If you're going to college, you'll see many girls here and there walking around with a bouquet of flowers, pretending to be shy but loving every bit of the attention.

If you go to dinner at a restaurant they'll tell you
"Sorry Sir, I can't serve you your usual duck noodles tonight. Tonight we have Valentine's Day Set Menu, only RM80++ per head with STEAK"

"I don't wanna eat steak.. I wanna eat DUCK NOODLES!!!"
They'll say
"Sorry Sir... Why don't you come back tomorrow when we bother to serve single people?"

Even trying to READ BLOGS and get away from it all doesn't work.
Today blogs are all flooded with "Oooh what I bought my dahling..." "Oooh where I'm taking my dahling"... "Oooh.. how I know my dahling and how I lup lup my dahling!"
WELL TO ALL YOU COUPLES............... *&#($*(&#&*($#*&($
I can't wait for today to be over!
Thank you very much.
Bring Wen Qi out ok!
sheeeeshhh like soooo da angry! But I still wish you anyway.. Happy Valentine's Day :) hugs hugs
me too hope it'll end soon...du lan...
ky: pls lar!
choc: haha!
aronil: eh u not anger cuz u got bf! hmph
naoki: yah! end soon!!!
with the exception of the few, only single people like me will be reading this post so early on Feb 14th.
Happy Single Awareness Day to you too Stewie.
I'm attached but today's not rockin' for me, too! Long distance sucks. Happy Single's Awareness Day! I'm in it with you guys. -_-
hey i'm anti Vday too. haha. happy single awareness day to u as well tim. :) have a good one. when velvet? haha.
what pls? you don't want to go out with wenqi?
today sucks
lets all go pasar malam @ Chao Yang tonight HAHA
No wonder u so piss, coz Samantha never mentioned about the gift you bought for her?
i so agree
happy valentine's day!! >@< A sweet Sweet for a sweet valentine!
Single oso can celebrate marrr...
happy single awareness day!!!
other than selling flowers n gifts, they should also offer a one-off get-a-dahling-for-Vday special deal.
can make $$ from u
I agree with KY. What pls? Haha. You wouldn't want Samantha to spend Valentine's alone, do you? *grin*
Cannot liddat one la Boss Stewie...
Things will look a look different when you have that special someone to celebrate it with...
By then, you would saying "Who is the genius who proclaimed Valentine's Day?"
Oh by the way, I agree with the others!!!
Bring Wen Qi out!!!
This shall be an official online petition!!!
Should there be more than 20 commenters asking you to take Wen Qi out before 8pm, then you MUST take her out!!!!!
waa... the Scrooge of valentine's day.. hehe..
~ to you to B.Stewie
don't fret, some of my best valentine's days was when I was single....mmm...
True... :(
It should be a nice day for me but not anymore...
Happy 'di gong' day. (The God of sky?)
For 9th of CNY... ;)
eh my blog where got that kind of entry? i am innocent o.o
haha but happy vday anyway!!!
boss, i feel you
but to look on the bright side, you don't have to suffer the damage on the pocket/wallet.......
they eat 1 piece of meat at the price of 2
we gotta to eat all 3 pieces at less than rm15
n p/s : i commented on KY's blog .
Think positive, boss..You so hamsom..scared no gf meh..If got people waiting for you already then don't let people wait too long.. *wink* :p
Happy single awareness day!
I'm also itching for duck noodles now
this 1 also not bad
Boss Stewie don't fret lah... save money mah... Anyway happy single awareness day!
I'm din write lafu lafu things woh.Instead I'm making fun of it XD
Bring sam out! bring sam out! bring sam out!
*evil grin*
Happy V-day
aiya Boss..V-Day is just another stupid over-commercialized day for dumb couples to waste their money..
me clever..i celebrated last night dy XD
boss jealous!!! hahahaa.....
This bloody day should be banned!!!!!!
I mean, surely all that excessive love, annoying-as-arse baby talk, and overflowing cheerfulness is just unhealthy?!!!!!
Try going to the cinema on this day. I'm sure you feel like taking a gun and shoot all the couples. :P
Sing along,
...are you lonesome tonight...
.....Do you miss me tonight?
Are you sorry we drifted apart?
Does your memory stray to a brighter sunny day
When I kissed you and called you sweetheart? ...
:) u guys continue from there on...
Same here, same here. Lucky I was on a bus coming back from Singapore.
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