Today I went to the opening of the JobsDB Career Fair at KLCC Convention Center. Pretty cool stuff. But I'll blog about it later.

So I came home in the evening, uploaded all the pictures from my camera to my computer and you know what I found?





Samantha... I think we need to lay some ground rules here.
haha, maybe she is trying to leave you a hint. ;)
Boss, you were there??? Haha I missed you :p
Anyways me and my friends find it a disappointment as a job seeker! Will be blogging about it later also =p hahaha
btw you very free har, no need work one ar?
Samantha's da bomb lah. Haha. I support her all the way. Plus, rules are meant to be broken... even by girls who can't play the bitch. =p
haiyah boss, dun complain lah... I know you like it lah.
Tim, nuffnang just turned 1 rite?
So threaten her with her yearly bonus.
lol. samantha did it again.
LOL sam is cute wor...
i donno what you're complaining about. got cute girl leave pictures on your camera also complain... ahahaha
kenneth: a hint that girls camwhore? haha i already know that!
david: eh yeah i was there hehehe but was there early... eh why disappoitnment wor.. so many booths
pam: hahahaha yeah she can't play the bitch huh
maniacz: hahaha oi who say!
siew: hahaha hahahahaha what if no bonus to cut leh?
genova: yah! too much
mackerel: but seriously!!!
eyeris: hmph
camwhores r0xx0r!!!! :P
haha i dont get it, got cute girl camwhoring on yr cam. for you to see. and waht do you do?! you complain! tsk, tsk
Boss, disappointing because we thought that there will actually be interviews there but in the end, it is no different then applying for jobs online at the website!
But I love the *tit*tit* thing with the scan ;) hahaha!!
How early lah? I was there about after 30 minutes it opened.
she is so cute
pink: hahaha yes for girls it does.. for guys... well u've seen my camwhore entry rite?
david: eh is that right? aww nehmind i'll feedback to the client okie ? :P
pam: ahhaha bitch'y crony.. lol
jason: haha! is she?
peggy: hah because because.. it's on my cam!!! my very manly cam!!
hahahah, kesian la you Boss.
eh Boss, if later you blog about career fair, can link to our post at one?
Empowering Youth
nvm la least you get to take revenge by posting it up here.. somemore im sure you dont mind kan ;p
Oh my god!!!
You are so lucky Boss Stewie!!!
You have Samantha's collection of camwhores pictures!!!
You lucky bastard you...
Can send some to me ah?
she loves taking pictures and she's good at it so you should be proud to have a friend like her =P
nextime when you're bored and you look back at it, at least it'll keep you smiling.
anyways, was just dropping by =D you take care there.
Timmie... Go ask Canon or Sony to sponsor you guys one ah bro...
poor thing... lucky she did not drool over yr keyboard...
haaa haaaa.
there was a pic of her...i tot she was nibbling the lappie...she resembles a very cute mouse....hahaha....
its have the luck of many other guys want...a pretty/beautiful/cute/have-enough-looks-that-wont-make-you-go-eeee to camwhore with their camera....
something we used to learn back in moral lessons...bersyukur la! xD
omg Boss Stewie you posted Samantha;s pictures again!
why does she only choose your camera and not the other nuffies leh? Something's fishy going down there haha =P
Chris @
wah r u sure got no more pics like the edison scandal or not?? kekeke
i wanna see wenqi with her trumpet!
everyone <3 wenqi
hahahaha, i can't help but laff out loud in reaction to 'chris lim''s comment 'Something's fishy going down there'
Bwahahaha, think dirty liao, no, can't, stop, *takes pistol and points to head* "BANG" *slump*
Shes so cute la, how can you complain? You become grumpy old ahpek already is it?
Or you just nothing to blog about? Haha.
Wow! You can rhyme! =p
Gosh, I think I need to ask royalty $$ from JobsDB already. They're recycling my tagline!?! I came out with Job Hunting has never been this easy!!!! JobsDB, you are really abcdefghijklmnopqrs!!! Haha.
i agree with peggy.cute girl camwhore on your camera ...why are you complaining .. and you OBVIOUSLY not getting the hint ..shusshhh ... how oblivious can you get Mr. Timothy Tiah ! many self photo there hehe..
waiting for ur jobsdb career fair post..
Tim: "Samantha... I think we need to lay some ground rules here"
The rule will be:
You can only camwhore WITH MY camera WITH ME only WHEN I AM around.
she wants you to think about her all the time, obviously.
Haha. surprise, boss!
bossL yes she is
Told ya to get a DSLR already boss.
Eh, how come I read once and I can also get the hint but you can't ar, Tim? ROFL!
Besides, leaving her pics in the camera gives you opportunity to publicize them openly here.
Hmm, want me to take one of them and do a little 'editing'? LOL!
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