Not because I've been up all night working or partying but because it is time to announce the soft-launch of my leetle dotcom's website.
Ming consulted a Feng-Shui Master of some sort to come up with a "good date and time" for the launch of the website and unfortunately the good date came out to be 27th of February between 2am-4am.
So to all my dear readers, I now present to you what we've been working on for the past 6 months: Nuffnang

With a fast-growing readership, I found myself spending more and more time blogging so it only came naturally that I began to want to earn some advertising dollar from it.
I initially had a taste of the glamarous ad networks that scour the internet but found disappointment for a few reasons.
i) They didn't pay as much as I hoped for.
ii) I was annoyed that it took so long before I got my USD cheque and even after I received it and banked it in, it would take 2-4 weeks before I get my money (or whatever is left over after the bank has taken its commission).
iii) In some cases, I can't stand being paid in Paypal dollars that I find sooo hard to convert back to cold hard ringgit!
iv) I felt that the ads were often irrelevant to my local readers.
I promised myself that by the time I returned to Malaysia, if nobody had already started a website that brings the blogging community together to achieve the kind of advertising dollar that each blogger on his/her own can't possibly achieve, I would set about to do it.
So with the help of Ming, we started on our journey.
We spent a good deal of our time studying the business models of existing blog advertising networks like Blogads and we observed how most of these networks were set up only to serve advertisers to high-traffic blogs.
Blogs with small-medium sized traffic were neglected and for good economic reasons as well (they were just too small on their own to command any advertiser dollar).
That however, was something both Ming and I were not willing to accept. We envisioned a website that could offer a piece of the action to as many bloggers as we can, even those that have as low as 20 unique visits a day.
Attempting to cover these smaller blogs proved risky but we innovated and built a system that would solve the problems surrounding such an action.
Today, the Beta Version of our website is finally ready to be made public.
Starting from today, we will be gradually opening up our website to the initial group of prominent bloggers who have agreed to be the pioneers of this community (among which are Jeff Ooi, Kenny Sia, XES, Petertan, Rojaks, Shaolintiger, Suanie, Cheeserland, MasakMasak, Smashpop & Gang and a whole lot more).
In the mean time, to all my dear readers, please feel free to join our website and tell us what you think.
Note we're still in a Beta Stage so if you find any bugs, do e-mail us to let us know. And to show our appreciation of you helping us out, we're giving away prizes like an iPod Nano in our monthly lucky draws.

I'll save the rest for the coming blog entries.
Here's the URL
You should post more often on 3 am. That gives me more time to say
Okay, i'll read your post now
Wow that's a pretty sweet idea.. Hope it all goes well!
And I love the ad below ^^
7am and still nobody up over there? Sheesh, I guess I'll take 3rd as well...
Hope you'll post more about Nuffnang, I'm very curious as to how you're going to do it. I guess I could check out the link, but I'd rather spam here :P
hahah j/k, site looks good too (because of the chicks of course ^^)
good job boss... you've got our support all the way.
Supporting you in all times!
william: thanks very much dude!
meekie: :P awww thank uu
Congratz and good luck. I registered edi :p
I hope I wasn't too harsh on you till you decided to revamp the netccentric website...sorry.
Congratulation for the launching!
All the best, man!
Signed up dude!
cely: thanks for your support cely!
anonymous: dude! definitely not too harsh. we were never quite confident with the website that web dev company came up with in the first place and we were thinking of what to do with it. Your comment made me realize that taking it down for now would be best. I should be thanking you for your feedback instead of you apologizing. I love constructive criticism, and that is exactyl what you gave me yesterday. Thank you and do feel free to voice more of your thoughts.
bryan: thanks dude
dr.tan: ahh really appreciate it! thanks dude
why when I cannot sleep you don't update, and when I can finally fall asleep early you update?!?!?!
hmmm..what about those sites with less than 20 unique visits? heeeee =P
i havent signed up!! but i think its such a neat idea! wahh this makes me so proud of u n ming! heh! malaysia boleh! (ok la singapore also, since ming is frm sg hahaha)
ok i wil sign up ONCE my exam is over tmr!!!!!!! (cos if i sign up now i sure cant study, muz chk out everything abt nuffnang)
ps write abt how u got the name. it sounds strange to me. hahah..
fly: well u can still sign up but we're not sure if we can find advertisers for you :P...
daphne: hahaha yes yes thanks daphne... i'll write bout how we came about with the name in time to come
More hawt models :p introduce them 2 us taoke ~
no invite to launch party meh?
Congrats and the very very best for the company!=)
Congratulations buddy! May your business be fruitfull and bountifull like coconuts.
I like what you've done with the site, kudos.
the logo's damn cute! and the overall layout of the website is very very friendly to impatient people like me. I'd sign up but my sad sad blog isn't going to be of much support anyway. I'll just stick to toking kok here. :p Ganbatte boss! HoOOoooOOoOOoo
arsky: hehehe okok
bunny: no launch party ar bunny.. this is just a soft launch
may: thank u thank u :P
hasan: really? thanks dude
suicidal: aww thanks so much for the feedback
jason: hahahaha u know.. i should show u that the lucky draw really is random based on the number of lots u have.. there is no function that allows us to manually input a winner.
I'm not really sure whether my blog has 20 or not, since it's more of a personal blog. Sad :(
How about >10? hmm .. need to generate traffic..
which means.. need more friends!! wuu..
Will you be my fwen~?
i've signed up and pasted the code but i can't see the banner which directs ppl to the website. :(
anyway, great idea! Hope you'l make it big!
it's working fine now! I hope i can maintain my minimum average of 20 unique visitors to get this thing working, hehe.
wah lauuuu fulamak fwuah!!
kacho kachi!!
respect respect :)
as u know, i dont blog and thus, i cant join in on the fun :( :( :(
i do have friends who blog alot, and i was wondering if i can just pass the site to them?
do u think the sentence "wanna earn money thru bloggin?" is too cheesy of an attraction?
hehehehe cause thats wat i wanna use to get them to sign up ;)
u know, u should have like a reward system boss, many ppl u intro equals money HAHAHA
just a thought, pls dont block my comment HAHAH :)
congrats boss!! all da best to u!! =)
ares: hahah yes i will be your friend
jlshyang: our server has been suffering from a bit of an overload... never expected so many bloggers to come up and join so some things are little unstable at the moment.. we'll working on it.. :P this is what the beta stage is for :P
andrew: hahaha i won't block ur comment lar!!!
jason: pls lar.. who want to interview me
pj: thanks thanks :P
boss ah boss, can i join also r? if i help advertise ur nuffnang, will u buy me lunch r? hahaha.
All the best to your nuffnang. may it flourish and the "beta" can be removed. hehehe.
Boss, Boss, I just joined. Din receive the activation email geh? Does nuffnang violate adsense r?
Great job, I already signed up
boss, boss, can i suggest something r? in the login page hor, can u change it a bit that after i key in my login name/email and when i "tab" it goes to the "password" and not the "login" button r? just a piece of my thought.
andy: you should have received it. Did you check your spam? Which mail service do you use? It shouldn't even be going into spam.
ummizz: thank you so much for the support
i just received. lol
andy: it didn't go into spam did it?
din go to spam. rest assured. hehehe.
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