Sorry if I haven't been able to reply comments or update lately. I've been sick again in the past 2 days. Food poisoning from some food that I had back in Penang. Funny thing is that my whole family who had that same dinner was totally okay. I was the only one hit by food poisoning.
There used to be a time where I seldom got food poisoning or seldom got sick. I would get sick literally about twice a year, normally not more than that. These few recent years though have been really bad for me. In 2009 so far, I think I've been sick some 4 times. That's almost like once every 2 months!
I don't know what's wrong with me. My body resistance seems to be a lot weaker these days than it used to be. My mum attributes it to stress though. My mum says that she can see it in me sometimes. How my mind is often very occupied by work.
Princess sees it too. The other day we were lying around my room just talking when she turned to me and said "I miss you..."
I gave her a really confused look and at the point really started wondering that maybe men really were from Mars and women from Venus
"What do you mean? I'm here with you right now aren't I?"
"No... you're not. You're physically here but I know your mind is thinking about work. Why can't you just let it go for a while".
I crept closer to her then and cuddled her for a while
"Okay Okay".
At that moment, I had defeated it. I had taken my mind off work for just a few minutes but I failed to keep that discipline any longer than that. Before I knew it I was thinking about work again.
I don't know how I got to be like this. When it first started off, I related it to passion. Passion about a company that I couldn't get my mind off. Now though I think it has grown from a passion to an obsession. I try to take it easy these days. Try not to stay in the office too late but I know it doesn't work.
I may leave the office at 7.00PM but I never fail to bring back my work with me. Maybe that's why I keep falling sick. Maybe it's because my mind is never at peace. I never just really sit down and relax for a few days and not think about work.
Not having the urge to check my e-mails or to call someone to make sure everything is ok. This is something that I think I eventually have to find in myself to get over. Ming on the other hand is good at drawing this line. He knows how to stop thinking about work when the time comes for him to relax.
I need to start to learn that too.
I remember a time when life was a lot simpler. When I had a lot less to think about and all I had to worry about was silly coursework,

exams at the end of the year and where we should all go for lunch next.
To think I was just a simple university student 5 years ago.

I can't complain about the life I have now. It turned out better than I thought it would be.
I do however reminisce on how simple life was back then... as a student.
wei .. chill la bro... take time out sometimes. when you're on holiday, just relaxed and don't think about work..
then only can relax mah.
about the food poisoning, it's same with me too. I just had one and my dad and myself are the only 2 members out of 5 that was affected. others were okay. so strange.
hmmm... stress? like you said?
maniacz: ahhh.... food poisoning is a terrible thing to go through. fortunately my recent one isn't too severe. thanks for the words of encouragement man
Luckily your food poisoning isnt too severe..I just had one earlier this year and it was awful T__T Don't think too much abt work..right now you should enjoy life more =)
Get well soon.
Life is not all about work
You need to chill out once a while
And also to learn that health is also important in our life.
Cherish and care for it while we still can~!!!
Cheer up, Tim! Yea...maybe you are as uni student is often simple and enjoyable if compare to working life. But look at you right now...a successful person, also known as one of the youngest entrepreneur in Malaysia, and yet having a sweet & lovely princess by your side! Damn...I'm so envy you right now..LoL~
Anyways, do take care your health always! =)
get well soon!
you're a hardworking person, that's why! =)
perhaps u'll need balance up ur life with some exercise? good way to destress.
Hey Tim, work hard and play even harder. You need to balance your time well and let your mind to rest. Do take care and rest well....
Take a good rest and get well soon!
Also take more time to relax yourself and spend time with Princess. Go and half a walk somewhere and see the beauty of mother nature.
too much antibiotics is bad for you too. Still taking Dr Ting's ?
but with xpax blackberry u can even bring your work to the toilet, good for those long food poisoning bouts :P
get well soon..take it easy.
Chill out, relax! BTW, read the story abt you and your red ribbon suprise in star 2 today! just a small paragraph though.
i can totally understand what you are experiencing..
Have to have work life balance lar..if not you will be more susceptible to all this stuffs!
this is the time where you have to start thinking that health is also wealth.
good to know that you exercise, but do start taking supplements. it does help with the immune system. especially since you work in such a stressful industry, immune system will be affected.
need more info, just drop me a line. i have been there :) falling sick every month, till all leave taken up.
Do you think it's the same bacteria from your first bout of food poisoning still living in your intestinal tract? It can happen, those nasty bacteria tend to linger!
hehe better stop at obsession..before it turns to depression o.O
feel better :)
i have food poisoning too.. is it a trend nowww... arghh... worst thing in life, if u don't have appetite to enjoy the food although the delicious food laid in front of you.
you need to "take a break, have a kitkat"
When I dreamt about electronic circuits, I know I think too much about work..that's when I relax myself, watch a movie, take a break, drink some hot herbal tea...
It's hard to draw that line coz work took 1/3 of our daily hours...
I totally agree, uni life was the best, and it's really hard to draw the line between work and personal life, especially in KL (not being state-ist here, it's just very competitive over here).
BTW, about food poisoning, charcoal pills helps a lot.
If there was one thing that helped me with that before, it was Bikram yoga.
I don't know open you are to the idea but it really helped me. It was good for the body and for the mind as well..
Just a suggestion. :)
I think everyone misses the simplicity of life when it was just assignments or homeworks. Well, i think you should try working out and also try very hard to think of a whole loads of other things besides work when you're out of the office. I hope it helps tho...
Since now Ogawa having promo under nuffnang, u shud take this opportunity to purchase eye tune or eye smth to relax urself.
Time to put down ur stress and relax
I wish you could recover soon ya.
And thanks for sharing, I will appreciate being a student from now on. :D
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