Monday, December 10, 2007

3 Secrets Of A "Well-Endowed" Lady

A few days ago, Joel and I met up with a friend who works at an international lingerie brand whom I shall refer to here as Sarah.

Sarah was telling us all about lingerie, everything from the different kinds of product lines they have to the types of bras ladies wear in different parts of the Asian region.

Take for example, women in Hong Kong buy (and wear) different type of bras that women in Taiwan and women in Malaysia and Singapore. Women in Taiwan apparently like to wear flowery or over the top kind of designs like this.

Whereas women in Malaysia for example stick to the conservative skin colour or black bras.

Anyway halfway through our lesson on lingerie, she went on to say
"Hey do you know that all my models who model for our products are very slim and yet have very big boobs".

Naturally, Joel and my reaction was
"YAU MOU?!?!?!"

And she assured us that it was true.

We asked
"Eh maybe you could introduce us to some of those models so we can verify"

But she said
"Nice try guys".

Anyway she went on to say that it really isn't very hard for a girl to have big boobs and she gave us 3 theories in which a girl can go about to grow her own boobs.

Of course, I just had to verify each of those methods so I consulted one of my blog readers that I recently happened to meet lately.

Meet Dr. Mike Lai who graduated with a medical degree from the UK.So I'm going to present the 3 methods and whether they have any scientific proof behind it at all from Dr Mike.

Theory Number 1: Eat plenty of fishSarah says "If you want to grow big boobs, you have to eat plenty of fish. Look at the average Japanese girls, why are they so well endowed, because they eat a lot of seafood".

Dr Mike says "There isn't any scientific proof to back that claim up."

Theory Number 2: Drink plenty of milk

Sarah says "You should always drink a lot of milk during your menstrual time".

Dr Mike says "Again there is no scientific proof to back this up but this doesn't necessarily mean it's not true. It could just be from a lack of research because there isn't so much of a financial gain that anyone can get from doing a research on this".

Theory Number 3: Have your bf fondle your boobs.

Sarah says "Shag more often and have your bf fondle your boobs as much as you can.".

HAHAHAHA Can you imagine that?!?! I promise you all that she really really said that!

I bet many of you guys now are praying that this theory will turn out to be true and here's what the Doctor explains.

Dr Mike says "Yes in theory this could work because the more you fondle a boob the more you stretch the ligaments which hold it into place which then in the long run makes your boobs grow bigger. However, if you really want to grow your boobs this way you're going to need to do a LOT of fondling. Like 3-4 hours a day!"

At this point of reading my blog entry, I'm sure many of the guys who read this will be thinking

And many of the girls will be thinking
"Shit.. I better make sure my bf doesn't see this entry".



-blake- said...

my well endowed friends swear that papaya milk works.

Jacquelyn Ho said...


Boss Stewie said...

blake: HAHAHA... Lets see what Dr. Mike Lai has to say about that.. but i doubt it works.

jac: what what? :P

pinksterz said...

O. M. G.


pendekarwanitabermatapanda said...

Well I do hope that myth works for you guys, since as we all know, there is noooooo method to make a man's tool longer. =D

Oh, and #4 is, make yourself fat, that sure add some fat to that part (not advisable tho)

Boss Stewie said...

pink: lol :P

pendekar: ehh.. i always get all this penis enlargement e-mail spam.... so i'm sure that's somewhere a man could look if he's not confident of his size

Nicole said...

sarah~~~ o~~~~~~ :D *wink wink*

princessladyjane said...

Im the type that likes to wear colourful sexy colored bra... makes me feel sexier and my the other half turned on... ehehheee....

and about boobs turning big, i guess its basically ur diet that makes it big and the weather... cause most angmohs have big boobs... they eat loads of red meat and they have nice 4 seasons weather... :) just my stupid thinking ^_^

Super Gentleman said...

ooooohhhhhh..... any1 looking for boob enlargement?? free boob massage 3-4 hours daily... super gentleman is up for grabs (*pun intended*)... LOL...

Alex said...

Waseh! O_O"

Cheng Chun said...

You have made many lady enemies boss. You better run soon enough. Lol. And you might get hate mails too. :P

Twinkle said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said... come Boss is so excited in this post ah?

has he been deprived of something? *grin grin*


ZB said...

can work or not wan the 3 tips?

Boss Stewie said...

nico: OI!

princess: so staying in air-conditioned offices all the time doesn't count as cold weather does it

super: LOL!!! you're so goign to get flamed dude hahaha

baby: what do you want me to recommend?

alist: hahaha

cheng: hahahaha no lar.. i shouldn't get in trouble right.. just sharing what a lady friend taught me.

freethinker: hehehe

twinkle: haha!! ok fine we should add those in the list

victor: hahahaha.. no i haven't been deprived :P

liyiester: number 3 can work.. scientifically hehe

Horny Ang Moh said...

Hi Bossy! The last wan I did that all the time but gf nen nen still very 'small' wan! Maybe I should do more then usual & see can get bigger or not!Btw did u received my email from Samantha? U ask ur friends for bra ads??
Have a nice day!

Boss Stewie said...

hor ny: hahahaa hor ny! you're so funny! eh what e-mail did you send Sam? She's on a long Christmas leave.

Belle said...

timmy its a myth bout the chabobo dont work.
its actually in the genes.if your mom/aunt/grandma have big boobies thn you'l have big boobies.if not thn..kesian


Unknown said...

no wonder la boss so excited.....becos samantha is on long christmas leave.

boss must be missing her very much.....


oh btw, u said u were not deprived, so with who ah?

