Thursday, January 11, 2007

Hilary Duff The Virgin

I just ONLY recently read an article about Hilary Duff proclaiming to the world that she is a virgin and will be one until she gets married.

Which is great and nice to see another girl being so determined to keep her virginity (correct me if I'm wrong but Britney Spears once said that as well right?).
But I have a problem.

My problem is that I don't have enough faith in people sometimes.

Whenever I hear something about someone, I won't believe it until I see some form of proof!

So I spent 5 minutes looking around the internet for proof and look what I found.
A picture of Hilary Duff with her see-through handbag that has a little plastic packet inside with title of "Trojan".

Now correct me if I'm wrong but Trojan is a well-known brand for condoms in the US.

But then again.. we could be wrong.. maybe that's not a condom.

Maybe Trojan recently diversified its business to go from condoms into making little sugar packets for people to add into their coffee and Hilary brings it around with her just in case her coffee is not sweet enough... right?
Of course, having a condom in her bag doesn't exactly mean she's not a virgin.

But if you are so determined to NOT "DO IT" until you're married... why would you keep that in your bag?

That's like Chow Yun-Fatt (The God of Gamblers) going to a poker table and saying
And then going on to say

Or in other words... not putting your money where your mouth is.

I don't know... what do you guys think?


Anonymous said...

OOoooooooh..... first!!


Anonymous said...

Ahhhhh... dammit...

I was wrong... not the first..


PP said...

Britney went from being a purported virgin to having 2 kids in quick sucession. Hilary should have made her declaration AFTER destroying the jelly bag and pictures showing it. lol...

Anonymous said...

i suppose this is part of the marketing to market herself? ahha..

a virgin in front of TV..

Anonymous said...

haha maybe she is simply an ambassador for TROJAN! lol.

Boss Stewie said...

frostier: hahaha! what a way to look at it

tasha: HAHAHA poor u.. late by just one minute

paris: yeah hahaha

cely: yeah... but people hate marketing that's based on lies

daphne: ah that's another explanation to think about

electronicfly said...

i believe ms duff is just trying to gain the press's attention and does so by mimicking ms spears.

I won't be surprised if news of her banging her then boyfriend comes out in the news.

Anonymous said...

Nowadays, these kind of thing very hard to believe ler.
Ok la...I give some face, maybe the condom for his sister or mother. XD

Kiss my ass said...

maybe .... she is helping trojan promote leh.. ....

i mean........ ... i carry condoms too........ i just put them for display cos it's cool :x

Anonymous said...

sorry la dude it's been mentioned before that the condom was photoshopped onto the photo.

Boss Stewie said...

e-fei: yeah i think that's what most poeple would think

chapree: for the mother!?!?? AUUGGHH NOOOoooOOooo get that image out of my mind!!!

shireen: yeah i carry them too.. just uhmm.. to pretend that... i uhmm.. get laid...

anonymous: WHAT?!? NOOOoooooo!!!

Anonymous said...

at the risk of sounding like a morally decadent slut, i really think virginity is overrated where she comes from. i agree with you boss! though i eat my words if they photo was really photoshopped. :p

Joash Chan said...

isn't Trojan a title of a movie? They look like movie tickets to me...

AhPau said...

She denied having proclaimed that she's still a was only exaggerated by the media, so it seems...

Anonymous said...

And it took me 5 minutes to find that apparently, the picture you found is photoshopped.

If you look at the top left corner of the little box, there's this something like a patch of skin or goodness knows what that's not in the bigger photograph.

But only Hilary Duff, a man (or lack thereof) and God will know whether she is virgin or not.

Nie said...

i dont really think so she's a virgin lor.
8 years with joel madden from good charlotte and the poor dude (he's in his late twenties) gets no sex? (or maybe he visited some hookers, but whatever)


definitely not virgin

Anonymous said...

SHE'S A VIRGIN FOR SURE AT LEAST FOR NOW....Its really how long that guy wants to keep that thing under his pants..

I mean seriously its HILLARY DUFF!!!

Jess said...


Boss Stewie said...

joash: hahaha noo.. google "trojan condoms" and see what you get

ahpau: oh... how convenient to blame it on the media... there's no smoke without fire.. rite? :P

anonymous: ahh you're right! dammit... no more hilary duff bashing...

babybluey: yeah.. good point!

gin: how u know it's 'for sure'?

jess: alright alright so it is photoshopped

Anonymous said...

aiya...she juz wanna play with a balloon.
what is wrong with that?

Boss Stewie said...

lol mengz

Anonymous said...

i am no hillary's fan but its a fake..

Boss Stewie said...

loves: sniff

Anonymous said...

the article in which you are talking about, hilary said later that she would not discuss her virginity in public, and that she said none of that.

and also, i dont have a link, but that picture was a doctored photo. there is one out there that doesn't have a trojan in it, someone doctored it and put the trojan in.

Anonymous said...

i've seriously been inspired. LAST!!!!! MUAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

Anonymous said...

boss.why dont you go test her yourself whether shes virgin or not?not harm trying eh.

Anonymous said...

This is the original Trojan.

But this pic is awesome!

Virgin or not she's hot :D

Anonymous said...

Look here Mr. Smarty Pants. Hilary Duff's Yes, I repeat Ms. Hilary Ann Duff, the famous international lady of teen pop music. I have access to her.

The picture where you pointed the trojan, the one standing next to her is the guy- Aaron Carter, the guy whom Hilary and Linsay Lohan had been fighting for.

The point that she is not a virgin is not true. She has broken up with Joel Madden, her latest celebrity boyfriend but she still has her virginity.

I have heard her once saying in a tv show "I wish I was Britney Spears." That was then, it was just a line she had to say while acting in Lizzie McGuire.

Check out my blog.

Anonymous said...

I have lost contact with her recently just before I bought her latest album. When the "Stranger" music video came out, I doubt she could stay a virgin for long. I mean I saw her in the video, a very different Hilary.... She has now became a seducive figure. Joel has a baby with Nicole Richie but I think she has more under her sleeve....I'm beginning to doubt she's innocent like you. Yo, can send me your e-mail?

Anonymous said...

Maybe she still thinks that Britney could do no wrong?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

wei........... im a big fan of her.. =.=

anyway, this picture is fake didnt u know? it was on the news loooooong time ago.. it was created by some mexican guy.. duno what sha.. sha.. something.

btw, it's been so long and she's still not like lindsay lohan.. see? good girl. *beams*