I just arrived at Melbourne! Am here for a week to visit the Nuffnang Australia office here and have some meetings. I'm here without My Hello Kitty this time though. She can't tag along on my business trip because she doesn't have enough leave so yesterday morning we had a long goodbye.
The night before though we stayed home and watched a movie called "Blow". It's a true story about a drug dealer named George Jung. It starred Johnny Depp and Penelope Cruz. It's an old movie. Released in 2001 (heck I was in Form 5 then)... but I thought it was a really really really good one. If you guys have the time, check it out. Here's the trailer.
Aside from that, I've got a little something for everyone today. You know how My Hello Kitty and I have been really big into comedy shows lately right? Well PJLAC in Jaya One is having the PJ Laugh Fest from the 30th April to 30th May and I have some passes to give away (thanks to Imm Ai from Jaya One).

There are a lot of shows going on that months and you can them all out here.
What I'm going to do though is this. My Hello Kitty and I are going to go watch Caught in the Middle Part IV at 8.30PM on the 28th of May.

We're giving away another 10 tickets to any of our readers who'd like to come with us.
We'll let you know if you win :)
maybe i'll send in.
stand up comedy is somethign tat i see on tv sitcom, not in real life yet.
welcome to melbourne! =) if you need any recommendations on where to go feel free to ask!
melbourne is damn cold at the moment. want to go shopping at DFO tmr? wtf
I'll sending it!
is it 1 ticket per person? wud be greater if two.lol
Blow is an AWESOME movie, one of my favs. Hope you watched it in HD on your new TV :D
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