After all the stress and hard work I've been through this week, I think it's nice to finally be able to relax.
I was going to give my readers a surprise about where I was going but I guess the cat's out of the bag ever since KLue magazine came out with a little column about what a few "Personalities" were doing for Christmas.

Heck I never even realized that I was considered a "personality", that's what you call celebrities like JJ & Rudy, Carmen Soo or Kenny Sia.
Not small time bloggers like myself but thanks very much to the guys at KLue for the mention.

Tomorrow I'll be catching a flight to Singapore and hopping on to a ship when I'm there.
Not just any ship, quite a big ship with lots of people.
I think it's called the Royal Caribbean Cruise line.

Funny thing is, for these 5 days, I'm pretty sure I'm not going to have any mobile phone reception.
I never lasted 5 days in my life without a mobile phone... but I guess I'm going to have to get used to it.
At least they still have internet on board so I can still blog onboard the cruise.
So my bag is packed.
My vacation reading picked up.

And my iPod fully charged up.

To all my dear clients especially Mehlin, all my mobile phone calls will be diverted to Nicholas to handle but I'll still be checking my e-mails there every day and I'm expecting to work a couple of hours each day so don't hesitate to drop me an e-mail okay?
Buh-bye everyone!
Will blog more about the cruise when I've left shore.
Ceehh wah wahh.... check out that boat! Can I come? Can I come? hehhee. Have fun on the long break dude!
And who says you don't have a personality. If not people won't be bothered to come here to read. hehe.
don't forget the seasick pills!
and you being featured on KLue does mean that you achieved at least something, right?
aronil: hahaha thanks.. i will have fun... and yes i'm lucky to have a few people here and there read whatever I have to blog about
kristin: no ler.. i'm sure I'll be fine... but worse comes to worse, I'm sure they'll have some pills on board.
Wah Tim, say so earlier la, I have tons of work back here for you.....
I'll be waiting at the port for you when you get back. With my cleaver. For calling me Mehlin.
if this is a HOLIDAY cruise, why are you packing a tie ...
Have a good trip.
Though I think the internet will suck you dry on this trip before the casino can if you plan a few hours on it. My advice. But business comes first eh. :P
Food is good and just go relax la. I believe you should have reception. ;)
willlll missssss youuuuuuuu bosssss.......
nyx: hahaha yah got casino and got formal dinner also
cheng: ahh.. nehmind.. no choice sniff
liyiesther: will miss u guys at the nuffie office too esther
Funny sia, ALL THE WAY then only langkawi and phuket? LOL I was expecting something like Japan or Holland. I mean at least if you want to use ALL THE WAY then a bit out of south east asia right? Tsk tsk tsk. Hao lian.! funnn!! ^^
you dress pretty smart dont you??!...if you are a girl, i expect your baggage size would be twice of yours...hehehe....
anyway...i think you deserve to be a 'personality' because you seem to have a good personality...xD
Royal Caribbean don't often cruise the route of Singapore, Langkawi and Phuket. They are here just for a short period for promotional experience to people in this region to try their cruise experience. :)
Do enjoy this trip, they are one of the best cruise to go on board.
boss, forget about work for the moment, u thoroughly deserve the rest! i'm sure ur clients appreciate your thoughts though ;)
i've been hearing things about ur management style btw. u will be the "new style" management trend starter, mark my words. in any case, MERRY CHRISTMAS BOSS, have a great one!
hahaha yah it's just a short cruise ler.. not to Japan.. that will take longer than 5 days i'm sure :P
solitary: yah... and can u imagine that I'm putting a suit in there too cuz of a formal dinner we're having there
yap: yah yah... quite lucky to get a ticket for that one... will blog about it to share my experience there :P
spinzer: eh what have u been hearing from wherE?
*stunned silence*
Ship big. Ship very big.
i envy :S
I see a space in your bag. Can I get a lift? :P
Eh, family trip or personal trip or couple trip? *hint hint*
I've got no leave to go for any cruise... wat a way for me to spend my days...
enjoy ur holiday ya!
hahahahahha stewie got no phone ... hahahahaha
happy holidaying! c u when u're back. :)
Have a nice trip and Merry Christmas (in advance)!!!
Enjoy your holiday.
No phone? hey, it is more 0% risk of phone exploding.. Appreciate it. LOL!
have fun, dude!!
Actually, there is an ONBOARD Mobile Network with WIFI, using INMARSAT system, and cost a bomb though...
I know cuz did a sailing few mths back.
Anyway, enjoy yr trip..don't waste all your money on the Casino (Think I will BAN you for yr own sake) because there are AH-LONGS on board.
Best Regards
Azrin @
boss stewie, i got the exact same pair of kicks as you. Nike's The Overplay, anyway, have a great holiday =)
have fun boss!!!!
NICE! btw, internet might be VERY expensive there. have fun! =)
Hey! I'm going on the same cruise too :P
how is like there?? i cant wait for ur next post... heee.. i wanna know how is it like to cruise.. my mom did call me to go, but i did not.. no phone line mah vy boring?? @@ i cant imagine that... omg~
latest news is that, they are on the plan to stay for long in the region..
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