Monday, January 21, 2008

Nuffnang On TV!!!

Last night, Nuffnang was in the NTV7 News at 8.00pm.

I gotta say, this is the first time I've ever seen myself on TV.

I didn't get to see myself the previous time round on Hello On Two because it was broadcasted live... but this interview session was pre-recorded so.... well.. it was... fun to watch.

Give a hand to the some of the Nuffnang team in the video though... can you imagine the temptation they had for them to JUMP in front of the camera and say
"HI MUM!!!! I'M ON TV!!!!!"

I also owe big thanks to Nazrul from NTV 7 on this.

Thank you Nazrul!

Anyway, if you're interested, watch the video here.


"Joe" who is constantly craving said...

wah..someone is bcomign very very famous..

Linora 'Aronil' Low said...

Fulamak :) Congratulations yet again wooot woot

Boss Stewie said...

joe: no lar.. just a bit here and there... and it's more nuffnang than me

aronil: aww thank u :P

Pam Song said...

Ooo. Sweet.

Congrats, Tim!

More to come, eh?

ling ling said...

Wah Boss,you become so famous liao la...sure lots of offer will follow get prepared to be 'Famous'...congrates Boss...

p/s:u r not fat, so don worry k? :D

Stella said...

Haha, boss stewie..U look very very damn nervous in there..Perhaps u could ask guidance from Yellow man for cool post :-p Anyway, congrate!

Unknown said...

get the advertisers first or the bloggers 1st is like chicken or egg comes first!!!

Boss you are so handsome~~~

SaeWei said...

Congratulation Tim!!! For getting on TV twice in one month!! More to come yah!!!!!!

But I think your mom is right wor.. You are getting fatter.. Opps.. I mean your bones are getting bigger XP Or maybe the camera adds pounds to the body or something..whatever... HAHAHA.. joking joking :D


KY said...

congrats congrats!

meow said...

woohoo... ntv7!


Eunice said...

I like ur idea of nuffnang :)

Edmund Tan said...

wtf u remove my comment again?

Anonymous said...

yeah saw u, but not on ntv7... missed it this time. good luck to nuffnang!

JenKin Yat said...

hahahah skyler damn serious wei..formal attire some more :P

eh..that's thiathia's blog..that one sure is Nicholas' lappy..LOL

congrats ex-boss *nods and pats on ex-boss' back*..

TheBeerCrusader said...

Congrats Boss Stewie !!!!

BTW, your voice are damn cure lar !!

Never thought your voice are so CUTE !!!!!!

Horny Ang Moh said...

CONGRATULATION BOSSY! Wah U r cute!!!!I could'nt help my self but keep on looking at ur money mole!!! He! He! Have a nice day!

Hui Yi said...

Boss, congratulation!!! Look like nuffnang will grow stronger and stronger!! And the boss become famous and famous. hahaha..

Zephyr said...

woah, 1st time see lively look other than ur pic


Feel like joining Nuffnang liao!

p/s: if I don't lose interest in blogging later XD

XiangMei said...


i saw u in Ntv7 news....
when i saw u,i was jumping like a monkey and yelling at my sis!

at the end,
i kena marah by my dad,
my dad said that 'Siau Cha Bo!!!'

Arghh!!! It's all your fault...

Boss Stewie said...

hehehe thanks guys :P

we still have a long way to go though

electronicfly said...


call martha stewart. she knows how. =D

Anonymous said...

Hello.. I'm new here. Sooo addicted to your blog!


May Leng said...


I came and saw. =)
You look good on tv. Don't worry about looking fat or silly .. you have the Digi yellow man to cover up for you :P

Keep up the good work, Nuffnang !

Unknown said...

kudos to Tim!

hahhahhaa, may leng is right... ur not FAT... the yellow man IS~!!!

vangardx said...

huiyo..masuk ntv7 la..harap lepas ni nuffnang will be feature in tv1, tv3, astro, radio bla bla bla bla..congrats boss stewie ":D

twosuperheroes said...

Boss Stewie, how come you look different on TV compared to your photos?? If it weren't for your signature mole....we probably couldn't recognize you! :p

bibliobibuli said...

nice lah. you a celeb now, tim!

Michelle said...

you are so cuuutteeeeee.....
so baby face lar... lol
no fat k.. no fat.

good job!!~

Sue Me said...

wahlao..on tv sumore..damn cool..