I looked around desperately for a souvenir stand in the airport only to find a stall that sold FRIDGE MAGNETS!
At first he was open to the idea, so I looked at what was available.. from the top down.
We could buy a fridge magnet of our Tugu Negara, our Penang Bridge, our PROUD PETRONAS TWIN TOWERS, our Becas and our...
At that point Hasan shouted
I told him that I would take him to try the fruit the next time he was around but in the mean time he could settle for a fridge magnet of our wonderful fruit but he refused.
Then it dawned on me... heck.. that is exactly what a rambutan looks like... and we've been eating it all our lives.
I failed to convince him to buy anything in the end.
I'm sorry Tourism Board Malaysia... I HAVE FAILED YOU... :(
Hasan says bye everyone.
He will miss all of you.
Until the next time Hasan...
first first first first!
iv waited oh so long!
yay seriously the year of the boar is going to be good for me haha!
andrew: HAHHA !!! that's the whole point of these kind of posts andrew.. to see how my readers can comment without sounding perverted ahaha
Till next time, Hassan! Btw, I'm one of the few locals that doesn't eat rambutan...I'm saved! :P
el oh el ...
That's a good post. So fulfilling!
Rambutans nice what.. You can sort of cheat him by peeling off the red skin first then let me him taste the flesh inside.. Then after he takes a bite.. Show his the scrotum sack that he ate it from!! Suhh-weeeeeet!
chapree: i don't quite like eating rambutan but i can't say i don't eat it
gwen: so fulfilling? are u being sarcastic?
so in the end he got eat cow's shyt ar? :P
bye hasan. you'll be sorely missed.
and btw you really should've tried those white testicles in hairy red scrotums... bwahahahaha i'm sure boss here would be more than happy to help u with it! heheheheh :p
hasan: haahahah! alright i exaggerated your response a little bit but did I NOT ask you to buy the rambutan fridge magnet and did you NOT refuse saying something along those lines!
infectioner: hahahahahaha u're so sharp .. but no lar
suicidal: yes.. we'll fedex a box to him ok?
bye hasan~!!! hope u had fun in M'sia/Penang being bossed around by boss. we'll revenge you by wrecking his mac ok?
Fine fine, maybe I did say something along those lines. But much less swearing and a lot more making fun of you was involved I'm sure. I miss Penang, and not working. Don't miss the food though. Except Rasa Sayang.
*gasp* he didn't like the food?!?
We despise you... for not missing Penang food~!!! Now everyone... start LOVING the MAC.
william: eh! i didn't boss him around!
hasan: lol!
gwen: yes! he didn't even like soya bean milk
huh... so strange!!!
hasan: the best part abt penang is the food!!! well, for us malaysians. :) maybe our tastes are too different from urs! hehe. i so miss penang food. i need to go back to penang soon!!!
n i like rambutans! hehe. are rambutans only found in this part of the world? what wld the angmohs call it if we exported it to their countries? hahaha.
Well, I liked the steak. And Spice Market. And it not like I "hated" the food. I tried everything damnit! Last time I even tried Durian. Its just I'm a little picky when it comes to food. Just a little. I like Milo Ice and Roti Cheese. And Apon I think its called. And that Indian Noodle thing was not bad. And 1901, although not as good as last time, was still good. I think it just takes a little getting used to
I'm sure Tim will reveal the extent of my food related experiances eventually though. He took photos of everything
You realise for this, I demand a photo of you cupping rambutans lovingly and oh most gently in your large coconut-molesting hands!!!
boss: steady la onzzz we'll fedex something (and maybe a little bit more) like all the penang food he didn't like (!!!) when i go intern. muahahahaha such a crime la to not like penang food. tsk tsk to the gallows!!
gwen: you don't seriously think he'd cup the testicles in hairy red scrotums lovingly do you now.. hahahha more like holding them in disgust by the hairs..
daphne: what's strange?
hasan: hahaha! but i won't post them
gwen: hahahaha... i hear another blogger already did that
suicidal: they're too small for me to cup anyway :P
Who? Who? But I want Hasan to cup em!
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