Julia is a pretty interesting person. Her family is from Hong Kong but she was born and raised in the UK. So she speaks English with the strongest English accent possible but when she speaks Cantonese, she sounds as if she grew up in Hong Kong.
Well this week, she made a short trip to KL just to pay me a visit.
You know things like... is bla bla still together with bla bla... or what is Sheila from UCL doing now... etc etc. Most of my old uni friends seem to be doing quite well career wise, although some of them who were working in the financial sector in London got laid off recently due to the economic crisis.
While she was down I took some time off to take her shopping at Pasar Malams, Sungai Wang, Sunway Pyramid and also to try some local food. We even made a trip all the way to Klang to have the famous Klang Bak Kut Teh.
But it turned out that she actually liked it!
Ended up taking pictures of it too... and she's not even a blogger.
While I was in London, I spent a lot of my time with my friends from the UK, Hong Kong or other countries. All of them always felt that my Malaysian accent sounded weird to them and Julia used to poke a little harmless fun at me here and there.
But these few days while she was here she realized that everyone here spoke English like me... and I never thought I'd get to say this in my lifetime but.. . Julia... now you're the one that speaks funny :)
We took some time off our busying around KL to pay a visit to our 3rd flatmate, a nice girl named Gene who has now become a lawyer at one of the top law firms in the country pulling in big bucks.
You will be missed!
hey boss!
I think u look a lot thinner :P and ur hair's a bit too spikey. hehe.
eh tim, is it me or have you lost weight and look a bit more buffed up now? =p
plus the spiky hair's very becoming... =)
leng chai already!
eh why u so skinny oredi !
omg..bkt again?? i heard u wanted to order a whole claypot of fu chuk dis time!
melanie/immi/pinky: hehehee yes i've lost a bit of weight.. the jogging took some off but I think the bak kut teh put them all back
joe; yes :) i love fu chuk
ok being a little silly here.
timothy tiah, u didnt say if julia is single.. well if u wish to meet her again, you can choose to go after her and marry her...
i hope she reads it... oops.. i forgotten u got a gf.. darn!
hey tiam!
this is so weird i dont know how else to contact u cuz ur number's in my old hp which died ages ago eheh=S
i havent seen u in ages! oh i'm back btw=) we should go for icecream again some time. wait for mich to come back, which i reckon should be pretty soon. till then, i'm using my mom's phone, do u still have her number?
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