Friday, February 15, 2008


It's all over the news now.

Really.. it's REALLY all over the news.

Every year, the day after Valentine's Day, the newspapers everywhere will pick a couple that has proposed in a romantic way and hightlight it nationwide.

This year, it's the story of this guy who spent RM40,000 on a billboard ad asking his girlfriend to Marry Him.Now that's all nice and romantic for you Romeo but you're SPOILING THE MARKET FOR THE REST OF US GUYS!!!

Okay lets do a little bit of imaginary history on how proposals were carried out in the past.

During the caveman days it probably went like this

You me get married! Here's your ring made of stone!

Then nearer to the medieval ages.
"Darling lets get married and fornicate so we can have children to lead the generation after us!"

Well okay, those were really pretty unromantic times.

Then it got more romantic where the guy actually has to not yet kneel but, put his hands together to ask for marriage.

Then fast-forward to more modern times and the guy is expected to kneel with a ring to propose.

That's a lovely tradition.

Then it became a trend for guys to kneel in public and propose to their girlfriends, another fine tradition.
So much that now not only is almost every guy supposed to kneel down and propose (which is perfectly fine), but a really 'romantic' way of doing this would be... to do it in public when there are a lot of people around. The more the better.

If you kneel down in private and just the normal traditional way that it would get done, you run the risk of your bride saying
"Hey... wtf is this?? You're proposing to me here? In my house? When nobody is looking?"

Now this is when it begins to cross the line...

Some people seem to like it when the guys make a fool of themselves in public at the expense of making it more romantic for the girl.
You know sort of... if you're willing to make a fool of yourself for me then you must really love me kind of thinking.

So if you don't make a fool of yourself then you run the risk of your future bride-to-be saying
"Hey! Why can't you be more romantic and do something more?"

And now we have the new winner here in Malaysia.
Who spends RM40,000 on a billboard ad to propose.

So now by the time it's my turn to propose and I do it the normal traditional way.. you know in front of a moonlight scenery or something, my love of my life might turn and say





PS Romeo: You know I'm just kidding right... congratulations on your marriage! Your proposal was really cool.


Cheng Chun said...

Wow. That would be the first to get bee spell that. I wonder whether we can get planes to do so. :P

The Who said...

In Wedding Daze, Jason Biggs dressed up like cupid in a shiny red female underwear to propose to the girl in a restaurant.

Guess what happened?

She had a heart attack and died!!!

Boss, you need a holiday in Phuket la.... ask Kenny Sia to take you ler.

Evelyncyl said...

haha! but kinda crazy huh... RM40,000 just for a marriage proposal. I'd gladly invest those $$$ on something else. *ahem* ie the actual marriage itself~

Another contemporary way of marriage proposal:
propose in an airplane.
his reason: that his love for her is on top of everything else, and that nothing else matters now that they're on the highest point possible on earth.

Corny, but it works for a friend of mine. Teehee~

Boss Stewie said...

cheng: seriously.. even if we could get frogs to spell it would be an achievement

ken: sniff... i know.. i need a break.. but i didn't exactly lup phuket when i was there

eve: yah! seirously! what's with that man

Linora 'Aronil' Low said...

Hahahahahah 40k on a proposal!! That is the price of the blardy reception already hahahahahha :P I see that you are still mister grumpy.

The Who said...

of course ler grumpy....

[devillish]: wonder what if she said no???

can claim ar 40k?

Anonymous said...

hahaha i think tht guy has just too much money to spend ler. he could probably use it better on a holiday trip then proposing to her in some nice dinner place? That would be a 40k better spent. =P

Porcupine said...

RM40,000 for an ad in a billboard?
This gives me an idea though...
Can I advertise it through Nuffnang should the need to propose to my girl ever arrives?
Got discount or not Boss?

Boss Stewie said...

aronil: HMPH!!! SILENCE!!! I KEEL YEW!

ken: hahaha kenot .. where can...

cbb: yah! that's true right!

porcupine: hahahahah!!! if you get married ar. haha ookk discount discount.. my gift to u

Silhouette said...

i think someone did the same thing last year by hilton in pj...

Silhouette said...

i think someone did the same thing last year by hilton in pj...

Genova said...

price of 1 freaking car just for 1 the next 10 years, it's gonna be the price of a freaking jet for 1

Ninja said...

First i think it's just soo tacky proposing on Valentine's Day!

Secondly, RM40K just on a freaking proposal when u could probably feed a third world country?!!! For shame!!

Pam Song said...

