Saturday, January 26, 2008

Rolly Polly Blogs

Last weekend, I was just having a slow relaxing day.

In the morning I woke up to go play some badminton with some friends. You know to lose some of the calories I put on from my recent addiction to Coffee Bean's Seasonal drink Ice-Blended Caramel Hazelnut.
That has got to be one of the sweetest but yet most yummy coffee drink in Coffee Bean to date but you know what's ridiculous about it? They only have it for a couple of months each year which is the most ridiculous thing ever!

Kinda reminds me of the McD's Curly Fries. I mean.. we all LOVE curly fries right? And I'm sure I'm not the only one that wishes they had it all year round as opposed to just around the CNY period.

Anyway back to my Ice-Blended Caramel Hazelnut.

So anyway that Sunday morning, after badminton I gave my family my routine Sunday phone call. One thing I believe every man has to always never neglect is family. So I make it a point to call home as much as I can....

I shared with my family the new things in my life and a new development on Nuffnang that I can't talk about yet.

They were happy to hear from me and we hung up the phone.

About 15 minutes later while I was driving to lunch, I got an SMS from my mother.

It said
"Gd to hear you're making good progress on biz grapevine stay modest n healthy n fit dont want to see rolly polly biz man"

That's right everyone.

My mum has promoted me from just being a "fat entrepreneur" to a "rolly polly" one.

So that's what I am now... ROLLY POLLY!!!

As much as I wanted to reply the text with caps saying

I decided that it was no use fighting it anymore.

So I replied.
"Yes maam. Just played Badminton this morning so i lost some weight ok? Now going to eat nasi Kandar *rolly polly out*"

And that's all from Rolly Polly today.

Have a good weekend everyone.


unnamed said...

he he... yes ...couldn't agree more with mrs. tiah!

keep it up! :)

MuFFy said...

hello rolly polly!! i think that name is cute! :P .. it sounds better then Fat, for sure :P

Starbucks here had some mint macchiato as well for a while, then it went *poof* and never came back.. sheesh!

XiangMei said...

Ya!That true that cream make u fat...
You should tell you mom that you are not fat,You're just wearing big size shirt...
haha,kinda lame jokes...not funny at all....................................

suanie said...

my mom asked if i wanted my stomach stapled
there you go
count ur lucky stars

Super Gentleman said...

LoL... after so much exercise, den u go eat nasi kandar... quite pointless isnt it?? hahahhaz... bt i do dat too!!! haih... LoL... if wanna blame, blame it on malaysias great foods... hahahahz...

McGarmott said...

Hmm, you didn't write the whole damn post just for paragraph 8, did you?

Anonymous said...

rolly polly timothy LOL it rhymes :P

u're not fat la, maybe u should visit ur mom more often to let her see u in person, instead of judging u by what she saw on tv.

anyway, first time commemting after reading for so long, love reading ur entries! :) and it was nice meeting u at the youth event, though u may not remember me. :)

yapthomas said...

nasi kandar lagi!!
tambah the lemak lagi...

Michelle Chin said...

Wah, naik pangkat sudah! =D

Simon Seow said...

I thought last time mother used to like their son to be fat rather than thin. So, nowadays mother wants their son to be like super model?

Zephyr said...

rolly polly?....does that mean u becoming like a ball that is sphere in shape?

XiangMei said...

hey,tim...i wanna ask you,what website did u use to post your picture in your blog?
reply me in

Unknown said...

i was just going to say rolly polly timothy rhymes.. but someone already beat me to it.. haha..

May Leng said...

gee...a man can really go on about being fat ! :P
vanity is not for women only ..and rolly polly timothy prove the point ! :PP

XiangMei said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
XiangMei said...

wtf wen-qi!
i'm not asking you...!!!
Is this the way u attract people to view your blog???
huh?it's none of your business at all and sorry if i'm too rude....

Horny Ang Moh said...

That coffee look so addictive!! Hemmm rolly polly sound nice! Have a nice day bossy & happy CNY!!!

suanie said...

lmao @ wen qi not logging out of blogger

Anonymous said...

ehh how got wenqi as moderator edi ah HAHAHAHA. *pets head* then we shall cut down on pan meen and go on a hunger strike from Monday onwards. :D

Boss Stewie said...

hahaha ooops.. that wen qi reply was actually me

wen qi was using my pc.. didn't realize that she logged out of my google account and into hers.. LOL LOL..

xiangmei... that was me:P don't blame wen qi :P hahaha

Boss Stewie said...

Vicky: so you agree? HMPH!!!

Swee lin: HMPH!!!

Suanie: hahahaha lol lol… stomach stapled.. lol

Super gentleman: yah!! It’s all because of the food!!! How to tahan right?

Mcgarmott: eh no larr

Jing yen: hey.. nice meeting you that day too.. I think I remember you

Yapthomas: OI!! Nasi kandar can be healthy too. Mebe I eat all the vege only leh? :P

Michelle: yah! Sniff times have changed

Zephr: yes ..something like that

Xiangmei: I just use blogger xiang mei…

Em: sniff

May leng: hahahah!!! Lol lol.. okok fine finee you win

yapthomas said...

OI!! Nasi kandar can be healthy too. Mebe I eat all the vege only leh? :P

meaning you never eat all vege lor.!!
hor hor hor!!

Genova said...

that coffee is freaking nice ! got me too.

Anonymous said...

Wtf Xiangmei!

I am so proud that you noticed that you tastelessly bashing a person (Timothy) who accidentally used another person's (Wenqi) Blogger account was rude!

Wow there is hope for the youth of Malaysia =)))

Anonymous said...

I love you Xiang Mei You are so kind and you are so smart one hor can I have your autograph or not ahhhh.

Porcupine said...

Boss Stewie!!!
It's ok one!!!
People always ask "big-boned" people to stay in shape...
A circle is a shape too you know...