You're a 17-year old schoolboy in China.
You meet this 19-year old girl online with the nick "Flying Skirt" and she tells you she's a bloody hottie, maybe even sends you a picture of herself.

Then one day, "Flying Skirt" decides that the both of you should meet up.
You get so excited.
All the nights you spent fantasizing about her and now you're going to get to see the real person!
You go all out to buy the best clothes you can to make yourself look presentable and desirable.
You shop for an Armani Suit.

And you even throw aside your Pokemon underwear and buy a new fresh piece of Versace's just in case you get lucky.

Then the day comes and you tell your mum that you're going to school for a school project.
You arrive at the meeting place and meet her.
To your surprise, you find out that she's actually 10-years older than she said and not as hot as you thought she would be (and definitely not the same person as the pictures she's been sending you).
You then go home to your family disappointed and you lose your appetite to eat.
And 4 days later you hang yourself.

Well check out what I read on the
BEIJING -- A 17-year-old boy in northeastern China was so disappointed with the looks of a woman he met over the Internet that he hanged himself after seeing her face-to-face, state media reported Friday.
The unnamed teenager first contacted the woman -- known by her chat moniker "Qunjiaofeiyang", or "Flying Skirt" -- using the popular Chinese online messaging software QQ, Xinhua news agency said.
The girl described herself as a beautiful 19-year-old and the pair chatted on the Web for weeks before arranging a December 26 rendezvous in the nearby city of Mudanjiang, in far northeastern Heilongjiang province.
The boy arrived to discover the woman far less attractive than advertised and 10 years older than him, Xinhua said.
The boy immediately returned home, lost his appetite, and four days later hanged himself from a tree.
Now when things like that happen, there are only two explanations that I can think of.
That must've been one HELLUVA FUGLY WOMAN...
Ok but seriously... I think the more logical explanation is simply that the boy wasn't very bright.
I mean...
Like this?

Nobody's asking you to go to bed with her but you can treat the woman like a normal human being and just talk to her like a good man.
I mean.. heck even if she's like this you shouldn't...