Weird Dan said...

omg!!! this is so so so funny.. hahahah... I really got to try that third theory. Now where can I find one :D

ck AE76 said...

no wonder its getting bigger and bigger....

I am talking about my belly... haha... seems like I fondle my belly too much har??

eyries said...

choongkeat : lol!!!! haha! i tot ur boobs wtf!

boss : lol. majority women prolly like the simple ones, but more liberal ones dare to try diff types. thats why u see shops like xixili, la senza and women's secrets... sure there are some who like the pink corsettes they sell there... heh.

thin gf's with big boobs... subsequently get backache. just imagine la.

p.s. i eat lots of fish and drink lots of milk... swt... however... hmmm...

BaBy_oN_BoArd said...

Big boobs big boobs, those with small 'nene'... for sure, i will ask them read this blog and try it c whether works or not.... Christina Aguilera sure practicing these theories everyday.. No wonder.... xxxx

Anonymous said...

Hahaha go find yourself a case study

Boss Stewie said...

belle: haih.. why would i leave with Sam huh?

vic: please lar!!

daniel: hahaha dude!!!

eries: I can get used to looking at my gf in pink lingerie

baby: hahahaha!

KY said...


kimfei said...

haha.. i like the last sentence..but the third method i think is work lor..coz i read it from some magazine as well..dun ask me why i read that..btw..boss,last friday i saw u at the curve there,u really walk fast huh..the moment i realise it was you,then you already lose in the crowd..ishh

Accyee said...

Jolin Tsai said to eat more BEEF! HAHA.

Boss Stewie said...

ky: lol!

kimfei: yes i walk very fast wan... all my ex gfs used to complain they had to keep up with me... why never come say hi lar!

abby: oohhhh..!!! good advice

BaBy_oN_BoArd said...

kimfei: u noe y boss walk so fast? he is famous nw, so he wanna escape from others that asking for signature. Lolz....... (after writing this post)

Boss Stewie said...

baby: pls lar! i not fehmes lar

chocolat-latte' said...

lucky the bf (ex now) does a good job in the past.


perhaps I should take him for what I have now eh. AHAHAHAHAHA

BaBy_oN_BoArd said...

boss, if u r not famous... hw come gt so many comments in ur post rite??? C... i still calling u BOSS... Hahaha....

Boss Stewie said...

choc: yes.. u should thank him indeed audrey

baby: just.. a few here and there mah

BaBy_oN_BoArd said...

boss: hehehe..... oklaR... just kidding... anyway, happy blogging... CheerS!!!!

Boss Stewie said...

baby: thank u :P cheers

G said...

Wahh Boss Stewie .. SURE BOHH ????? For all the fuss, just silicon it la in BKK. Hahaha

Horny Ang Moh said...

Hi Bossy! Email resent to ur lengmouemail! Have a nice day!

Boss Stewie said...

alex: hahahaha!!! natural nicer mah

hor ny: ohh okokk will chec later

Jasemaine said...

I eat plenty of fish, but... *leaves sentence hanging*

I drink plenty of milk too, but...

The third one... hmmm... no comment... mebbe should start now, ahahah! :P

YT said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
eyries said...

lol... i'd rather die than wear pink. i'm just referring to the fact that they're women with many different tastes. i'd be scared at the thought of a fully pink geared chic. living hello kitty... =__=

Michelle said...

hmm.. not bad post.. i was looking for ways to cup up a size.. ahahhahaa...

how many boobs u have fondled har???

Mike Lai said...

Hey! I thought u were only joking when u said it was blog worthy!! Haha, well good for laughs nevertheless. Doing anything exciting this week? Give me a buzz.

meiphing said...

swtness ! LOL

Stella said...

I heard about the fondling one.. they say womens breasts get bigger when they are suckled. thats why breast feeding mums have bigger boobs

Boss Stewie said...

jasemaine: hahahah jasemaine!!! yes start now... your bf can thank me later

yii: why lar good? :P

michelle: ehehe.. eh dun ask so shy shy a question... *blush*

mike: hahaha! alright dude... quite busy for me this week but call me if anything okie

phingy: kekeke

stella: ohh that true? aww

Anonymous said...


ling ling said...

HAHAHAHA... is tat true?? i think now every guys will worship u la boss...cos they surely definitely like d 3rd theory...:D

Boss Stewie said...

cbb: hahahaha what a loud laugh dude :P

ling: hahaha yes yes... i'll be getting lots of christmas cards this year

JenKin Yat said...

the fondling should be done lying down or standing? or bending down? LOL!

Boss Stewie said...

jenkin.. i think standing up.. but must check with dr lai

Utterly Frustrated said...

apparently the fondling/sucking one is true ;p

Linora 'Aronil' Low said...

Reallly now..... hmmmm thoughts thoughts... ****rolling my eyes in question****

Which one should be tried...Hahahaa... no wonder u asked bout the girl on my post hahaha... you ahhh... i bet u were already on just going through this post :P blehhhhh

Cheng Chun said...

What a storm you are cooking up here Boss. But seriously, I pray for your safety. Nanti, you get all people's gf boobs getting bigger due to this post, they will hunt you down. I dunno man. Hahahaha.

megadisc said...

i want to be well en... tau too