To all of you guys who don't know, Penangnites don't have scrambled eggs & toast for breakfast.
We go to COFFEE SHOPS like this.

Where we have all sorts of people there that eat food like THIS.

Whenever I tell people that I'm from Penang they go "Wah Penang people damn kiam siap wan (stingy)".
I always defended my people.
The same thing I was trying to drum into Yee Hou's head and it all was fine and rosy until I saw this sign.

I personally feel that is too much already! I mean, if I were to go to Coffee Bean with 10 friends and sit on a table with only one friend ordering a drink (while the rest drink water).... then fine... go ahead and charge me that 30 sen.
But I'm at a KOPITIAM.
No air-con, no nice chairs to sit on, no coffee table to put handphone and look cool and hardly any chicks like this to look at.

It's just gonna be a matter of time before I walk into a kopitiam and see a sign like this.

PS: Eh Linsey, Leon, Matt, Rayvin.... wanna go there for breakfast tomorrow?
Honestly i think it's a shame for them to become so kiamsiap. Boss, next time if I go to your office, don't charge me rm30 just for entrance fee. But serve me cheezel instead. hehe
That is so funny, adding a Thank You! phrase at the bottom. Wahahahahahaha..
Memang kiamsiap betul.
wahhhh pay 12 bucks for 3 ketul of poo?!?!
so, can berak outside the hole izzit? wahhahaha.. charge so expensive... :p
can't stop imagining someone actually standing there with me in the toilet while counting the ketuls as I'm doing my business.
i wouldn't mind though if the someone is her (points to the burger girl)
Too much la Boss, NOT the Kopitiam...
Coffee Bean where got that chic one... HAHHA.. Maybe Burger King...
But 1 thing on Kencing, how ya measure when it exceeds 10ml... HAHHAHAHHAHA
The wa tan ho looks yummy! My Fav! But the 30sen charge is really ridiculous man!
wat the hell.. there's no defending yourself anymore la boss. the kopitiam has proven everyone right. hahahaha eh but normally i shit 3 pieces one leh, liddat not worth it worrrr :p
budden right, I've seen the 30 sen charge thing before lo in KL/PJ oso.
I think they want us to pay for smelling the good food/longkang.
hahaha..Boss Stewie ar!!
There is a simple and less frustrating solution to it..
Just order a drink!! =)
I wonder what's the reason behind that charge. It's madness though.
*kopitiam owner roundhouse kick*
No charge for period ar? LOL!!!
What are you talking about? Breakfast there is still soooo much cheaper than in Europe, who gives a damn about RM 0.30? o_0
I miss greasy Penang food!!!!! ;-(
suicidal, i worse... sometimes 4 ketul. plus a bit of watery at time... damn expensive man! i can take and make cake and sell at secret recipe, then only can earn back the price i need to pay. wait, even kenot.. one full SR cake 60 bucks only... shit! (pun intended)
need to sell my butt for the rest of the 5 bucks ><
Wan Tan Hor!!!!!!!! *tummy rumbles* Regarding 30 sen ar.. TYPICAL. Penang ppl not the only ones, Mamak ppl also same. I've been to a mamak bookshop where'd they charge 50 sen for reading anything. 50 SEN YOU KNOW!! BEAT THAT!
So unflattering, that photo. Boo
it happened to some ppl i know...
some kopitiam in penang turned off the ceiling fans for those tables that didn't order any drinks..
wahh willy u sell butt so openly not scared mae butcher u kah?? I suggest you go bake them and sell your own home-made, authentic-smelling one-of-a-kind brownies. confirm sell-out!! hehehe
4 ketul+watery-ness is a good thing ok, my daily routine feels like what a woman might in labour. damn. lol :p
richard: hahaha yes yes... cheezels for u..w e have plenty
ares: ya... somebody ought to tell them off
her feiness: why? inflation mah.. not hard to imagine rite
cely: berak outside hole got denda RM50
ben: no lar... now automated lor... no need someone stand there count.. got motion censor
freethinker: cann.... they install this.. little... ermm... meter.. lor ... hahaha
jac: yes it was DELICIOUS!!!
suicidal: then next time try to hold it in and combine ur 3 ketul to one
her fei: wahh so kl people also kiam siap ah hahahah
vegemaster: NOo.. it's not the money.. it's the PRINCIPLE!!!
chapree: maybe business no so good for them eh
hao: hahah that wan i dunno. must go to the ladies and check... i kenot masuk the ladies... cuz i'm a guy :P
jackson: no dude!!it's not the money.. it's the PRINCIPLE!!!
william: that's why must hold it in wei.... or if really cannot tahan..then hold it in until it become cair then go for the cair package.. much cheaper
mae: what's a mamak bookshop?
drtan: aiyoo sorry ler.. it's the only photo i got yee hou
slacker: wah that wan too much!!!
hahaha!!! this is the electric bill charging way. good one. *laugh non stop*
30 cents?!.. what for?!
blardy hell. where got like that wan?!
during breakfast time i was in the exam room =(((((
.... They charge people for sitting there?!!
WTF, that's really weird and money-faced.
Boycott! Boycott!!The whole of Penang only got one coffee shop???Over here coffee shop drink have gone up so poor guy like me when order drink will say loundly which drink haven't gone up?? Kream Soda still RM1-00!! So I order that drink. In fact other customer hear me they also order that drink. The coffee shop owner is not too please with me. No use wimning & makeing noise. Just boycott!! Oh BFIFG have a nice day bossy?? Any more ad? I need money desperatly!!!
is this near mouse island? i saw one this signage at the corner shop. i thought is a norm in penang. no kah?
wait a min, photoshop something untrue is not right. i am sure u wont even tell which shop since too risky to be sued for defamation. :)
Mamak bookshop = bookshop owned by mamak? lol :P
Well well well... doesn't that look rather similar to the new technologically-advanced public toilet located in Bukit Bintang?
Malaysia Boleh! =)
lau sai so expensive 1 meh...
lol. tis coffee shop in pulau tikus memang teruk case but the banana raisin pancake there is the best in Penang!
In London, one of the Jap restaurants charge 4 pounds for not ordering anything....Mind u, the restaurant is not a high class one.... just a small one run by students...Btw, gotta know ur webbie thru smashpop's website. =)
ketual pertama.. ketul kedua .. lmao ! priceless ! :D
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