Sunday, December 30, 2007

How To Open Luggage Bags That Are Locked

A few days ago, my best friend from the Middle-East, Hasan arrived in KL to visit me again (and to attend Alina's wedding).

The minute I brought him into my quiet KL apartment, he said
"Tim.... I'm going to need some kind of hammer or something... I lost my key for the padlock to my bag and I need to get it open".I gave him a short lecture about how he shouldn't be so careless and bla bla bla but after that went on to say
"Dude.. you don't need a hammer... come let me teach you".

Okay first... take a look at the zipper. The padlock is holding two zippers together right?

Now all you need is not a hammer or anything... but a PEN.

So grab yourself a pen, and with its pointy edge, try to poke a hole in between the teeth of the zipper.
It will go straight through.

Then once your pen is halfway in the bag through the zipper, drag it along the outlines of the zipper to open the rest of the bag.The whole bag will open up.
And voila!

That's all you need to open your bag.

Must kinda make you wonder why people even bother buying those padlocks on luggage bags huh.

Now what if you want to close it?

Simple, just pull on the padlock around the bag and close it up again.
Your bag will look as if it was NEVER opened.

Easy huh!

So whenever you check in baggage at the airport, don't think bad people can't open your bag.

They can not only open your bag, but open it, take whatever they want and close it back just as if it were never opened before.
After our whole exercise Hasan said
"You damn thief! You're gonna teach your readers how to steal too aren't you?"

PS: This really works. It's not a trick. Try it yourself if you don't believe me, it's THAT easy.


ahbeng_style said...

First to comment and a new reader.Wow, learnt something new today! Btw, where did you learn these kind of things? Hehe

ZB said...

noti boss!

pinksterz said...

aiseh ini mesti kes pernah try buka beg orang? o.O

but it will only work if you dont use the number lock! HAH!

Genova said...

boss. damn pro man. it might work too when da pants zipper got stuck.

McGarmott said...

Headline news a few weeks from today: "Increased Incidents Of In-Luggage Theft At KLIA".

Pam Song said...

Haha. My dad showed me the video just 2 days ago. Scary what people think off these days. Tsk tsk. I'm going for the hardcover kind next time. =p

Unknown said...

haha. good one! can perform magic to my friends already. =p

Super Gentleman said...

pro lahh u boss... dun even get it y do u even nid 2 open a dotcom business when u can jz start a lecture for thieves... newbies only... LoL... advanced class mz pay more... huahuahua...

Boss Stewie said...

t.c.: hahaha i watched a video on it

liyie: :P kekeke

pinksterz: don't use the number lock? u mean don't use the padlock?

genova: haha that i've never tried before... fortunately my zipper doesn't get stuck too often

jason: hahahaa... sorry larr. i'm bad influence huh

mcgar: and that wouldn't be my fault rite?

pamsong: hahahaha.. yeah hardcover always safer... but heavier also

jimmy: lol! yah

super: heheheh yeah... good idea huh.. mebe that's what i'll do when i retire

Nicole said...

i wish they did that to my bag when i flew to bangkok.. T_T instead they slice open my bag with a knife and took my camera...

Anonymous said...

Hahahahahha WHY IS MY BOSS LIKE THIS. I want to work in airport security now. I can so imagine Hasan saying that to you in his dead-pan way

haan said...

(not related to this post)

should/can u enable site feed for this blog? thanks.

Tine said...

And the moral of the story is: ditch all your zippy-lock bags because ze boss has just revealed to the world that a padlock is simply useless against theft :p

pinksterz said...

err... i mean the number lock on bags lah. you know the 3 number pin thingy so the zip cannot be moved wan. -.-

i dont know what its called leh.

Unknown said...

wow interesting stuff man. Thanks for sharing.

Cheng Chun said...

Safe or not boss telling the world like that. Nanti I have paranoia of travelling when I check in all my luggages one. :( Hehe.

Kiss my ass said...

what the heck... LAST!!!

Hui Yi said...

Wow, so smart. Luckily my bag is with number lock. Haha. Can't open simply with this method.

[fong88] said...

sounds so experience huh...:P

Anonymous said...

wow interesting! gosh makes you think how unsafe it can be!

bet boss stole it before huh =P

MuFFy said...

haha!! how many times have you lost your key?

bidarlah said...

steady lah...

so now i know *evil eyes & laugh.

ps. note to myself...get a super light hardcase luggage.

pps. wat else can u open with a pen?

electronicfly said...

tim, this is totally out of topic, but the BIRTHDAY AD IS SO NICE!!! (on nuffnang)

Patricia said...

wow.. like that also can.. haha.. O_o

XiangMei said...

So clever...bijak,bijak!hehex

kimfei said...

damn ..never know it is this must stole a lot b4 this..arent you..boss..??

Observer said...

OMG... how could you educate the public like that ?

JenKin Yat said...

arlo boss..happy new year to u..nice working with u..enjoy your holiday..

Boss Stewie said...


lol everyone!!

Happy new year everyone!

Yat: i'm gonna miss u

Sapphira said...

Omgod la, I'm not gonna try it out but I sure hope you were lying. :( I hate the thought of the airport dudes rifling through my.. stuff. :P

Hehe, happy new year, Stewie! A blessed 2008 to you. :)

Mic. Tham said...

happie happie new year!!

Geli Tifa said...

boss, actually hair pins work too for normal padlocks... esp tis small... tried a number of times opening the padlock on my hostel cupboard when I left the keys inside... hehe...

Ulat said...

Timothy oh Timothy... you are so notti...
Anyway, I like your idea.
* Are you working part time as a thief now??* XD

Michelle said...

tsk tsk...
those who duno this trick gonna practice it as a new skill..
any robbery case???
*points to 'sifu' tim*

HappY nEw YEAR tiM!!!

Unknown said...

Luggage theft rates increased after publication of How-To entry by Boss Stewie.

and oh, never ever place valuables into check-in luggages. one scan from the security systems and they know every single thing that is in there. be it cash, jewelry, ESPECIALLY electronics or artifacts - the bags get thrown about, literally, around the world.

Liz said...

hahaha! this is so cool.

where did you learn it?

I'm gonna try it at home.

Amy said...

lols. thanks for sharing. I'm gonna try it out..