Jasemaine is the talented girl who designed the hamster and even the banner for Tuitionhamster.com

Skinny hamsters are not cute!
It was an almost impossible task for her to do since the cutest hamster in the world had already been drawn ie Hamtaro (which is still not as cute as Ah Bop btw).

But I must say I was pretty impressed by whatever she came up with (although some bastard friends of mine think that the hamster looks more like a bear... IT'S A HAMSTER DAMMIT!!!).
Jasemaine went on to say
" Ya know, I thought the tuitionhamster.com was a college project at first! I didn't know it was a real business untill I read an article about it in the newspaper one day! :)"
I corrected her.
The truth is that it was and still is a college project meant to help whatever teachers and students we could and NOT an actual internet business.
Actual internet businesses make money... and they charge commissions to make money! Tuitionhamster till today is totally free!

We've had potential buyers who were interested in taking over the website but we resisted since we knew it would stop being free to our current users.
The website has been left on auto-pilot for the past one year and since then the count of teachers have grown to over 530.
Unfortunately, some teachers signed up with us have complained that they haven't gotten any students through us. But we have seen other teachers receive plenty of tuition requests through our website and all for free!

That is what we set out to do in the beginning and I can comfortably say we achieved that we considerable success (considering the tiny budget of RM1,700 including the web hosting that we paid for in advance for the next 3 years and we had and the full-time jobs we had back then).
Anyway, Jasemaine sounded a little awkward in saying this but she e-mailed me to tell me about a charity event happening on the 11th of February 2007.

After telling me about the charity event she went on to say
" Would it be possible for you to highlight this event in yourupcoming blog entry? Your support is much appreciated! If you can't,it's totally alright."
Now I think that is a rather silly question!
Why wouldn't I want to mention a blog entry on a charity event? (something I'm sure my kind-hearted readers would be very interested to hear about too right?)
I'm sure even you guys would love to hear about it right?
So here are the details.
Hearts N Lightbulbs Valentine Event

The charity home we're helping: St. Jerome Home, a home to 18 children
age 2-16 years, taken care solely by Brother Peter. St. Jerome Home is
in urgent need of a washing machine and funds for the children's
school fees.
in urgent need of a washing machine and funds for the children's
school fees.
Or you could check out their website here.
We do what we could to help the less fortunate people.
Anyway...the hamster looks cute! Who said it looks like a bear...must be having cock eyes. haha...
*rub eyes* I was the first. kakakaka.. yeah!
HOLY SHIT I WENT TO HELP COLLEGE WITH ZAL AND SANG WITH HER IN OUR MUSIC APPRECIATION CLASS!!! muahahaha crap ... if you see her, pls tell her Gwen from ADP says hi and ask her where is Puffy! hahahaha
meekie: YAY! i love my hamster too
gwen: hahahaha but i'm not going
tuitionhamster so the cute! how could anyone compare that hamster to a big gruffy bear? that would be like comparing ah bop and boss. bwahahahahahahaha :p
oh oh oh oh!!! 5th!!
and 6th!!!!! :D:D:D
ah bop is not cute!
cute is UGLY but adorable....ah bop is fat fat and adorable! so by definition, ah bop is huggable!!
ah bop i luppppp yewwwww!!
ah bop is cute but my hello kitty is cuter (and BIGGER) than ah bop. haha...
Ah bop looks sad.. He looks.. deprived. *glares disapprovingly at Boss*
I can't go for the charity event.. >< Well at least I'm doing my part of charity. Frequenting the Old Folks' Home nearby my school..
Yah heard about this from Albert too, might go along.
the hamster is cute duh :D
compared to our initial drawings..... hmmmm
boss we fail as artists
suicidal: LOL
e-fei: ehh ehh dun get so attached to ah bop ar! he's mine!
daphne: hmph.. prove it! lemme see ur hello kitty
mae: he's not sad.. in fact.. that's a picture of ah bop many months ago.. he's lost some weight then.. keeping fit
shaolin: great :P for charity it is!
ei... brandon bought me the same doggie ler... hehehe.. cute cute
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