Here's the truth.
I have been in love for the longest time ever.
But as much as my love was there, I never could get myself to admit it or tell the world. Heck I couldn't even tell my closest friends.
Whenever they were around, I acted as if nothing happened between the both of us and I did that shamefully without thinking how it might make her feel.
Some of my friends like Pinkpau here had suspected that something was going on.

And some... like Suanie here probably knew but didn't give a fuk.

Yet, she has always continued to love me and persistently stayed true and loyal to me.
Dear, I am so sorry for the way I have treated you.
Please know that I never refused to acknowledge you as mine because I felt you weren't good enough for me, but simply because I wasn't sure what people would think if they knew about us.
Will they continue to welcome us with open arms? Or will they laugh and ridicule us.
I know I pushed the limit during the Nuffnang Pajama Party when I decided to bring someone else instead of you to show to the world.

I also know that I have been traveling a lot lately and I haven't been able to take you along with me. I am sorry to neglect you in such a way but please understand, I do so because my work demands that of me.
I fear your patience may be growing thinner and your love fading away so please help me save the relationship I took for granted for so long.
I know dear.
We have been together for years and you deserve so much better. Hence I am writing this entry on my blog to confess not only to my friends but to the thousands of readers out there of your existence and how important you have been to me in my life.
Dear Readers, please let me introduce to all of you... my one and only...

Buh Buh
Buh Buh is my bolster that I first had as a little baby boy and have since kept. It used to be so much bigger than me in size but now it's tiny compared to me. My mother has tried (but failed terribly) countless times to throw Buh Buh away but I have always managed to keep it.She shouldn't even bother trying! One of my other friends had his mum 'give away' his bolster while he was away studying in the UK and when he came back to find out about it, he didn't talk to his mum for a whole month!
So there you go everyone, meet Buh Buh.
I know some people who sleep with the oddest things ever from their old teddy bears, to security blankets, to bananas..
PS: Don't ask me why it's called Buh Buh. I guess I didn't know how to pronounce bolster well enough back then.
as expected ...
i know u will say abt bolster(and alike) when u say abt sleeping together
buh buh (read: wenqi)
I thought you were seriously going to confess your feelings towards *cough* wenqi *cough* but when I saw the nuffnang bolster...
I knew I was getting punk'd.
PS: faster find a (authentic) feminine figure to hug in bed la. lol!
gimme heart attack isit...
i thought u gonna confess to (dot dot dot)
BUH BUH??!! Wtf...
Potong steam laaaaa
Thought it is your plastic doll...
*await with bated breath for girlfriend to be revealed*
*see stupid bolster*
i knew it! it was about that smelly buh buh :P
anti climatic... -_-
what's all this talk about wenqi..
Hhehehehe Boss.. dah agak dah U want to punk us. I quickly2 scroll down.... can see the smelly bantal.
Yah, what's it about WenQi? Can stewie please explain?
wenqi is a hot chick? :D
my mom did exactly that to me.. well mine is not buh buh, but had slept with me for many years too, when i came back from my summer semester last year...
*gone~ you're gone~~~* sobzzz...
ky: yah i dunno what lor! how to explain
twinkle: HAHA!!
realgunners: yah.. did u not talk to ur mum for a month or something?
Buh Buh and Banana, sitting in a tree... :D
buh buh... lolx to me some of the sentence here u wrote are meant for "someone" to read haha
Damnit! I dunno why it took me paragraph 7 or 8 before I smelled irony ...
eyeris: OI!!!
joshua: oi!!!
mcgarmott: LOL!
You are confessing sthg INDIRECTLY, arent you? kekekeke...
potong stim loooo
ai~.. making me miss my bolster as well....
eileen: oi who said anythign about that?
genova: hahaha
em: awww
OI!!! everyone why talking about wenqi when the post is about buh buh... making buh buh feel insecure only now
wtf? i knew it was gonna be about your bolster or something like that -___- but those sentences are meant for someone, aren't they? *winkwink
Weyh, don't make Buh Buh sad la you all :(
Buh Buh so god damn cute somore XD
Kesian la Buh Buh. I wanna hug Buh Buh 8D
Boss Stewie : Why they all like that one -_-lll So, can I hug Buh Buh? XD
Buh Buh : I respect you, you brave brave bolster, to be able to go through comments about your owner loving someone else T_T Brave, brave, Buh Buh. I love you Buh Buh! *changes to crazy fan girl*
lol I DIDN'T SAY NYTHG BOUT WENQI.. i said someone hahahaha anyway this post reminds me of Phua Chu Beng ones, he got a pillow i think if im not mistaken hahahaha i miss watchin PCK lolx
i was just asking is wenqi a hot chick :D
anyway, nope i did not refrain from talking from my mom for a month.. haih kinda knew she would do that anyway, she has been trying to throw mine away since i was form 1..
who else was talking abt wenqi btw? all i see is buh buh and banana.. well, putting them together will be a nice sight i suppose hehehe *winks*
u mean the part when he says 'i love u' in his sleep while hugging the bolster and Margeret thinks that he likes a girl when it's actually a house?
something fishy lah..
eh.. WWQ.. can decipher this or not??
haha, buh buh... i have a smelly blanket too, since i was one year old, hehe...
mine is bao bei haha
isit really an indirect confession?!!!!
when will the direct confession come?? buahaha
I think Buh buh is into business already, I saw a Bubba Gump Shrimp Co. in The Curve the other day.
-____- potong stimmmmmm ~~
alamak potong stim.
or is this just an oblique way of confessing tim? ;)
woOoH! go Tim Go! i really dislike men who 'hide' their pretty babes under duno wtf circumstances. but thing is u're not one of them!
kudos to u ;)
After the Yakult confession u made last time, i knew this was gonna be a prank! Hahaha. Anyway, yay at least i'm not the only one who's gonna keep the bantal busuk with me til i grow white hair. My pillow has a cuter name though, "chiam chiam". Guess cox i love the sharp corner of the pillow. HAHAHA!
wow, i thought i was the only one with such "sleeping habits"! my mom also threw mine away when i was young, but i managed to weasel a small bolster and pillow from my granny. they're still with me. hehe.
i have a "buh buh" like that also!!! the kapas inside is like damnnn old thats why its always flat at one side. hahaha! but mine is... triangle. =S
you had me at "didn't give a fuk"
well, there's a banana at the end of the post... if it wasn't included there would be less speculation mah, right? ;-)
eh i got love affair with my bolster also. his name is lam chim. i think that's like hokk for bolster or something.
and weyh creepy la your romance. later buh buh wake up in the middle of the night and bantai sama you, how?
i remember 3 yrs back my granny did de same she hid my bolster de cover up de one i needed to have to sleep with and i did not talk to her for a week till she gave in and gave it back to me.
things like this hold for us alot of memories
Oh my!
I seriously tot it was a very romantic open letter to your beloved UNTIL I SAW YOUR BUH BUH!
Wah lau! Caught me sia!
-_-" I thought u are going to show us ur girl!!!!!!!!!!! Brr........
Damn! I didn't see that until the end of the post.
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