Monday, January 26, 2009

The Days Before Chinese New Year

7 Hours is the time it takes from you to fly from Kuala Lumpur to Dubai.

It is also the time it took me yesterday to travel from KL back to Penang by car. 7 fucking hours in the bloody car! Can you imagine that?!?

Fortunately for me Princess came along for the ride to keep me company so it made the trip a lot less painful. If I had to pick one person to be with me in an enclosed area for a long period of time, I would pick Princess. She's just so entertaining to be around with and she says the funniest things.

The night before we left for Penang, Princess and I went for a little Chinese New Year dinner of our own at Solaris Mont Kiara. I just recently discovered Solaris and it quickly became one of my favourite places to hang out. I don't know whether it's because of the many restaurants or bars or the way the place is lit up at night... but I just love it.

Princess and I picked this restaurant called Empire that served pretty fine-dining like food. It was Friday night so we decided to spoil ourselves. Plus the restaurant was having a promotion where if you spent more than RM150, they would give you 20% off your total bill. 

We tried to make good that offer but later on realized how painfully hard it is for two people to eat RM150 worth of food assuming you don't order any alcohol. 

Heck, we took out our little calculators and calculated everything. Even if the both of us had appetizers and dessert, we still wouldn't have made enough to hit RM150 so we decided to let go of our kiasuness in the end and do without appetizers and dessert ie fine dining budget style.

Halfway through our meal the chef came out and asked us about the food which I thought was fantastic! We later got to talking a little and I asked the chef "Hey where're you from? Are you from around here?"

And suddenly he looked around the restaurant and whispered to us
"I'm from Singapore... but don't let anyone know".

I was a little surprised at his reaction. I couldn't understand why! So I told him so what if someone knows you're Singaporean. Malaysians don't discriminate against Singaporeans and vice versa. I've loads of Singaporean friends... heck my business partner is Singaporean. 

In fact I think Malaysians and Singaporeans are very much alike. Look at the way we speak English. Nobody else in the world speaks English like us.

Anyway we ended the night early. Princess and I had to drive back to Penang together tomorrow and she was staying over at my place. Unprepared as usual she must've forgotten to bring her pajamas or something so she ended up running through my closet (without my permission) and grabbing herself a t-shirt and shorts of mine.

The next thing I noticed when I went looking for her was this.

She was standing in the toilet reading a book while removing her make-up.

Forget my amusement on how a girl can remove her make-up and read a book at the same time... pay attention to how my bermuda shorts look like on her.

It practically looked like she was wearing long pants!

Hahahahaa cute little Princess. 

Reminds me of the time she was wearing a bath robe at the Venetian.

Can you even see any part of her leg?

Happy Chinese New Year everyone!


Anonymous said...

haha cute post XD

btw i love going to solaris too (korean restaurants!!!) but i find it getting more and more troublesome looking for a parking space -.-

fourfeetnine said...

i did ask for permission to open your closet!

thanks for ruining my image you made me look like a bum T_T

KY said...

Happy CNY to you Tim! and that's your shirt she's wearing no?

Christine said...

Happy Chinese New Year Ewe Tiam!!! :)

Eunice�� said...

恭喜发财 。。 万事如意

Summer said...

You already dumped WONG WEN QI?

Mellissa said...

Hahaha OMG, Audrey is so cute! <3

Boss Stewie said...

miss hazel: i never seem to have too mcuh trouble finding parking there. always seems like they have more than enough space

fourfeetnine: haha!

ky: yeah haha that is

chrisitine: gong xi fa cai to you Christine!

Home: Gong Xi Fa Cai !

kasumikatsu: Nobody dumped anybody. We mutually ended our relationship a long time ago

mellissa: hahaha!

TNS said...

the chef told u but ask u not to tell any1!!!

Summer said...

Oh I see. Let me ask Wong Wen qi.

Michelle Chin said...

I can see a bit of leg over there. Hehe

Terrence Cheang said...

KasumiKatsu: no point asking. What you want to prove? :).

Tim, Gong xi Gong xi !!

Boss Stewie said...

jason: hahahaha... no lar i think i already convinced him that there was ntohign to be worried about

michelle: hahaha lol... just a little

chu king: Happy New Year dude!

The Malaysian Explorer said...

7 hours is a long ride from KL to Penang. or was it from sg?

well, hope you've enjoyed yourself there.

Kong Xi!
Visit Penang Page
for quick facts and interesting information about Penang.

Visit Malaysia Facts
for quick facts and interesting information about Malaysia.

Genova said...

happy chinese new year boss

Michael Yip said...

Gong hei fatt choi!

ally said...

HAHAHAHA omg why does aud look like a homeless person in your bathroom

Pinky Tham said...

hahahhaha so cute! i must comment :)

Owlivia said...

oooo is she reading new moon? haha happy chinese new year!

Jannah said...

Fragmented story line. Why did the chef said don't tell anyone he's from Singapore? Was the restaurant selling authentic Malaysian cuisine or the place Italian and the cook suppose to be one? Or he's a runaway fellon?

RealGunners said...

if u were driving on saturday, it would take morning till night, the queue was all the way from jalan duta to penang.

and, u might be able to notice a psycho @ superhero-entering-city-as-everyone-is-evacuating style idiot waving at you in a red kancil..

ahlost said...

*LOL* Cute entry !!

Anonymous said...

awww.audrey is so cutee :)