Princess and I have a little plan. We've both decided to write our Uniquely Singapore post for our Nuffnang Asia-Pacific Blog Awards in a bit of a different way. Instead of writing about things that I wanna see in Singapore, I'm going to write about 3 places that Princess will want to go to in Singapore and why.
In return she's going to do the same for me and we'll see who gets how many right.
So here are the Top 3 Places that I think Princess would visit in Singapore.
3) Asian Civilizations Museum.

Housed in the grand Empress Place Building, the ACM features more than 1,500 artefacts displayed over 14,000 square metres of gallery space. The museum’s growing collection traces the cultural roots of Singaporeans through its focus on Southeast Asia, South Asia, China and the Islamic world of West Asia - (Source - Visit Singapore website)
Why she would go for it?
Princess studied Asian Studies at Mount Holyoke. That's right, while most of us studied things like law, accounting, economics, she studied Asian Studies. So somehow she has a rather curious interest in Asian history.
2) Ma Maison in Central
What it is?
This really quaint Japanese restaurant in Central where they serve really different kind of Japanese food. Food that Princess used to eat quite a bit while she was studying in Japan.
Princess spent a year studying in Japan. She speaks fluent Japanese and also has a thing for Japanese food. It's not just the usual Japanese sushi and stuff that she's crazy about. She tells me that people in Japan don't really eat sushi on a daily basis. They eat other stuff too, like the food you find in Ma Maison sometimes. She loves it there.
1) Far East Plaza
What it is?
Shopping mall which is a bit of a Singaporean version of Sungai Wang. You can find really cheap hair extensions there (according to her) and the kind of clothes shops where you will only find one type of one top. She likes stuff like that. Not clothes from a typical brand but one of a kind or two of a kind type of clothes which are also cheap. This is a recent dress she bought from Far-East.
Princess spent the afternoon today shopping at Sungai Wang. Need I really explain further?
Check out Princess' version of this post here where she guesses the places that I would go for.
One day I got to visit Sungai Wang, sounds really nice :D
Bring me to Singapore toooooo!
oh you bastard wtf.
far east check.
ma maison -- i didn't know what it was called but check
asian civilisation museum -- ARGH! ok my original choice was the peranakan museum but this is so much better!!!
yess, when i was in tokyo for a week i only had 2 sushi meals
Where's your number 1, Boss??? It's 3-2-3 instead of 1-2-3...Or does that mean there's no No. 1? =)
lisa: heheh yeah princess loves the mall :)
fourfeetnine: hehehe i know u well baby.. don't i do't i
ky: hahaha yah i know :)
vy: haha thanks for spotting the mistake. have rectified it
eh baby elise had a point. she said a bit unfair cos 2 out of the 3 are places i've gone to before! LIKE THAT HOW!
lol. so cute. when u guys coming?
hahaha so you win or aud win? ahaha
the ma maison at bugis has cute jap waiters..
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