Saturday, February 02, 2008

Boss Stewie MIA

Hi everybody, Samantha here writing on behalf of Boss Stewie.

Two days ago, my boss got into a leetle accident. Nothing particularly serious but because of this leetle accident, he hasn't been able to work, play, or even blog. All he can do now is lie in bed and wait to recover. If you know him, you can imagine that he's a very very frustrated man right now.

I'll leave him to tell you what happened to him when he gets back but he promises to be back in a couple of days although the doctor says it might take 3-4 days.

Get well soon, Stewie!


PS: Timothy has requested that I post a link up on his blog, something he has been planning to do but lost track of since his leetle accident.

This is in support of the petition from the recent bus crash that took the young lives of friends of his friends.

Pay a visit to Jolene's blog for more details.


Genova said...

oh no.. hope you get well soon boss. get up and start kicking again.

Anonymous said...

Omg faster get well soon boss. We still want you alive and jumping!!

kennysia said...

Eh Samantha? Finally it's not you getting all the bad luck now is it? :P

Whatever that leetle accident is, wish he gets well soon.

kimfei said...

Boss,wish you get well soon...

Super Gentleman said...

get well soon bosss!! cant wait for u 2 write again!! hehe...

twosuperheroes said...

Gosh...poor thing. Get well soon ok, boss stewie..!! Eat more, rest more, sleep more. :p

Christine said...

Get well soon!!! At least you can take this few days to rest more..Take care

HK said...

All the best towards a speedy recovery boss!

XiangMei said...

Hope you will recover soon!so that u can happily celebrate 2008 Chinese New Year...

Horny Ang Moh said...

What happen Bossy! 'Little' accident??? Cannot 'do' for a dew day??? If u can't 'do' for a few day...that is big accident!!! I wish u all the best & speedy recovery so that u can 'do' it soonest possible!
Happy CNY!!!

Anonymous said...

get well soon boss!

suanie said...

that's why next time must buy lots of lube

then won't accident

Anonymous said...


3POINT8 said...

CNY is around the corner. Better get well soon. you don't want to lose in angpao collecting, do u?

MuFFy said...

aiks! .. i hope you're okay Tim! get well soon :) shall hear about your leetle (hehe, so cute la the spelling) accidents soon then? ..

MaN|acZ said...

hope you'll get well soon.

Jess said...

speedy recovery!!!! fast enough for CNY! zoom zoom zoommmmm~!!

yapthomas said...

You must get well soon!!
Then can give us Ang Pao during CNY!
wait.. you are not married.. hmm
nvm, Nuffnang Ads = Ang Pao. same same lah.. :P

Get Well Soon! :)

Cheng Chun said...

Take care boss.

MaE : ) said...

ugh!! kesian boss!

Zephyr said...

Wish ya recover asap Mr Tiah!!! eat good, rest well, sleep tight and get bigger bone!

Btw, Happy CNY!!!

KY said...

get well soon Tim.

By the, please support the petition. The victim was actually my brother's friend and in fact, just gave my mom a call before the fateful night.

We shall keep these sort of things from happening again.