Sunday, May 25, 2008

Mysterious Girl on my Facebook

I was just logging on to Facebook a few days ago, something I very VERY rarely do but just somehow decided to do it anyway out of boredom and I found that there were quite a number of people in my friend list that I somehow don't seem to know but yet at some point in the past had confirmed them as friends.

I'm sure this happens to a lot of people.

Now here's what really caught my attention. I was browsing my friend updates when I came across this 'friend' of mine.

Her name is Carmen Bianca.

Heck I thought I would KNOW if I knew a hot girl like that and I have no clue how she ended up on my list. I certainly didn't add her... heck I've never went looking to add any of my friends on Facebook before, partly because I hardly spend enough time there. And even if I DID find her, I wouldn't add her as a friend.

HOW DO YOU BE FRIENDS WITH A GIRL WHO LOOKS LIKE THAT?!?!You've either gotta be gay or really really gay to be able to be friends with someone like that.

And if something made me even more curious was that the update that I saw from her said
"Carmen is single and looking".

She had also recently bought me for $885 (I am sooo cheap).

So anyway I sent her a message that said
"Do I know you?"

And somehow it just occurred to me that it might've been a bit rude of me to phrase it like that but oh well....

Anyone here can shed some light on how I know Carmen?

Update: So you guys DID shed some light on who the girl in the picture is.. it's LEAH DIZON!!! HAHAHAHA FARK... that means the real Carmen Bianca is probably a really fugly guy. Lucky I didn't try to pick her/him up. "Hey Baby... How you doing?".

PS: If you don't know who Leah Dizon is click here.


KY said...

and you actually believe she is real? LOL

J-son said...

She looks like Leah Dizon... wait on second though.. SHE IS!!! LOL

ShaolinTiger said...

It's probably a guy dude the pics are Leah Dizon.

Anonymous said...

erh. Leah Dizon? Haha. A spoof account la. I could already imagine it is actually some uncle with fat beer belly, muching on chips and has fried chicken oil stains on his shirt. Not forgetting thick spectacles and smelly breathe too. Hahaha. Okay, how you added this account? Must be drunk?

radical85 said...

boss boss, leah dizon oso u cant recognise. *shakehead*shakehead*

pinksterz said...

boss buat buat innocent tak kenal leah dizon ye? tee hee hee...

Anonymous said...

hahahaha leah dizon la hahaha... this person is just using her pictures. u do not know leah dizon do u?

RealGunners said...

who is leah dizon?? me really donno wor..

anyway, as far as i know, south koreans don't look like angmohs 1..

regarding how u know this certain carmen.. no apparent reason la, u r famous ma.. after all, u r 1 of the nuffnang boss.. :D

Boss Stewie said...




-tAkEmOtO- said...

Probably thought by buying you through facebook she can take over Nuffnang XD

Wah i dun mind having a lenglui boss wor...

I wonder what will happen if she really is for real? Though most probably had some surgeries before, like most South Koreans do. Now that would be an interesting question. ^^

Leon said...

There's a pic of her in the monetizing boobs post as well. leon /slaps tim.

Wannabe Economist said...

Normally I feel suspicious everytime when I see profiles with angmoh pictures eh, you should know that and work your subconscious!

Boss Stewie said...



yuhhui said...

Just passing by.. anyway..this blog post is really hilarious!! When i first read it, I thought she's for real as well. hehe

Anonymous said...

chinese filipino and french mix. when u hear that when a person is 1/3rd filipino u can figure out that they probably sing pretty well.

Tim-Kimokeo Voon said...

Leah Dizon is a model for motorsports in the USA...
u can see her in every car show in the states...
mags like

luxen said...

I think you have some transvestite wanting to get to know you better but since he/she knew you won't be able to get your attention, he used Leah's picture. Now that he got your attention, he was just waiting for you to ask him out on a date.

Anonymous said...

hey you're hilarious MAN hehehe just passed your blog ^_^ //

add me on !!!
-- i mean on face book LOL