Young people went there to shop and more importantly... to try the yummy yummy junk food.

While the Taiwanese have lovely lovely munchies like these sugar coated munchies

So listen to Boss Stewie when he says this.

When the girls asked us where we wanted them to take us, we told them that we wanted to eat all sorts of Taiwanese food... especially the deserts.
All of them were quick to say that we had to try this thing which directly translated to English means "Smelly Tofu".
Now at first I thought smelly was like.. durian or garlic... smelly to some people.. but delicious to others, especially me!
And Boss Stewie lurrrrvess tofu, so I made sure they took me to a stall that sold the famous "Smelly Tofu".
Thus while walking down the streets of the street market, we came across this store selling the "Smelly Tofu".

I was excited myself!
I lurrrveeeeee tofu... and if the Taiwanese love "Smelly Tofu" and I love the Taiwanese then I love "Smelly Tofu" too.
I removed it from it's paper wrapping and slowly took a bite.

It had a very unique taste to it at first... then after a while I began to taste something different but I couldn't seem to pin-point what it was exactly.
Then I looked over at my brother who asked me how it tasted and then went on to take his own first bite.
I knew exactly how to describe it but I didn't know if I should say it in front of my newly made friends.
So I said
"It tastes like.... uhmmm... "
By then my brother had tasted it and had the disgust in his face.
He completed my sentence for me
"SHIT..... it tastes like SHIT!".

"YEAH!!! It tastes like SHIT!!! LITERALLY !!! I've never eaten shit before but I'm pretty sure this is what it would taste like.".
Our Taiwanese girl friends burst out laughing upon hearing us say that.
Then I asked them why the hell they brought a bunch of tourists to eat something that tastes like shit!
But they went on to say
"EH!!! 很好吃的!!!" (Very nice wan!!!)
So there you have it everyone.
When in Taipei, please stay away from the "Smelly Tofu".

