Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Gifts When They're Most Needed

I just got Princess a new phone that she needed badly.

Princess had her eyes on the LG Ice-Cream for the longest time. Ever since she saw the LG skinner we put on her blog as part of a Nuffnang campaign a few months ago.

Problem was that she already had a new China iPhone from her Dad so she really didn't need a new phone. Heck already I'm getting so much flak from the Nuffies that scold me each day for "spoiling the market" so I wasn't going to buy her anything that she didn't need.

Thanks to her rough hands and sloppiness though, she managed to break her China iPhone in record time.... within two months or something. Living on a "borrowed" phone from her mum she needed a new phone so I decided to help out a little.

Princess felt bad and didn't want me to give her anything without an occasion so I said that this was our advance 1st Anniversary present.

Her reply
"That's like... 5 months away!!!"

But here's what I think about presents like this. I always believe that we shouldn't be governed by a fixed time or occasion before we buy someone something. I think if there's any point in time we think of something that your special someone would like or need, then why not buy it then when he/she needs it most?

So thanks to Mike for helping me source for the phone, I managed to get one for her.

I think the phone is great. I mean it's not expensive and has all the features you need. Plus the keypad is big which helps for girls with long finger nails like Princess.

She was happy... ripping open the box the minute I brought the phone into her room.

This same phone woke me up late last night when it started ringing though.

I began to think that maybe I should've gotten her a phone without a speaker. Heh... but well.. whatever makes her happy.


fourfeetnine said...

thank u baby T______T

(damn my room is messy)

Boss Stewie said...

you just noticed huh baby

Rina said...

The phone is pretty! Audrey is all pinky! haha

Buy when gf need it the most instead of waiting till special occasion. Nice. ^^

~Elaine Tam~ said... sweeeeeettttttttttttt.....I also want....Leong *waving out there( are u there*

Or maybe Tim, you have some spare money to buy one too???? :p

Boss Stewie said...

juin: hehehe yeah... the pink... is the main reason why she likes the phone if you ask me :)

elaine: hahahaha i'm sorry elaine... i don't have anymore money left after this phone :)

Anonymous said...

that's so sweet of you!
it reminded me of my boyfriend, he got me a netbook which i badly needed as an advance birthday present when mine was snatched, two months in advance!


good men do exist! xD

- m i c h e l l e - said...

Awww! So sweet! But I agree though, we don't need an occasion to buy someone something. :D Gosh, you are indeed spoiling the market real bad!

yapthomas said...

Just sold one.. should have asked around ma... Then at least I know so can sell it to you instead :P

Jia Hui said...

You really are ruining the market!! Haha. And you are increasing the girls' expectations for their bf!

Ji@ EiK said...

wao~u r really a sweet bf..hahahha!!!

Boss Stewie said...

sammy: awww..those are the best presents :)

jia hu & michelle: noo nooo! i'm not spoiling the market ! i know a number of friends that bought their gfs phones too

yapthomas: ohh sorry ler dude.. didn't know

jia eik: are you by any chance related to jia hui?

Vy said...

hi boss, i'm relatively quite new to your blog...i enjoy reading your's actually a nice gesture to buy things for your gf...girls would love it but guys would think that you are spoiling the market...after all, you've given princess not only the phone but much much more than that... :)

JD said...

I think it's ok. Loved ones should be given gifts every once in a while.

Hayley said...

u r such a nice bf!! *jealous*
hehe. but u both looks really sweet 2gether!!

MikeM said...

tim, thanks for the write up. Apology for not being able to send the phone to u directly. Been busy with something really big. Kinda stress & pressure, wish I can have a good dinner with you someday. Cheers!

~Elaine Tam~ said... more ka?? seriously...then i need to find other way than....

*waving stronger* LEONG!!! are u there?!!! *waving* Leong pretending not seeing me~~~

Yes!! you're spoiling the market man!! Heheeheh~

Ren said...

guess she gonna blog about it real soon... with hype and all XD
Nice bf :D

Ken Wooi said...

that's very sweet and nice of you!
she's gonna like it so much! =)

Ray said...

stewie got owned by a phone!
Is there any phone without speaker in the market nowadays ??

Kang Wei said...

sweeeeeeeeeeet T__________T

Anonymous said...

damn, i'm so jealous. i wish i have a bf like you.

Cindy Khor said...

the phone looks yummy... its a pity it is not sold here in the uk..

kevinpnp said...

Hey... If I broke my phone, will you buy me one? please...:D

Pwinncess said...

eeeee that's a very nice phone! btw is the lollipop available in malaysia yet? does anyone know where i can get it? /beg

Unknown said...

I like that phone too! But I find some of the features nt as good as my current, din buy it..hehe...Anyway, nice to see that there's such a nice bf ard..haha...Stay lovey-dovey and happy together :) Btw, I really love reading both 4feet9 and ur blogs!

Ji@ EiK said...

Boss~d answer is no~

KY said...

at least a proper pink phone this time!

ahlost said...

I got a similar phone for my sis birthday and christmas pressie since her bday fall on Christmas Day :D

Wilson Ng said...

Spoil market la boss Tim!