Anyway, while I was working in our little Nuffnang Singapore office, I checked my mail only to see an e-mail that Cely just forwarded me.
It was an e-mail filled with pictures of the night life in Taiwan and it was... WILD!!!

I mean heck, sometimes I go clubbing here in Penang or KL and I see a club full of guys.
In Taiwan however, not only are there so many chicks but heck... if you could see the stuff they do.

Naturally I decided not to put the picture up here haha very rude of me to :P
But check out the other girls!!!

These pictures kinda reminded me of an experience I had last year when I was at Taipei's Ministry of Sound with some of my Taiwanese friends.

I looked at them for a while but couldn't hear what they were saying. Then one of my friends came up to me and said
"Hey what's up?"
I asked him
"What are those two girls fighting about?"
And his reply shocked me
"Oh I saw them fighting just now. Apparently what happened was this guy came to the club and picked up one of the girls.
Then after dancing with her for some time he disappeared. When the girl went looking for him, she found him dancing with her friend so the both of them started fighting with one of them screaming "WHY YOU STEAL MY GUY!??!?!"".

I mean back in reality a.k.a. Malaysia, I hear guys fighting among each other for girls in clubs but never for girls fighting for the guy.
And in Malaysia if the guy did that I would imagine that the first girl would go up to him and give him a big slap.
But NOoooo.. instead she pushed him aside and fought with the second girl he picked up.

And I remember seeing the guy just standing there quietly while the two girls fought.
Here's the best part... the guy wasn't that good looking but the two girls who were fighting.. HOLY CRAP WERE DAMN BLOODY HOT!!
WHY?!?! WHY?!?!?! WHY?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?
One of my aunties used to tell me to be weary of Taiwanese girls. She used to say
"Taiwanese girls will hook you if they think you're rich or successful, get married to you and when you marry her, you marry her whole family. That means you're probably gonna be supporting her entire family as well all down to her brothers and sisters. So be careful ah!".
I thought about what she said for a while.
Then I saw another picture that Cely sent me of a Taiwanese girl.

I know Ringo will follow. Right Ringo?
holy shit are u sure these are pictures of taiwanese girls?! i just spotted my friend...
suet li: really? where??? no lar.. kenot be rite.. the way they dress also doesn't look like a malaysian club. but anyway that's what cely's email said
been there, done that. some wild night, there might even be free strip show happening, i'll wait for you here, boss.
hey! what the f!! my mom is a taiwanese! she came with my dad even though they are just fresh graduates and have to start a new life from scratch in Malaysia!
Haha, but then seriously speaking my mom also said that most taiwanese girls are indeed materialistic and want to marry rich guys :)
eyes popping, nose bleeding, love juice flowing, hands cant stop shaking, cold sweat dripping...
*(saying to myself)i mite actually hav a chance landing my 1st gf over dere!!!... n a hot 1 too... LOLOLOLOL...
btw i cant lay my eyes of pic 3,7,8... talk bout eye candy... muahaha...
wtf!! i migrating to taiwan...anyone coming?
its only fun when you're young
Boobies galore...
Berair mata. Bila bisa ku sampai ke tahap hot chick sebegitu.
But in order to look that good one must persevere in working out, getting the money for the outfits, make ups, and fake extensions (hair, the hair).
So if you want a girlfriend like that one have to make sure you're making the money to support her expenses lo.
Ada sanggup kah?
Im comin with you boss......lets go!!
so will we see nuffnang taiwan popping up soon?
junwei: ahhh... the night i was there at MOS Taipei wasn't as wild as what it was in the pictures.. but yeah.. pretty good stuff man
jun: yeah my friend's mum is taiwanese too and hey.. my uncle's wife is taiwanese and she is the nicest woman ever. so i think it's just a false generalization. and hey.. who wouldn't wanna marry a rich guy.. like which guy wouldn't wanna marry a rich girl
super: hahahaha!!!!
fcuk: TAKE ME!!!
luxen: yeah.. so i'll come back to kl when I'm older, more matured and less keen on partying... UNTIL THEN.. TAIWAN MARI!!!
jannah: yah yah.. so that's why now must work hard to earn money hahah
falcon: hahahahaha ok on!
realgunners: hahahaha! no larrrr
Lets go!!!!
I know u will love it :)
How about the PARTY QUeen email ? LOL !
ky: hahahaha on!!! booking tickets now!!!
cely: eh got meh ? where
boss. open nuffnang in taiwan.
Hey do you still wanna employ? Open an office at taiwan I go with u?! or mayb a visit there...
foward me the email can ar?
*books tic to Taiwan*
Can i joine the team flying to Taiwan? ^_^
arghhhh!!!!!!!! WILD WILD WILD OMG OMG Msia is so deprived of WILD AND CRAZY CHICKS! shyt my pant's wet rofl.
Hmm, ur post nowadays seem kinda female-orientated? 1st boobie ads, then tit-signing, then this? Haha. I bet all the guys enjoyed these posts...
Agree totally, went to taiwan once and i loved being there! I can also comment that girls in taiwan are really mostly fair and hot, aka Tai-Mei(Taiwanese Chicks). Makes me wanna sing: " Wo Ai Tai-Mei, Tai Mei ai wo~~"(I love Taiwanese Chicks, They love me too~~) XD
Ok I'm in! Whe are you leaving??
Either way or Msian girls buck up!! XD
genova: hahaha ok coming!!
rach: hahahaha okok so u work with us in Nuffnang Taiwan?
jeremi: haahha are u serious ? okok later i do it
cheesie: YAY! I sit window seat!
josh: hahaha can join join
jack:hahahaha lol dude...
takemoto: hahah then the malaysian girls are first gonna ask us malaysian guys to BUCK UP
email forward plz!!! *drool* :p
well.. don't place such a high hopes on the chic in da clubs.. after a few drinks + dark ambiances + dress sexy abit u tot pretty girl~meh..
so don't be to alarm if u wakeup next to her the next day shocked to see her.. ahaha..
whoa...they dance in their undie?
My sis used to tell me that the taiwanese girl will dance,flirt themselves a bit then strip and let other ppl to touch their boobs and *ahempussy.....It's true u know....i see all those picture with my own eyes.but they are hot!!!
OMg ~
HOt Chicks !!!
did they bao bao u n dance ~
i swear to god ..
ur nose bleeding tat time!!! wakakakkaa
wah wah u sure *ahem* doesnt mind?
i oso wanna go to taiwan!! :P
damn, boss, i'm wif ya! haha
They're freaking hot!
do they have sized up dolls?
nah. im kidding.
I don't think Banana will approve of you moving to Taiwan.
Nuffnang should organize a trip to Taiwan for bloggers. :P
Tiam! Let's go! Then you can sign autograph at the "weirdest" place on them too! :P
I, er, want the forwarded e-mail can.
walao..u dun get cheated leh...check properly first, really is taiwan or not..later u move there liao go to their club to see another club full of guys don't say u regret and come back Malaysia. Lucutkan your kewarganegaraan ar...
unbelievable but adorable and looking-forward-able to go to Taiwan!!
I'm with u...lets organise a trip to taipei for nuffnangers..
Welcome to the world of Taiwan !! =)
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