My problem however is that I'm very very very bad with knowing who local celebrities are.
Let me tell you how stupid I am.
Once I was introduced to Rudy from Rudy & JJ's breakfast show. He introduced himself as "Rudy" and I said "Hi I'm Tim".
Now I've seen many pictures of how Rudy & JJ look like but I STILL DIDN'T RECOGNIZE HIM!!!

Bloody hell!!! If I had known he was Rudy from Rudy & JJ I would've squealed like a schoolgirl and say
"OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG I LOVEEEE YOUUUUUU.... Please sign my butt cheek!!!!"
Fortunately another time when I met Joey G at an event some time back, someone was nice enough to tell me that he was a celebrity so I would know how to go up and take a picture with him.

Heck I knew he is a judge at One In A Million and is known for giving straightforward honest opinions like Simon Cowell.
I mean you gotta love Simon Cowell... he talks sense.. unlike silly Paula.

I did a small poll on my sidebar recently and found that 72% of my readers think that Paula gives irrelevant opinions in American Idol.

I mean heck.
I could go there and stomp my feet and scream around with some unaudible awful awful song and Paula Abdul will still say to me
"Timothy... I feel so happy for you. You look beautiful today and you were wonderful and I'm so proud of you because you're not afraid to show us who you are... yabber yabber yabber... come give me a hug".

So uhmm.. wait where was I... oh shit sorry okok I got sidetracked there.
Alright so anyway I was doing a bit of reading up on Paul Moss and I found out that he was the producer for Juliet The Orange. JULIET THE ORANGE!!! HOLY COWW!!!
THAT SONG BRINGS ME MEMORIES OF MY HIGH SCHOOL DAYS!!! And I still remember back then that I couldn't believe it was a song by a local artiste because well.. back then there weren't many local artists singing english songs.
When I first shook hands with Paul Moss the next day I said

I can't believe it!!!
Does everyone else not like eyelash?
Come on.. okay watch this music video and listen to the song.
If you've heard it before.. then you know you're old like me :P
If you haven't.. then... you're probably a lot older than me... or a lot younger :P
Note the people in the video are not Juliet The Orange. Don't think it's an official music video.

Juliet The Orange is a group of two girls who look like this.
Yes I know that song! shit revealed my age already...
don't ever use the word "old" on you as long as i'm around ok!
erm! I am young but I know the song ok! dont look down on us the younger generation. though I aint that young also lar. xD you know you know! one of them is a lawyer of the girls...xD
Omg I love that song!I used to listen to eyelash and possibility by Intoxicated when I was in secondary school.
Wah, you dig back my memories. I love that song and I nvr thought that it's actually sung by Malaysian when I first heard it.
yeah, I remember that album. I bought it, it was the first ever Malaysian album that I bought that was original. I encoded it into Mp3, I can't find the original CD in my collection anymore.
The both of them were Sri Amanians. One of them is cute. I wonder what happened to them. I should do a facebook search and see if I get lucky.
I see Paul in the office sometimes, he always has a cool T-Shirts. Once, I saw him wear a T-Shirt that said "The Others" on the front, it was from Lost season 1 when it was showing on TV. It was so funny.
hey i'm a fan of juliet the orange too. their album rocks. :)
ok i've not listen to dat song before.. but i'm not wayyy younger than you also wat... and hahaha KY... hahah KY... i cant stop laughin...
hey.. i used to like this song.. thn i forgot about it.. hehe
jamiroquai towards the end lol
loved that song!
I like eyelash but I like QUIZZICAL the most... and I'm younger than you of course... Hahaha.... :)
tralala, i most agree with MW!
absolutely love QUIZZICAL !
Awesome Malaysian song. Heard of it but never could have guessed that it's Buatan Malaysia.
you brought back memories... those times when i was in primary/secondary school...
and intoxicated as well.... darn i feel old-ish now
oh yeah, how come your post started so nice... nicely build up... then *plomp* the ending like that?
i'm as old as u then... lol! i think i have the album somewhere in my collection! LOL!
ahhh.... i finally know what the song is called... i heard it and liked it but never knew the name of the song and was lazy to google it. thanks!
paul moss.. hahaha.. i almost forgotten that name :D
Like Eyelash.
Heard one of them is (was?) lecturing at a local college. Law.
Yup, the vid are not the Juliet the Orange's official video. Its done most likely by FCM students (alumni) for their music video project.
The outdoor scenes in the video are shot in or near Cyber Park in Cyberjaya.
stewie did you SEE!
when david cook sang dare you to move and i dont wanna miss a thing, on idol today!!!
i don't know that song! .. hmm.. eks! :S
.. and i don't really know the malaysian celebrities either coz i can't remember names!! double eks!!
oh oh ..and the comments thing on idol.. i think they use the feedback sandwich .. goodnews-badnews-goodnews..
ps : hello tiam! hahahaha!
Oh my, I haven't heard this song in AGES! There I was thinking, why does Juliet the Orange sound so familiar? ;)
ah i like that song... haven't heard of that song for ages.. wonder what happened to the group now.
renaye (
yeah. i heard the juliet the orange song before. my favourite! :)
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