ok. i wanna be different from the rest. im FIRSTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT! wooot! lol. read the news in TheStar. find it damn hilarious and stupid!!! =D
but seriously...even the girl he met was a combo of the 3 "attractive" girls in ur blog plus maybe add a lil of "Gollum" still wont result in suicide right? sigh...
haha.. 1st time aL got 1st huh? haha.. is so stupid to hang urself over some1 la. include those sat luen oso.. if dey love u dey wun hurt u la. so wats the point of hurting urself more by dying wor.. NUTS!
al: hahaha al.. is this the first time u're first?
shireen: lol everyday sunday.. eh i have met some nice girls over the internet .. :P
pc: yes!!! stooopid boy
Hello Boss!! I hv hop by to ur blog from my cuzzie's to find U hv a very interesting blog!! Wah tat guy stupid or wat?? Mebbe he is also not as hansem as U tat's why he beh tahan hv to hang himself la and is not becoz of the (Qunjiaofeiyang)Pisang Terbang Olang!!! Coret or not my pronouciation!! Hehhheeh
wen: hey wen... hemsem is hardly a word that u should use to describe me :)
yes lor boss. cos ur site too fehmes d. i kenot compete to be 1st all the time mar.
suicidal: lol!!! i'm not proud of that!
al: my site fehmes? oh yeah.. forgot that since i get 50 visits a day... i'm FEHMES!!!
I've met a lot of nice girls over the net...really, tak tipu.
Did the hospital did autopsy on the boy? It could be homicide or sexual attack. You never know.
*offtopic* Boss Stewie so rajin. Weekend also wrote post. *7 gun salute*
chapree: ala.. tak yah bodek.. stewie wont fall for it..
Stewie: err... wait till you meet me.. it's nice no more...
thats what my mom used.. 'You think what?? everyday sunday ar?' phrase when my brother thinks he can win a 'tien wu' mahjung game...
If the story is real, then why don't they put his name in it? I mean, he's dead already...
Anywayz, the story isn't really that hard to believe, people do insane things every day. The news only reports a bit of information, too. There could be millions of other reasons, maybe he was really depressive and had suicidal thoughts already
I think this is a natural selection process. We can't have such idiots making babies and filling the world with more idiots now can we?
p/s: Now I finally know what 'fehmes' is. I thought it was some sort of abbrevation somore.
I blame the woman. BOO SAMA ITU PEREMPUAN!!
I am not satisfied.
Fuwaaaa now shiokzz... Sorry for spamming!! BUT I'M HAPPY NOW!! WHEE~~~ *smiles ear to ear*
O.o somehow my commment before the spamming didn't get thru. Anyways to explain my apparent spamming.
I AM LAST!! LAST!!!!!!!!!
I didn't get to join in the fun the last time around.. ='(
who knows, maybe the 10 year older gal raped him? and he dun feel like living through the horror for the rest of his life anymore. i bet probably boss would do the same thing. right boss? i know u would...
I got read it before in the paper! *Proud* Heck, at least it proves that love is not blind :P
chapree: yalar.. now u know how poor thing... weekend also boss stewie must try to spend time entertaining u all :P
shireen: hahah! yes.. same thing can be said about u being 'last' all the time... everyday sunday ar?
jackson: well if i had a friend who did that.. and his story came out in the newspapers so the whole world is laughing at him calling him an idiot, i think his mum wouldn't like it if the world could put a name to the guy.. even if he's dead
mae: HAHAHA you are damn fahney lar mae!!!
earl: yes earl.. haha
william: if the 'rapist' was the girl in the last pic.. then yes.. i would
infectioner: yes! or at least to a 17 year old boy it isn't!
hoi dont insult vertically challenged ppl ok.. AHEM*AHEM
and the last placing is not the same with everyday being sunday it's a RACE, a COMPETITION.. YOU DONT HAVE COMPETITION for blind dates *except for the recent one night stand issue in johor, thats just plain stupidity*
LASTTTTTTTTTTTTTT hoooooooooooooooooo!
but it breaks my heart that you cant participate.....
*ballet like a hippo accross this comment board*
really.... :X
Hie Stewie...=]...
Sara...!! Box you la =_=
*introducing another silent blog reader*
Boss!! Sara shy shy 1.. I dared her to comment at your blog.. That also copy&paste my "tunjuk ajar" to her.. Can encourage her ma? XD I chia you one cup of Lecka Lecka if you do =X
Ouh My Gosh...!!! not shy...!!!...never mann...ouh by the waY...that guy on the armani suit must be damn hot mann...=]
Bluekzz if not why nv comment earlier =X
I dun care Stewie is 1000000x hotter than person in Ahmanee suit any time!! =P
OuH...*ahem* mae...*ahem*...
im talking about the body lah... sure stewie's body also very Hot lah...
Ya lo I'm quite sure also.. But boss.. u were suppose to show us ur "hot" body more by camwhoring.. I WANT MORE OF CAMWHORING STEWIE!! =P
shireen: well i can participate in the one over at ur blog.. u know.. the one where i always win :P
cely: yes.. stupid boy.. unless he's hanging himself for cely rite?
baby: hey! don't blame the kid for liking unrealistically beautiful women :P
sara: ahh.. nice to see another silent reader come out of the dark!
mae: i paiseh lar.. show all my fats :P
didnt anyone tell u that getting things easy is no fun?
hah???? hah??? HaHHHHHHHHH???????????
anyway.... whatever...
Eh shireen, I didn't kipas him, I gave honest remark.
Oh yeah, I'm teh last now. XD
that was a breather, readin all the comments, then suddenly chancin upon them fightin on how hot stewies body is *Drool* :D :D :D
rite rite?
eh boss i just realised, ur so considerate *aww melt*
"well if i had a friend who did that.. and his story came out in the newspapers so the whole world is laughing at him calling him an idiot, i think his mum wouldn't like it if the world could put a name to the guy.. even if he's dead"
so nice of u.
shireen: getting last on this blog is very easy too
chapree: hahaha why u keep saying u're the last when u know it doesn't last
andrew: yes i am considerate :P
Is that last picture for real?! =.=
alynna: yes i think so.. why
shireen: not anymore hahah
hahaha... i laughed somewhere, i don't remember which bit
I think the boy maybe suffering from some kind of mental illness, and the dissapointment drive him to commit suicide. Commit suicide is not a good way to end all the problems and yet he will bring more problems to his family and his loves one.
That love affair must have become the boy's only reason for living...and the disappointment at having seen reality was too much for him.
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