The Firm is like the Malaysian version of The Apprentice, Joel joined and won Season 1, and now they're looking to recruit a new team of people for Season 2.
Dawn happens to be one of the people working on Season 2.

If you put 20 Timothy Tiah's in there, it'll be the most boring show you'll ever see because each one of them will always try to be 'politically correct' and there will be no drama.
So I know then that I'm not meant to be IN reality TV shows, but I love reality TV shows and I guess it wouldn't hurt to be behind the scenes on one of them.
Enter Malaysian Dreamgirl.

Malaysian Dreamgirl approached me some time last year to find out if we can work some sort of collaboration between Nuffnang and them.
Backed by huge sponsors from Nissan to AmBank, Malaysian Dreamgirl was going to be the first web-based reality TV Show in Malaysia , that means instead of watching it off the airwaves, you can watch it online just like how we all watch our videos these days.
A little excited about it and having met the people behind Malaysian Dreamgirl (one of them being the guy in the picture below),

Apart on some blog advertising campaigns that they ran on the Nuffnang network, we also hooked them up with a few bloggers:
Pink Pau and Shaolintiger who will be our 'blogger journalists' to cover the event.

Anyway, last Saturday I went over the PWTC to check out the auditions they were having and more importantly to support Ringo who was going there to participate!

Bloody hell, we should've turned that place into a club. It would've meet a lot more fun than that sausage fest I was in last weekend.
I grabbed myself a VIP Pass

There we all were betting on which girl was gonna get accepted by the judges and who wasn't.
I took the liberty of taking pictures of some of the girls while they were waiting to go in for their auditions.

Pretty or not?

Hahahaha there were a few that made it.
Like this hot girl in red here.

I know what you guys are thinking...
How can the kids FOCUS on learning the alphabet or counting apples when you have someone so HOT teaching you. Heck I probably can't even say "Hi" to her without tripping over myself in real life.
Another girl that got shortlisted is this girl that looks so much like Sweat Lee it's almost disturbing.

We went
"Suet Li Suet Li... come take picture with me!!!"
And she would just acknowledge it and come take pictures with us.
Until of course towards the end when she decided it was time to say something before she gets labeled Suet Li for the rest of the show...
She was leaving and we said
She turned back and said
"My name is Yvonne".
And we all said
"Okay Suet Li! Bye!!!"
Now the next girl I found really interesting at the event was Alison.
She was tall, charming, pretty and really really smart.
We got to talking and found out that she's an architect by profession who had just returned to Malaysia after having spent 7 years in the UK.
I was telling her how I spent 3 years in the UK studying for a degree when she asked "Which university?"
When I said
She said
See.. UCL people are ALL smart!
Oi...One of the Top 25 Universities in the World you know!
Dun pray pray!!!
Soon enough, the moment we had all been waiting for had come.

All of us were gripping our seats in the Media Room hoping that she'll get shortlisted, I mean it would really be nice to have a fellow blogger in the show right?

She did!!!
She was damn glamour by the time she came out.
Everyone rushing to interview her and all.

The final 12 will be shipped off to some really nice villa somewhere and filmed there... that's when we all get to watch them!
I'm sure there'll be some fun and also some disappointments as some of the girls we met that day get eliminated.
I had my first disappointment with one of candidates.
Her name was Alicia.

