Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Real Chanel or Fake Chanel?

I've only just recently come to learn how much a woman's hand bag can cost. Now I used to think LV was expensive with the lower range bags cost RM2,500 to RM5,000.

Until my girl friends told me about Chanel. Chanel apparently costs at least RM10,000 onwards... for each bag.

Seriously... unless the bag comes with a coffee maker, a missile launcher and your very own R2D2 from Star Wars I can't understand how a bag can be worth that much!

Since I've learned about these bags I've started paying attention to seeing them in public and I've seen so many of them! Heck it's almost as if everyone has a Chanel. 

Many of which are apparently fake though. I saw this really trashy looking girl in 1-U the other day wearing Asadi sneakers, jeans and some t-shirt but carrying a very flashy Chanel bag. I wanted to believe it was real at first but even Princess ruled that out as a real bag.

Then just last week I saw this girl lining up in front of me at KFC carrying this Chanel bag.

You tell me... real or fake?


jennykoo said...

I really can't tell! I don't trawl shops looking for Chanel, so your guess it as good as mine! :)

I'm sorry to all those who carry Chanel or LV. But your bags are usually ugly. Why does a 20 year old pay for a bag that only looks right on a 50 year old, I dunno.

When I'm 50, I may buy a Chanel or LV. But not right now.

Boss Stewie said...

hahaa jenny..... i'm getting one of my friends who is an "expert" in spotting fakes to look at it.. she'll have a verdict for me soon...

Unknown said...

Tim, seriously, I don't understand why some people are willing to pay so much just for the BRAND even though the item is so damn fugly! Class? Status? Who died and choose these brands as the ruler to measure status anyway? Why lah you want to carry and promote other people's name and pay for it, right?

At least that bimbo Paris Hilton got class, carrying a handbag with HER own name on it. Hahaha...!

MY tiny LiFe said...

i think is fake one...
becos is malaysia...

Shaz said...

It's seriously that expensive arr!!??? Hmmm... even guy's wallets are far fffar far far much cheaper than that!

Genova said...

chanel = 1 old kancil

KY said...

good skin tho!

Boss Stewie said...

clare: well... i wish you could ask someone into brands and i would love to see her/his response. maybe some people do it because maybe it's.. nice?

my: hahaha well i'm guessing it's fake too

shaz: hahaa yah.. and RM10K-RM12K is apparently the lower end chanel

genova: yeah! so which would u pick

Boss Stewie said...

ky: LOL!

Anonymous said...

real or fake, it's still ONLY A BAG for god sake.. lolz
i could imagine the manufacturing cost around RM100 but once they name it CHANEL, add another 2 zero at the back..

Owlivia said...

how to tell whether its real or fake? ):

The M said...

Fwuahhh.. is the bag have any super power hidden?

KahSiong said...

so is it real or not??

§oŁЇtǺ®ÿ ®o§ě said...

hmmm...after much deliberation and calculation (nothing to do with it looking fake cause I seriously can't tell as well..>.<)...

I would say its a fake..why? Cause its a 50% chance of me getting it right. And there are more people using fake stuff than the real thing...so 964512+5689/65x3548-6877x0=its a fake. Tq =P

Chee Ching said...

10K I can get a super chun Macbook Pro!


Kay said...

i hate those types of bags. so expansive yet so ugly. uggh. *muntah darah*

Anonymous said...

i haven't seen this skin coloured Chanel bag before.
Though I've seen the white and black one before.

And EHHHHH, not ALL LV or Chanel bags are uglyyyyy T.T
Only someeeeee. heh

yuj said...

Hi Tim!

It doesn't matter whether a girl buys a real or fake chanel! If you see a girl shopping in Topshop and another girl shopping in Cheetah store, both carrying the same chanel.. which girl is carrying a REAL chanel bag??

Unknown said...

Not all branded handbags are that expensive. Coach bags are darn cheap in the states.
The current trend now is the LV Never Full bag. Its the most affordable (Cheapest) range. Because its cheap errrm... affordable thus you see ppl carrying it everywhere. But i do not discount that there're fake bags.
As for the bag here....Im not sure if its real but i've not seen the colour tho. grin ^_^

Chik Yoong said...

I think it depends on the user. If Daniel Craig wears a fake Rolex people would still think that it is real right?? Haha

Based on the picture given,I would have to say that it is...fake cuz she looks like a person who puts great emphasis on fashion. In order to be practical, fake things are cheap and thus, allows the user to change often. Aha!! That's it..

JolineBaby Official site said...

