Saturday, August 15, 2009

Kinder Egg Outing

Last night Ming, Pierre and I had a bit of a guy's night out. Just the 3 of us. We started off with a steamboat dinner at Xiao Fei Yang in Pudu... which lasted some 2-3 hours then we headed off for drinks at this Mamak near Menara Citibank. 

I think it was called Penang Nasi Kandar or something. 
When we got to the Mamak Ming went straight to the rest room first. He came back about 10 minutes later with a big cheeky smile on his face and a plastic bag in his hand "WAH!!! THIS IS LIKE A SUPER MAMAK!!! EVERYTHING ALSO GOT!!!".

He dropped the plastic bag on the table and took out 3 Kinder Eggs. One for each of us.
He went on to explain: "These are the best man! You know like last time when we were young, why did we buy Mamee Monster? Because of the sticker inside! Same for Kinder eggs.. we buy for the little plastic toys we get inside".

So while talking we all unwrapped our egg. I ate my Kinder chocolate in the egg but Pierre and Ming didn't touch theirs.
They had clearly bought the egg only to assemble the toys and see what they got.

I assembled mine only to find a viking ship.
Ming was happy with his. He had a cute little blue eskimo toy that looked like this but with a face.
It even came with a sticker of a face that you could put on the face of the little blue figure. He thought it was really cute. Then I picked up his little eskimo to take a look and the face accidentally dropped out and fell on to the wet floor of the mamak. We were seated outside and it had just rained.

Ming went ballistic "NOOOOOoooo!!!! MY FACE... WHY YOU DROP MY FACE!!!!"
He kept saying "PICK IT UP !!! PICK IT UP!!!"

and guilty as anything I kept quiet for a while but Pierre backed me up
"NO MING!!! NOOO!!! It's all wet already!! It's gone!! It's washed away!!!"

Then Ming stood up and shouted
"I don't care!!! We going to buy more until we get back my ESKIMO!!!!".

Pierre volunteered to buy the second round. He suggested that we each buy a round. The second round came and... still no eskimo. In fact Ming got some stupid toy and I got something even more stupid...

Not sure what mine was but it looked like some kind of weird alien sperma.
Ming was frustrated after he opened his toy then he looked at me for a few seconds.

It was my turn to go buy. I went to the convenience store at the back of the Mamak and picked up 3 Kinder Eggs. When I put it on the counter the old man who owned the shop looked at me and then shook his head. Just before me he had probably seen Ming come twice to buy the Kinder eggs.

I avoided eye contact... out of shame, paid then ran away.

When I got back to the table we opened up all our Kinder eggs... no eskimo.

This is the mess we made by the end of the night.
And these were the toys we collected by the end of the night.

Each Kinder egg was like RM3.50 so we ended up spending 5 times more money on the Kinder Eggs than we did on the drinks at the Mamak.

Drinks at Mamak = RM6.10

Kinder eggs = RM 3.50 X 9 = RM31.50

Fun cheap thrills from opening up Kinder Eggs with friends = Priceless.


Little Ms Midnight said...

RM 3.50 X 6 = RM31.50??? Not RM 21 meh?

electronicfly said...

@chili crab: It's RM3.50x 9 = RM31.50

Eh then you ate all the chocolate ah? Princess din scold you fat kah?


Ken Wooi said...

haha.. this is pure fun..! =)

Mellissa said...

The eskimo toy is so cute, OMG!

Boss Stewie said...

haha sorry.. it's supposed to be X 9.. not X6. since we each bought 3 eggs each time

Susan Lee said...

Tim, I was literally rofl when I read the part about the the old man's expression. He must be thinking,"Three gentlemen came to my shop just to buy three kinder eggs each???"

Anonymous said...

hahahaha boys and toys.
no wonder it rhymes!:P

Kang Wei said...

hahaha..that's what friends are for!!!

Anonymous said...

haha .. boss stewie i got tat sperm-look-alike thingy too when my bf was trying to be funny and bought an egg to surprise me .. lol-ed but mine was blue .. and the velcro suppose to stick on someone's clothing or something :P

KY said...

hahah so cool, reminds me of ding dang!

ch3ryl said...

Sidenote: How's the food in Xiao Fei Yang? I tried the one in Shenzhen n loved it.

Love a Lot said...

I didn't know that there are toys in it

żħї~qїňg said...

me <3 kinder eggs.. i buy them for the surprise inside and the chocolate... hehehhehe... i remember getting a shark toy.. and some random toys i lost :[

hehehe kinder eggs are fun fun fun!!

żħї~qїňg said...

me <3 kinder eggs.. i buy them for the surprise inside and the chocolate... hehehhehe... i remember getting a shark toy.. and some random toys i lost :[

hehehe kinder eggs are fun fun fun!!

elississ said...

so funny! i love the choc but i always don't know where to put the toys afterwards. they r always left all over my table.

JD said...

Hahaha, then you 3 like the ad, something sweet, something fun and something surprising!

- m i c h e l l e - said...

I didnt noe they have toys inside! This is just so cute.

ms.bulat said...

omg. i am so gonna buy kinder eggs!!

Huai Bin said...

I agree, Kinder Eggs are like the Tora/Ding Dang of the 21st century. I like the toys inside too, fun! An ex coworker used to get one whenever she's stressed just so she can mess around with the toys. :)

pinkpaperplane said...

Whooo! How funny are those toys? I have never bought a Kinder Egg before. Gee, can't believe how much I missed out!

~Elaine Tam~ said...

That's FUN! My niece got the eskimo leh!! Wakakakkaka!!!

Pay him higher so he willling to spare his ESKIMO out! wakakakak!

Lemonjude said...

haha, first time leave comment here..

My boy loves that too and always ask me to buy the egg because of the small toy...

hey, we got that alien sperm before and the eye is not stick there one la....anyway the eskimo is cute out of others...

coffeesncookies said...

you guys can be good friends with my 3 yr old daughter and fight over kinder egg surprises !

Merryn said...

I didnt know they have such cute toys inside! I think I'll go get some right away. My boy will definitely love this!!!!!!

Jia Hui said...

OMG. Ming's reaction is soooo funny!!!!! It made me laugh!

Unknown said...

why does this suddenly sound like an advertorial??

Pinky Tham said...

hahahah funny, I would like to be there to see this... 3 mans and a lots of eggs.