400
Desire Blue Perfume - RM200
Stealing other ppl's bahagianess - priceless.
For everything else, there's Mastercard.
so did u actually bring a girl out for steamboat?? i smell a scandal. hehehe :p the boss and the secretary?!?!?! *gasp*
maniacz: ehh i wasn't wearing a giorgio armani suit!!!
suicidal: hah! she's not my secretary ... i've asked her many times to be my secretary but she refused...
boss, you've asked her to be your secretary, but have you asked her to be your sexytary?
Correction :
Pasar Malam "Ah Beng" suit - RM20
Ciplak Desire Blue Perfume - RM 5
Stealing other ppl's bahagianess - priceless.
For everything else, there's Mastercard.
mebbe you're not "persuasive" enough to Linsey.
fei: if secretary she dun agree already... sexytary mah sure die
maniacz: ehh... u try persuade and see.. i gif up di
let master MaN|acZ show u da way...
*kung fu stance*
eh you are going out with all the hot chicks ... aihhh ...
Gong Hei Fatt Choy
maniacz: show show! hahaha if u can convince her i buy u coffee
kukujiao: where got lor!!! gong xi fa cai to u too
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