LV, Coach, Juicy couture, Gucci and etc are pretty expensive in Malaysia but in US they are affordable! I look through the prices in Malaysia for Juicy couture and apparently they sell a few times more expensive than in US. In US, if you shop all the time like me especially at website or outlet mall, these handbag can be pretty cheap. HAHA. For example, one of my friend actually thought that Forever21 is pretty branded in Malaysia but actually in US they can be categorized as in the lower level brand. Ok la pretty vague example because U man maybe dont even know forever21. Ok, McDonald, I am pretty sure everyone know what is McDonald right? MD is categorize in the pretty expensive food in Malaysia because the cost of a MD meal is equal a few time of char kuey teow. But in US, only people that really poor eat MD because they are darn cheap! USD 3 can get 3 hamburgers! Die or not. HAHA... Ok la pretty lame! I eat those when I first came because I am poor. Aiks!
I would said not all branded thing is ugly ok but some really are! Somehow, I like designer brand better because you wont usually bump to people having the same handbags! N if you are in California, somehow I dont know why, you can see LV, coach, Gucci and chanel everywhere. Pretty shocking hor.

Anyways, I am pretty sure she is carrying the fake one! Dont tell me it is real because I will have to hide myself by then. *run*

P/S: And also, please dont convert the exchange rate la because Malaysia and US is totally different in earning power thingy.


Michelle Chin said...

Not many people can really afford a Chanel. It is different from other brands. Sure, LV or Gucci might seem luxurious but then if you actually compare the price right, Chanel is consider top range. Chanel got no sales one, Now recession also, where got sales.

But the bag looks fake for me la, Usually they have the Double C sign at the side. LIke overlapping and the calf leather looks a bit broken at the edge. Quite impossible for a Chanel bag. My friend had hers from her mother. Its still intact. You pay something that expensive to pass it down like a heirloom or something.

Sharon said...

could be real:
because she paid so much for the bag that she has no money to dine in better restaurant other than KFC :P

could be fake:
i've never see a chanel bag with that color and it looks pretty fake to me. besides, this replica can be obtained anywhere.
also, the corner of the bag looked like it's squished, material doesnt look classy enough, real one should have better quality than this.
just my 2 cents :)

Boss Stewie said...

joe: hahaha yeah dude... i will never be able to understand it myself.. but i guess some girls won't understand how some of us guys love cars so much

exryos: i guess we'll leave that to the ladies to explain to us

marccus: yeah.. probably metamorphosis and allows traveling in light speed

kahsiong: haha so far everyone here seems to say it's not..

solitary: haha you are good in math aren't u :P

chingy: hahaha ... funny lar you.. most girls won't find it necessary to go for a full blown 17 inch macbook pro!

kay: LOL .. i don't think they're ugly lah.. expensive yes.. but ugly not really lah... quite eye catching mah these bags

yu jin: okay so this girl is in KFC... does that make it fake? haha

joanne: ooh.. a cheap LV bag.. that probably costs like a couple of thousand still right

chik: hahah yeah i always believe it's not the brand you wear but the person who wears it that matters

vain: hey! i know forever 21! i think they have really nice stuff.. educated from all the times i've been dragged shopping by my girl friends.

michelle: ooh that's an interesting observation... maybe it really is fake then!

sharon: hey according to one of my fellow Nuffies, there really is a Chanel bag in that colour .... but yeah i understand what you mean about the quality.

Kay said...

i still say that they're pucking ugly. i hate branded bags.

elmie said...


if only because it's a sickly-looking beige colour. hahaha

Owlivia said...

haha wtf boss i'm a young lady ok!

Rebel said...


Funky Shopper said...

Its a personal choice.

Some people adore brands, which I can safely say I do and would save up to buy one.

But for those who don't like branded bags its also not wrong, there are people who rather save up to buy cars or laptops or update mobile phones upon a new launch etc

I would not really criticize people for their interest cause everyone is different and have their own preferences.

ps: as for the bag at kfc...no comments :)

Boss Stewie said...

hahaha ok i'm yet to see one person say that the bag is real

Accyee said...

fake one la (jealous cos don't have hahaha)

Fat4 said...

101% real. Unless it is a super grade A fake.

revel in me said...

Why everyone thinks the bag is fake! I have the smaller sized one in black! T____T And there are nude Chanels! Nude as in color not naked ar WTF.

.:Baby Gin:. said...

u know what.. its hard to tell because of the colour.. ure using hp..haha..colour not accurate ;p

Me said...

definitely a fake. the seams are all not symmetrical at all.

Unknown said...

FAKE. not only because the stitching is sloppy but on an authentic Chanel bag the right "c" overlaps the left "c"...not the other way around.