The truth is... yes... there are a lot of things that happen to me and it's a rather fun life.. but the sad part is... much of it are things that I can't blog about.
So there are times like tonight when I actually run out of things to write...
It sucks to be a guy blogger doesn't it?
I mean... it really REALLY sucks...
Well if I were a girl blogger... and I run out of things to do.
All I would have to do is whip out my camera....
and snap pictures of myself

over and over again.

And just post them up.

And my readers would LOVE it ... why?
Because I'm all hot and sexy and they love it when I camwhore... almost as much as they love it when I spend time to write my intelligent entries.
It reminds me of the time Kenny Sia pimped me.
It's almost every blogger's wet dream to be pimped by Kenny Sia... I mean why not... the minute Kenny touches you on his blog, your traffic will shoot up by the thousands in a day.
One day, Nicole messaged me on MSN
"Your traffic must be through the roof right now".
I replied
"Huh? REALLY? Why?"
She couldn't wait to break the truth to me.
"Kenny pimped you."
So excited like a little Japanese school girl I called up my blog stats and looked at the referrals I had. I was imagining my stats to show a chart that spiked up like that.

I mean there I was about to see for the first time ever... my traffic go through the roof.
Once I pulled up the stats, I took a good look and I couldn't believe my eyes.
So I put on my glasses and peered really really close to the screen.. wondering if I got the number right.

Of the tens of thousands of people that read Kenny's blog each day... do you know how many of them clicked on my link there to visit my blog?
Yes... eleven. Not Eleven hundred... not Eleven Thousand... not Eleven hundred thousand.
I couldn't believe it!!! Why? What was it about my name that nobody wanted to click on?
Until someone brought this up.
"Tim... in Kenny's blog you're listed along with Nicole, Pink Pau and IcyQueenGoddess... with 3 other girls... do you think ANYBODY WILL CLICK ON TIMOTHY?!."

So the next thing I know, word got around and Kenny heard about this joke so being the guy with a sense of humour, the next time Kenny posted me on his blog he had the caption with a picture of us saying
"Me and sexyshortskirt", linking my blog to sexyshortskirt.
You know maybe if some guys think that sexyshortskirt is a nick used by a female blogger they might click on it right?