Seriously... bring home the Kindergarten Teacher and your mum will say

Now that doesn't mean to say that the judges didn't think she wasn't pretty or anything... she just wasn't exactly what they were looking for.
I'm really pretty excited about the TV show coming out. Honestly... I never thought that I would be this excited but holy crap... look at what a long post I've written just for this.
And hey... I'm not being paid a cent to write anything about this okay?
all bloggers who blog about this dreamgirl show are blogging about the same girls you know.
if the finalist are chosen based on how many posts featuring them, i can bet who gonna win d. passes to watch chicks all day. that's exactly spot on when nuffnang sign on as the media partner...right boss?...haha
boss... UCL graduate aside,
kindergarden is actually spelled kindergarten :D.
hehe sorry for pointing it out but it was killing me
Damn.....I wish I had a kindergarten teacher like that. I would pay attention everyday in class.
pink: yeah... i guess maybe because we were all there the same time!
genova: hahaha!!! no lar i thought it'd be fun
mae: hahaha your'e right! okok will change it later
leon: hahahaha lol.. or you WON'T pay attention in class
hey! the girl in red looks like my senior back in secondary school! Any idea what's her name???
nope... i forgot.. i think pink pau might know
pink pau.. what her name!
She was leaving and we said
She turned back and said
"My name is Yvonne".
And we all said
"Okay Suet Li! Bye!!!"
HAHAHHAA WTF i bet she was like 'WTF WTF SUET WTF LI.' ahhahahaha
funny lah you, and I am anticipating for cheesie to blog abt her experiencing but she isn't doing ittttt. whyyyyyyy. and anyways, eh.. kindy kids go to school to learn abc ok.. not drool over hot teachers! but i can understand why the dads will be stopping by the school more often.. HAHA
abby: hahahah yeah i bet she realyl was wtf wtf wtf!!!
i want a kindergarten teacher like her too.. then i won't skip classes any more.. be a good boy and go to school everyday !!
chee fei: haha don't we all!
mayz : her name is cindy tey!
timothy tiah pls join The Firm!! pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaseeeeee =( please lah....
Wei.... Lucky you to be in the Firm. Someone actually nominated my stinking team to be the Apprentice with TRUMP? Nah... I'll gamble it all away!
anyway...sidekick.. Got to HAND YOU A YELLOW CARD! Apa dah you bro..everytime got 2 char bor beside you... U look like you are advertising VIAGRA or TONGKAT ALI or SOMETHING!
heee heee heeeee......
Next time.. RED FLAG on your blog. Straight to MCMC to block...
best regards
Wat ACTUALLY she teach? I NEVER met any teacher, lecturer, tutor, etc like that before
wah memang sweatlee's long lost twin!
I'm really excited about this event too! Look forward to the next post for the second audition day. :)
I think Giselle is indeed a model type but the rest? Oi…
why everyone made fun of my wtf =( wtf oops there goes
nolah i think she looks more like cecilia cheung than me!
and you guys still remember me *big wet eyes
pink: hahaha kenot ler.. i already recommended them to recruit someone else.. u know who lar.. hahahahaha
geek: oi dude.. pls lar.. hahaha no rated U ok? I remember trying on this rate your blog thing and i got that result hahaha
invisible: i don't know.. i think kindergarten teacher just... takes very good care of the kids and make sure they don't hurt themselves
ky: hahaha yah i know
iamthewitch: hahaha awww i dind't go for the second audition day wor
balqiz: erm ermm... some also not bad ler.. just that i dind't snap their photo
suet: of course we remember u!!!
i was thinking of the same person!
timothy tiah why did you do that!!!!
I thought so ah...
at least I got my 'G' rated already. Now... Your rating will now show as ... 'S'
Senget sikit.. Blogger may corner at tight bends.... .
Anyway should try out that Gamat thingy ah....but don't try mixing it with Radix ok...nanti cornea scratch again....
Boss, got ask for any of the girls' hp number ar? *wink wink* I'm sure many guys will fight for it oh.. :p
Boss..did u ask for the numbers? lol...You must have thought you had gone to heaven..ratio of 1 to
I hope you didn't lau nua ah boss see so many pretty girls one. :P
Wao wao wao...the girls are really HOT!!!
looks like you can be the 3rd official blogger as well!
Tim, looking for potential wife here is it?? hahaha
So jealous!!!
Stewie, so many chicks mean next year you no more Single Awareness lor.
Empowering Youth --------------->
I agree on the Alicia...
after watching the episodes ..i can understand your excitement. =)
really fun to be part of this, I can imagine. yup, dream come true to be surrounded with hot chicks ! hehe ..
good afternoon, ,
i have something to say ,
nuffnang never pay attetion to my blog , i feel very sad and dissapointed , before i full confident with nuffnang, and take out other ads, after join Giltterati 3 month "No any ads", my blog 1 day 600 to 1800 visitor but cannot get any nuffnang ads more than 3 month , send email nuffnang staff said depend on traffic, no ads until now 3 month already!!, if still cannot get any ads , i will withdraw from Giltterati program and take out nuffnang ads
bye nuffnang
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