First things first, lately I noticed quite a number of bloggers are coming up with their own businesses. Latest one I've seen is from Nicole herself who just started what she calls Nicolekiss Boutique. Check it out. Last Saturday Nuffnang Malaysia worked with Nokia to hold our own Halloween party we called the Nuffnang Nokia Silent Halloween.

Most of our Nuffnang events in the past had very crowd-centered kind of games but we had a slightly different format this time round. On top of the games with some great phones to give away, we had the Nokia IAC bands perform live.

and we had our very own silent-rave where everyone listened to the same song on their ear phones and danced to the music so to the outsider it looked as if a crowd of people were just dancing on their own without music.

I wanted to go as Stewie from Family Guy but since there was a music theme going on there I decided to go as Kurt Cobain. The guys at Absolut Pitch were nice enough to dress me up for it
(if you ever need a costume for anything call Gabriel at 014-6433401) .
So this is how I looked like. Apparently this is exactly how Kurt Cobain dresses like (
although I'm sure his hair wasn't as blond).

And you know what. To make things worse, Klubbkidd Joe came as Kurt Cobain too.. and his outfit looked so much more intense than mine.

Check out some of the other costumes.
We had an Ayumi Hamasaki, a Joker-Style Barbie and Bjork!

and even what I think is Dark Angel.

A pirate!

A Marilyn Monroe and uhmm... a butterfly.

A joker nurse and someone even came as a milk carton LOL

Our emcee Liang came as Elvis

The three ladies who were in the running then to win the best dressed female.

Two of whom were lucky to win some of these Nokia phones along with the best dressed males for the night.

We also had a Hitler

And even a Dr. Evil

And this is one of the cutest outfits that night in my opinion.
Goldfinger went as Scary Spice and Mehlin went as ... PINK..
(well okay red...)
The best part about the party was that along with the many agencies we worked with to put this party together
(MediaCom, JWT and Text 100) a group of the Nuffnang team who could make it for the party led by Robb were in charge of putting the party together.
Everything from putting up the props to handling registration and the thing that impressed me most was how all the Nuffies worked so well as a team to put this together.

There were no egos or politics when it came to working together, and nobody complained about anyone doing more or less work, everyone just helped out and we had so much fun and laughter doing it.

One of the greatest asset of Nuffnang.. is truly its people.
To the rest of the team who didn't get to make it that night... no worries.. there will be another time!
Hope all the Nuffnangers there that night enjoyed themselves.
I know I did.
If you want to see more pictures. Click
haven't been doing that quite for some time now.. kudos to you Timothy Tiah and your team organising such an awesome party ..
maniacz: lol... thanks dude... nice to have you back here again
why is Liang not the emcee?lol
nice party ! the melamine milk cutest haha
nice costum bro...great show by it
ahahaha christmas party okie? =D
Was an FANTABULASTIC party! Nuffnang kick a**! wootza!
Thanks boss stewie, nuffnang and nokia once again for the prize :)
me wanna protest why celine yap's one eyed little mummy not top three. i loved her outfit as it was cute AND scary. heh..
anyways great party. hope for more to come.
nad PS tim... since we were the only kurt cobains, dare i say great minds think alike? (so perasan)
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