You gotta love Taiwan.
PS: Apparently the "Smelly Tofu" is actually an acquired taste. Just like blue cheese or even durian.
1st again!!! woo yeah
maybe i am ... ahah.. or I'm just at the right place the right time.
I can imagine the smell will stick on you for the rest day+night....
(Not a very sexy scent though, is it?)
(Or maybe it's very attractive to Taiwanese girls?)
wuih Boss... smely tofu damn nice wuihhh, u go and waste food... the last time i went Shanghai, if not for the bus was going to chao, i would've bought more to eat... (we were allowed to bring on the bus though :P )
you cant find those good quality ones back at home.
maniacz: are u really? :P
J: yes.. possibly the scent of love to some taiwanese girls :P
william: do i need to say it again... CONFUCIUS SAY... MAN WHO EAT .....
Boss: yah. i am really. at the right place the right time.
tell your friend.. resistance is futile....as long I'm here, ur fren can't be the first poster..
But... but... it looked so appetizing... like a hashbrown... =(
hi Boss!! Long time since I last posted.. T_T well chao taufoo is indeed an aquired taste but not tantan mee!! (i think that's what its called) I just came back from macau and darn the tantan mee there is good :P anyways.. merry christmas boss!! :D
maniacz: LOL!!!
lance: trust me.. don't!
belinda: ah... i see.. u must've acquired the taste pretty quickly then :P
mae: hey! nice to have u back here! merry christmas to u too
gyaa~ i lurve smelly tofu =P
merry x mas in advance to everyone.
Confucius said: Man who eats smelly tofu gains more popularity with cute Taiwanese chix.
how about that!
Belinda must've tried putting those things in the microwave. Can't imagine the smell lingering there for sooo long. Anything u cook with it, smells of shit.
p/s: shit rawks
Does it "smell" like shit or "tastes" like shit?? =P
As far as I know, I've tried the "chau tau fu" in Shanghai and yes it does Smell like shit but it was really good! Haha...
Well I guess it's just one of them food where, it's either you like them, or hate them. Like Durian!~!
belle: merry xmas to u too belle :P
suicidal: i think the reverse is more likely to occur.. ur clients will leave and never pick up your calls again
william: are u questioning confucius's wisdom?
little ray: hahahaha i didn't think people would actually find it funny but i'm glad u do :P
andrew: hahaha again i'm gonna say that i didn't think people would actually find it funny but i'm glad u do
ahpau: yeah!! durian is an acquired taste too.. and yes it doesn't particularly smell like shit but it most certainly tastes like it
Your sister is too freakin hot.
Looks like you had a blast in Taiwan. My friend also went for a week and was back by the time I got back from Savannah, GA. She didn't have anything nice to say about her tour group but she mentioned Taiwan is a lot of fun. Wish I spoke Mandarin. The balls on top look like kushidango ... and I think you should ENCOURAGE your readers to try smelly tofu.
You never know, when someone will repay you for your kind suggestion.
got to agree with maniac being ...a stalker.. but what the heck..
yeah been through that stinky experience when i was in HK.. it stinked so bad.. i had to walk a street far away from it.. i couldnt even bare the smell of it.. better yet put that piece of tofu in my mouth...
then i saw this pretty good looking guy and with him was his pretty looking gf... holding hands and the other holding a 'chow tau foo' and i was... eww.. they are not gonna kiss right? like grosss!!!!!
but bet you had fun in taiwan.. not my place to go cos i cant speak mandarin..
gwen: lol! i'll tell my sister that u think she's hot.. lol!!!
shireen: hahahaha... so you put the tofu in your mouth so that you won't have to smell it? ... hmm.. that's one way of getting rid of the smelly tofu... i was soo unoriginal.. all i did was throw it away :(
eh boss, one must think out of the box. maybe not all that confucius said would be true.
ah pau: that's da way. smelly tofu rawks~!!! lemme rephrase, shanghai/taiwanese smelly tofu rawks... m'sian smelly tofu sux
william: malaysia has smelly tofu? where?
Haha, I know the Klang pasar malam does! ;)
did u go to seduce club??
had them twice in m'sia. once at pasar malam over at Sri Petaling, another at pasar malam at connaught.
alynna: oh please don't try it!
invisible: hahaha no unfortunately i dind't :(
william: and... u liked it?
Stewie.... errr i didnt even buy the tofu.. there are many things i regretted not doing in HK but... i dont think i regret not eating a chow tofu.. i seriously couldnt believe you ate it..
i salute you.. hhahahah i think i would rather die than asked to eat something i dont like.
to alynna and william.. i dont think you have experienced the wafting aroma of the original stink bomb tofu.. it's far more different than the ones you most probably rarely can find in malaysia.
no no .. it's not the same... serious..
shireen: lol i've never tried malaysian smelly tofu before
the 1 i tried in HK smell n taste like shit n cost me HKD 5
hahaha! you're one funny man lah boss. belinda and me tried the one from connaught, cheras. and we heated the heavenly smelling tofu in the microwave...go figure. LOL!!!
sigh. jialat. sigh.
invisible: yes.. how does it feel to have paid for shit once in your life
al: lol... you should've been arrested for heating smelly tofu in the microwave al :) !!!
shit happens
Boss: i liked the smell, dun like the texture of the tofu.. not original
Shireen: yes i did try the Real McCoy, when i was in Shanghai 2 years ago. And its like some of them put it, 'heavenly'. The smell, you can detect the entire street away. Luurvee it!
William you have some real serious problems...
stewie: dont think u wanna eat that anymore huh.
You have just reminded me...My friends and I tried this in JB, really is disgusting, even up to the next morning we had to go to the toilet!
wait a minute, its not THAT bad rite? I love smelly tofu, Malaysian version though.
not that smelly/shitty la ... like normal tofu plus some diff smell only ... :)
if u gonna date a girl
make sure u dont eat it ealier
or the girl will run really fast like forest gump
and u will never see her again ..haha
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