Just last week I went and bought myself a new toy.
Before I go on about what it is, let me tell you a bit about my history with toys.
Growing up there were plenty of toys I wish I had. The fortunate thing was that yes... I did have a lot of toys to play with. The unfortunate thing though was because I am the 3rd son in the family, most of my toys were inherited from my two older brothers.
So whenever I asked my parents for new toys, they would always say
"You already have so many toys!"
So I had a hard time trying to convince my parents to buy me new toys (although they sometimes did buy me some new toys anyway).
While my friends had the latest Optimus Prime toys, I begged and I begged but I never got it.
I remember a time many many years ago when I was out shopping with my parents in Sunshine Square. Back then the Nintendo Gameboy (the very very first one) had just came out and I think it cost something like RM99 or something back then.
I wanted it so badly but always as usual feared asking my parents for it. Eventually I did muster the courage to ask my Dad and the answer came and went as quick as whatever little hope I had to have one.
"No Son, you already have your computer to play at home (which was btw inherited from my elder brother)".
So I grew up... dreaming of having so many toys but knowing that I would almost never get it. While my friends got into the phase of playing Nintendo and Sega consoles, I didn't even bother asking my parents for one.
Today though, life for me has changed a little bit... just as how it would change for everyone when you start working. Sure, you hear a lot of people tell you stuff about working, that it's boring and that you should enjoy your student life etc etc.
Well the good thing about working though, is that you earn money! And you can choose how you want to spend your money!
So once I started working, I started spending a bit on these little things I wish I could've afforded back then. A couple of years back I bought myself a Nintendo Wii that I ended up only playing a lot for the first couple of weeks and then neglecting it ever since.
And just recently, I bought myself.... AN XBOX 360, something I've wanted since my university days but couldn't afford as a student.
Yes as much as my dad gave me a very comfortable allowance I knew he would frown if I spent any of it on a game console so I resisted.
I know I know, I'm a little slow on the XBOX 360 bandwagon.
Heck here's the thing. I still love playing computer/video games. So I was thinking of either buying a supercomputer for gaming or an XBOX 360. So I did a little bit of research and called up my friend Jun King. Jun King told me that an XBOX 360 is just the bomb for playing games. That if I wanted to get a computer which could match its performance, I had to get one that cost four times more.
I thought about it for a few days and eventually ended up buying an XBOX 360 for RM1,280 though after you add in an extra controller, and a couple of games the damage was a total of RM1,700). I bought two games. Gears of War 2 and Halo 3 though I have to admit I'm still pretty hopeless at using the controller to aim (Can barely hit a truck with a machine gun to save my life).

The funny thing is that I bought it knowing that I wouldn't really have much of a chance to play it given how little time I have these days but.... I don't know, I guess the little boy in me just had to have it.
I guess I'm lucky I only crave toys that don't cost more than a month's pay. Imagine if I were a girl who craved LV, Chanel or Hermes bags... man I would totally have no savings then.
i just bought the toshiba lcd 42" and now i need the blue ray player. errrrr ps3 would help isn't it ? hehe :)
Boss, I saw u waiting outside Pavillion Men's room on the first floor today around 12.30am. You were wearing a brown t-shirt that had the words 'NOT AVAILABLE' on it and you were playing with your phone. Were u posting this blog entry using your phone there?
Anyway, this is a good day. I met two celebrities today. Boss and the tv show host, Aznil Nawawi. He was in one of the eateries on that floor as well.
I recognised you the moment I saw your infamous mole :p
Have a nice Sunday Boss!
i wanna play !! i'm terrible at Halo, but i wanna play!! hahaha!
360 is cool!
I was wondering what toy is in the pink aunty-ish plastic bag... The plastic bag doesn't do the toy justice la...
i realized games are the best part in our life as we grown older. I missed those nintendo games now...lol
knizam: yeah i hear that the PS3 is better performance-wise but the xbox is better for online play. You should try playing XBOX online, gosh, there's no lag whatsoever
nicholas: hey dude! yeah that was me. was waiting for a friend there but i wasn't blogging. Had just watched Australia so i was reading up about the movie on wikipedia while waiting. hehe... one more thing, i'm not a celebrity ler dude... Aznil on the other hand definitely is.. i would've taken a picture with him if i had seen him
muffy: haha i haven't tried halo yet... but sure next time we play!
yik: hahaa great :P
geli: hahaa yes yes... never judge a toy by it's cover/plastic bag :P
carynn: you mean those older games like Mario?
let me know how does playing xbox 360 feel like?! I want to get one!
haha nic, good to know you finally gave in to ur inner little boy desires.
was about to text you today to find if you have gotten it.
play Gears of War 2 first, that'll rock you boat for sometime.
eh boss play the wii more often la. then you don't have to wake up so aerly to jog in the klcc park anymore. Bring the wii to office and exercise there using the wii. =D
Boss wanna sell your Wii? *Beamss*
Gameboy...~That's history !
Btw, you can't get pirated games for Xbox right?Everything has to be original? Maybe you have other options?
nico: hahaha so far I quite like it.... but i don't know how much longer till i get bored of it
jun king: hahahaha! already playing gears of war2 on xbox live dude
electronicfly: hahahaah i think i would still need my morning jogs
chingy: hahahaha don't think i should yet.. should i?
jason: well you can mod it but i didn't mod mine because i want to play xbox live. so i'm buying all original games
yeah, super mario bros and battle city are my favorite...
I would very much like to adopt your neglected Wii. :S
wii is sooo much better sorry! ok i admit i'm a fan of playstations hahaha :D
boss: u shud sell it... to me.. better still. give it to me . you know recession time ma. very "cham" you know. :P
wth?? buy la ps3... xbox outdated la...
oi ky! Wii is for women and children and i am both wtf so i deserve it more hmph
i also want wii!!
hahah.but speaking of just must have it @_@ my ps3 has been neglected and collecting dust also @_@ its only function now is as a dvd/blue ray player.. wtf
fourfeetnine : Wii is for women and children <-- got such thing wan meh?
OK la you win but let me play oso ok!
hi..i'm oso just like you. wanted a barbie so much when i was small.last 2 months, i bought myself 1. hehe.
HI!I have the same case as you except...i only have an elder bro and guess what?..I inherit his action figures and machine gunsa!!And by the way,im a girly girl.I never get new toys and been playing with boys toys all the time.When i grew up and started working,my inner girlyness has been released and all i ever buy are not branded handbags but barbie dolls and cutey teddy bears.Believe me,Timothy,you are a lot better off than a lot of people.Happy New Year!!
1) congrats on the 360 Stewie! i just got mine on november, the BLACK one =)it's now standing to my other beautiful black box, the ps2
2) get rock band 2 and put it in the nuffies corner along with guitar hero world tour! but get the instruments from rock band 2, the gh drums has some problems ==
3) you have got to get Dead Or Alive 4 x)
hmmm i din know the part about having to buy a computer 4 times more expensive in order to find a machine equivalent to xboxs gaming capabilities!
Well, before I buy a game console, I'll need to buy a TV first. There goes my HK trip T_T
How much does one cost? Cos I'm thinking to buy PS3 for someone's housewarming gift, but if this is cheaper, I might go for this :D
wahh.. new toy! exp one!!
btw, since u're neglecting ur wii, u wanna sell it? *kekekeke8
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