The Wynn is slightly more expensive than the Venetian only because the Venetian is running on a promotion but on the outside the Wynn didn't look as impressive as the Venetian so I didn't keep my hopes up.
The good news though, is that the Wynn had more rooms available, so the staff there managed to give us an upgrade to a bit of a suite.
When you walk into the suite, this is exactly how it looks like.
Once you walk in and look behind you, you'll see the front door right in front of you.
To your left is a small toilet.
Not a nice looking picture, but still a picture :P
And yes I know my glasses aren't supposed to be on but hey, I wasn't really having a massage.
Can't afford to have someone over just to give me a nice massage.
Anyway, back to the living room.
The cool thing about the living room apart from the view of the hotel swimming pool down below,
and a small dining table at another corner.
Now get this.
When you stand in the middle of the living room, you'll see mirrors on the ceiling.
Bwahahahah how cool is that!
Perfect for the ideal living room shag.
The bedroom itself hasn't got anything particularly fancy
But how many bathrooms have... TVs in them for you to watch news while taking a bath?
It's not whether you use it or not... but it's the luxury of having the OPTION of using it!
Bwahahah hahaha hahaha
The other smaller things I learned to like about the room are simple things like how the hotel phone is cordless.
And how there's this little stereo set.
But there is one thing though that I don't like about Wynn.
They charge for internet access!
HK$ 160 for 24 hours!
Apart from that I quite like our room at Wynn.
I love red couches... I had a few in one of my flats when I was living in London.
They make me feel... all yuppie and all.
Now before any of you thinks that my father owns Genting or something... let me tell you that we kinda got that room for free ok? We didn't pay for it. I'm not loaded.. I wish I were... but oh well...
boss... are you back to reality or still livin da vida loca in Macau?
and if Wynn is slightly more expensive than the Venetian...
*long pause*
you ARE still loaded...
(ignoring the disclaimer)
Oh wow...i wish i could stay in hotels like that :D Yeah i agree with you about the red couches. I have a red Osim massage chair, guess it works the same coz it makes me feel happy and cheerful :P
jac: hah... well don't forget that i got a promotional rate for the venetian..
veronicle: i lup my red couches :P hehehe
that was quick! i only got to see your blog earlier and now got update...makes it seem like "wah! update super the fast!"
Wynn...what a name. Does it stand for something?
One friend is called Wyn (short for Selwyn) and another Winne. The hotel owner's name is Wynn?
The disclaimer futher proves "rich gets richer" theory, right or not boss stewie? *hahaha* :P
i miss your red couch boss wahaha
CS and wine and the red couch, excellent combi
btw fer, if i'm not mistaken the owner is steve wynn another las vegas tycoon.
fer: hehehe wynn is named after the owner Steve Wynn... he owns a few hotels in Las Vegas including the old one Mirage.
boss: yah yah.. my boss is right
*peeks out from coconut shell*
fer: what's that mean wor?
looks more like a presidential suite (then again how would i know?)'re disgustinG!
not loaded... How I wish I am as 'UNLOADED' as you are. Yup.
Your dad didn't own Genting but you own Nuffnang !!
kimberly: why? it's free!
nicole: aww cummon!
gila: wah u think Nuffnang makes millions ar?
wow...i like the living room so much...looks just like my dream house though..
kimfei: hehehe ur dream house sure bigger wan ler
can i errr, murder you and boss ming and take over nuffnang? bwahahahahahaha.
*bubble bursts and falls back to reality*
oh well. lol.
You should have just called these last two blog posts: "Welcome to my Crib" (for the last few days)
Aren't you living the life style. Damn cunnnnnn. Don't you wish you can live like that forever. :P
iyeeeee...timmmmyyyyyy...not fair la...we all are working hard and saving $$$$ for that kinda vacation, and bugger! you get to stay there for free!!!! what did you do for that? getting pimped meh? lol......(sulking in corner)
U r soooo lucky! Wah big bathroom can do a lot of 'activities' there! Got TV somemore so can watch & do also! Wah u r sooooo 'unloarded'!!! Cumon post up ur 'activities'! He! He! Have a nice day bossy!
u.....uuuuu...u u..
big fat rich boi! hmmmpf!
big fat rich uncle!
beautifully: eh no point.. nuffnang nothing wan ... hehehe
leon: lol... kenot cheat wan ler that wann.. hehehe
cheng: yah i wish!
william: what tipu?
ricci: hehe i was just lucky ler
hor ny: hahaha no activites there ler .. unfortunately :(
belle: *SNIFF* yes it's true.. i'm a fat bum
Rich freak... naaa jk..
What a life you have, enjoying the nice things :P
TIm, How did your dad get that room free?
Me want one also T.T
Or well..
wat lucky? ur luck nvr runs out one la...jeles...damn bathroom sum more...aiyo...u knw wat, i save tat bathroom image n got it printed out, paste it on my office cubicle.keep dreaming tat am enjoying luxurious bubble bath...
p/s: its ricci's chica NOT ricci...
u r so lucky.. =p
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