The number of referrals from Kenny's blog had a more than 50% increase from the day before... from 11 to.....
*drum roll please*
It does suck to be a guy blogger doesn't it? (Unless of course you have a great sense of humour like Kenny)
Anyone else feel my pain?
PS: Kenny...I never really got to thanking you for pimping me twice a few months back... so thank you Kenny. There... I pimp you back now... (Ishh.... not like you'll feel it).
No. 1 ... bwahahahaha... pimp me papa pimp... :P
adoi boss... adoi.....
haha last time you pimped me through the be my bf thingy post i oso havent thank you becuz my stats went crazy oso (well crazy by my standard la as i am not fehmes as you mah)
so thank you! :D
how is that possible la that ur stats increased by only 18 people?? WHich means ur unique visits per day must be damn alot to make a difference la... hehehee...
Kenny pimped my blogsite a few days ago my unique visit per day increased an extra 100 a day for 3 days k!! i was damn happy.. hehehee... wat to do... i got very little unique visit per day only...
The "Kenny Sia Effect" is really good man!
p.s: i know kenny reads ur blog as well... I just wanna take this advantage to thank Kenny here... Thanks alot Kenny!!
Hope u dont mind, Tim :)
Dont worry Tim, I love to read ur entries as much as Kenny's too!
hmm.. whn u see the pic would know that you're a guy.. so whatever nick kenny gives you also no use...
suetli is a good example of the advantages of being a girl. Hahaha.
LOLz. I think you did help lar in pimping him. At least I clicked both the links you mentioned. Does this make you feel better? Haha. =P
wa nice pics of suet li!
dude, more pics of hot chicks! less words!
Don't worry Boss...I support you...
I read your blog your stats sure got more than 1 visit everyday...HAHAHAHA :D
michael: hahahaha okok i pimp you next
mae: *SNIFF*
pinksterz: aww... u have my readers to thank for that.. after all they're the ones who clicked on the link to your blog right ? :P
princess: haahha yes yes go ahead adn thank Kenny :P we all should
em: *SNIFF*
jessie: yalar.. sniff
silverisle: well yes.. kenny is going to see his traffic increase today from 1,000,000 to 1,000,001 ... :P thank you :P
benjamin: hahahahaah!! see what i mean?!?!
ling: aww thank you ling ling!
Change your name to Tammy then
Haha.. That was something.. Don't worry.
Your blog has become an addiction for me to check daily or even several times a day. :)
Keep it up! =)
Wah bossy at least u can post up ur pic! Me I want also cannot post up my pic! My gf will kill me wan! He! He! Next time u post up ur almost nakel pic & ask kenny to pimp u! For sure ur got lots of female reader wan!
Have a nice day!
dunno what to comment wtf ermm thank you i'll pimp you back lah ok!
hahaha really or not ? or you are pulling everyone's leg ? :P
haha...absolutely agree..but then i think you no need worry la..i read ur blog daily..haha..i am the one who should worry ...
Hahahha this story sounds soo familiar .. bwahahahhaa laughed my head off when you told it
nono! not tammy, coz timmy sounds prettier :)
HAHAHA. Dang, how come if feels like I've heard this before? Déjà vu, wei. Haha.
Actually I know your blog through Kenny Sia's blog and since then almost everyday I visited your blog.XD
You are also one of the bloggers that inspired me.
ky: Yeah... already considering that
cerene: really? aww... it's an honour to have you addicted to my rubbish :P
hor ny: hahahahahahah why ur gf don't want u to post up ur pic
suet li: LOL u're goign to scold me aren't u
satkuru: eh really lar
kimfei: hahaha no lar.. u haf nothing to worry bout dude
aronil: yeah.. just a few days after i told u right.. haha
liyiesther: lol... timmy as cute as it sounds is still a guy's name
pamsong: lol lol
zephyr: aww thank you for the nice compliment
tim tim,
I think the "sexyshortskirt" moniker would have been tons more effective if Coconuts had not pimped a picture of you right above it as well.
So, in tune with that line of reasoning, I'd say you should be more worried about the extra 7 who clicked on your blog in what can only be concluded as hopeful attempts to glimpse your little male tushy behind in a sexy short skirt.
hehehehehehehehehe ................
maybe your URL not attractive or people alredy know you?
try to change the URL to
Why don't u pimp me also..hehex
I know u wanted people to view your profile just because u wanna earn money right?So what?as if like u don't have money??!Just blog for fun and make your reader like me enjoy reading your blog...It's true that KennySia Blog are way much better and funnier....
And one more thing!
The girl picture that u posted....Are So NOT HOT!!! You call this hot? You should see the real hotty!and u will exhausted!!!
Wah, Tim kena bash!
XiangMei, why so drama? Haha. Chill lah. Haha. Relek.
Wahh.. kena bashing... ting ting... round one..ooh Sudden death... end of the match bwahahahahha
haiya boss... if u get urself naked n camwhore i think all d gals out dere will flood ur site more den guys surf for porn sites ahh... LoL... bt if u wan to do it, plz leave me a msg 2 notify me earlier so i can get myself bz dat day... LoL...
So famous already still complain complain >_____>
nyx: LOL!!!... ok i'll start being worried about that extra 7 now
yat: or right?
xiangmei: yah why u so drama.. who says anything about money
pamsong: *SNIFF*
aronil: yeah.. many more rounds to go huh
super: hahaha.. i think girls will stay away from my blog if i did that
skyler: eh where for fehmes
i'm guilty! >_< I didn't click on ur link when i saw your name on kenny's blog. La la la....
your blog rocks man !!!! hmmmm... Suet li taken already larr haizzz.. disappointed oni. I wanna see cute Samantha. hehehe
nico: hah!!!!
keith: hahahah!! she'll be pleased to hear that
u oso can camwhore what...hahahahaa...
haha first time commenting here.
well actually i got to know of ur blog thru kenny's pimping! so yeah, it did worked abit lo.. hehe..
just tat never leave comment only lo.. =P
if mr. tim is not hot and sexy, at least he is cute & sexy, hehe...
keep it up! I LOVE YOUR BLOG~
fong: i camwhore no one will want to see di :P
zzzyun: hahaha glad to know it worked :P
serena: thank u serena :P
u don't need any pimping! u're blog is going on good. haha
That was hilarious! Haha nice one about how it sucks being a male blogger. In fact, I've only seen the rise in the number of male bloggers recently.
u have a great sense of humour too..your post are so funny
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