Getting engaged on V-day? NOT COOL. Spending that much $$$ on a billboard? GILA. I'd much rather a reception with some super pro wedding designer like Bill Keith or something and then go for a year-long honeymoon.

Sweet lah. But stupid.

Anonymous said...

Tim get her a car and spell her name in rose petals in the back seat or something. Screw a stupid forty thousand dollar billboard that'll last a month.... -____-

yapthomas said...

why Tim? He took your "wanted to do so long plan" is it?

Hot Air Balloon? You can do better than that Tim!

Accyee said...

WOW.. really. now my expectations rocketed high to the sky alredy.. hahaha... crazy. but so sweet lah, tho i wud rather he spent the money for proposing ON the wedding itself. why so stupid wan.

XiangMei said...

That is what we call waste money instead of romantic ...ur girlfriend will accept your proposal no matter how unromantic you are! If she truly love you from the bottom of her heart.For sure she will accept anything that u give her..That is what I call 'Love' and also not to let her to love you because u have money!although i know money is important *hehex

TheBeerCrusader said...

LOL.... damn market spoiler !!!

TNS said...

calling me? hahahaha

blaquefuscatae said...

hey, not all girls want a public proposal lor..or at least i dont want it. if my bf propose 2 me in public, ill get cross..summore if spend 40k on it..wat a waste of money

Anonymous said...

methinks that I like cash. :)
don't need 80k lah, 50k will do nicely and throw in a car and a house. :D

Cassie said...

tee hee when i first saw the news,i went all "awwww" inside and out..then i told my mum "so chunted hor?"

and i got fired back in return (like i was the cause of it) -_-" she said..spoiling the market for the rest of the guys in the population..and girls will tend to compare and want more...poor ppl dun have to propose la..etc etc etc..

and yea 14000 alone is too much for a ring..what more the additional 40000 SWT

radical85 said...

lol. u are indeed creative to imagine making bee to form words

anyway, why girls like grand proposal?

pharmalogik said...

luckily i am already married...

but still i think 40K will be much better to spend on holidays...

Zephyr said...

I saw a price tag "RM 40 000" on her future wife's forehead.

I salute him on his stupity.

Wondering how high is his IQ

I think animal's IQ also higher

rockdandy said...

Hahaha....the twinpole is owned by his father, so the 40k is a "perceived" value, coz they are not able to sell the board so the son takes it and perhaps he pays only the productions (like RM3/sq ft). if not who in the world would spend 40k for a board but only 14k for the ring???

hcfoo said...

Agree with Rockdandy. He's an ads guy.

He would 'spend' RM40k to get himself on the billboard and in the news but only RM14k for the wedding ring.

Unknown said...

40k gone down the drain... could have taken a honeymoon in paris/milan/UK, technically anywhere u want and buy lots of stuff.

i wonder if the girl says in her heart quietly how GILA the guy is. Just din want to tell the press only. sure kena shoot one the guy. 40K wuih... 40K!

can eat 4 seasons duck! SOOO many!

Anonymous said...

never realized that a girl's perception of romantic was how much her guy can look like a fool for her. despite it being pretty much true, publicity and looking like a fool are two separate things.

on a billboard?!

that's so unromantic.

minnymin said...

timothy i saw the intro of new feature in nuffnang but it's been days i can't get into nuffnang website (malaysia 1) and i have no place to ask for help T.T so forgive me to interrupt at ur blog here... help me

Cutie said...

Hmm, not all girls ask for all this. If my bf did spend the 40K to propose to me like this, he will get from me. I would rather he save the money and probably spend it for the house or renovation of the house that we will need in future. Hehe... Anyway, boss you probably need to come up with sth interesting to propose. Maybe get babies to do sth cute and farnee as most girls love babies. Hehe...

lainegal said...

i know that guy. the billboard belongs to his dad's company so he got it for free. everything else was done by the agency he works in.

both their families are well off so RM14k for a ring to them is just normal.

H said...

After reading this in the paper my first reaction was, this guy have set the par high for the rest of the male population. Now all the guys might hate him and the girls are impress with him.
I guess no matter how much ($$) the proposal is, the most important thing is that person you are marrying.
That meant something right?

mang0 said...

Actually I don't think this proposal is romantic, it's just a simple idea in richman's world. I would prefer bees spelling :D

Linora 'Aronil' Low said...

Hahahaha boss u watching achmed the terrorist is it!! Hahahahahhaha .... NNNGGEEOOINNNG ** wisps hand above head** :P

Michelle said...

i rather take the cash.