As usual... most of the gang were clocking "Malaysian Time" while I and a few others were early.
So while waiting for everyone else to come, we decided to play with the web cam on my Mac.
First, we started taking the typical group pictures.

Then we played a little with the camera effects to get this.

It was better but we still were bored.
So we tuned the effects up and ended up with this.

Or at least... I was...

A smiley Stewie is a happy Stewie.
boss it's all about yr mole isn't it?
yes boss... all about the mole
hEY..... 1stttttttttttttttttt... cos lepton didnt claim it.. :X
ahhh... ok ....... now i can type... due to kiasu-ism i had to post 1st FIRST... tho it's not really obvious or official.... but heck... i am desperate...
sometimes i think u're playing tricks on me... at 1st i thought your mole was on the left... now it's clearly on the right... oh wait.. but now all your pictures tells me it's on the right... hey wait.. no.. er.. left...... no right... arghhh... ..
oh wait.. it's YOUR left and my right.. :X *malu...
ok .. back to work......
dot dot dots
I need a reality check...
LMAO!! i came home tipsy nap a while,woke up c those pic!i tot i was still tipsy-ing
wahaha nice one!!
How long does you guys played with the cam? It looked like hours of fun :D ppl all dont need to work one r?? so fast can post comment no chance leh..
top 10!!!! at least. n boss ur face looks a bit.. er.. big in the last picture. yeah. big. and.. er.. maybe round. AHAHAHAAHAHAHAA the mole damn funny!!! and the jackie chan nose!! ROFL
e-fei: ppl like stewie no need work..
people like me = jobless..
OMG... That 2nd last picture is just... wrong.... Lord please remove that image from my head.. ARGGHH! Don't ever scare me like that again mate.
Damn free ah you all...
(Sooooo cute!)
shireen: haha its on my left! i've had a very old english lady tell me once that it's a very lucky mole
linsey: dot dot dot
lance: hahaha!!!
belle: hahaa glad u like them
chapree: hahaha no lar.. just for like 10 minutes
e-fei: hahahaa... awww u shouldn't care about being first rite?
suicidal: hahaha yes yes .. jackie chan nose.. i like
blake: ok i'm sorry... HAHAAHAH
j: i cute ar? hehehe
omigawsh i seriously planned on commentin in this post, but then i read it and now i cant get my butt off the floor
boss......... plss........
this doesn't even compare to the happiness when u have yr fu chuk......
oh wait...... it might be comparable
andrew: hahahaa.. well u finally got urself to write the comment
boss: my mac makes me happy too!
See told u got "fatt tatt mole"! Everyone who has a mole sumwhr on their face usually very fatt tatt 1.. Even old ladies agree with me.. haha
I think you need plastic surgery. you look damn handsome with the super huge nose!!!!
*love love sparkles*
It's The Dog: Timmy Version
wahahah so cute lerrrrr
omg omg omg! bwahahaaha. the 2nd last picture! my laughter is killing me *choked*
I like the 2nd last picture!
No kidding, okay?
Bestnyeee! :D
mae: hahaha the old lady said i had a lucky mole.. not fat tatt mole... maybe i'm just lucky as in... i don't have pianos falling on me
gwen: hehehehe!!! yes gwen... i could use a bigger nose eh?
al: hahahaha!
alynna: you mean the picture blake hates? lol
Eh, call it properly lah, what 'webcam pictures' ... it's the Apple Photo Booth software, exclusive to Mac users.
ooo. same thing la! XD Eh when u strike lottery then chia me k! =X i like all ur pics!
Last piccy -> Stewie chomel!
I likey Happy Stewie.
mcgarmott: hahahahaaha aren't you a proud maccer
mae: hehehe.. yes i got a few comments from the girls that thought the last pic was cute :P
err MAC show off?
proud linuxer.....
PENGUINS!! i see penguins!!!
actually i see panda with ganja
earl: hahaha earl!
cely: hahaha okokok i will
boss lepton: :P cute lar ur panda
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