Sunday, November 09, 2008

My New Haircut

I was at Sunway Pyramid yesterday for a hair cut. Gosh it was the longest time I had ever spent in a hair saloon in the 24 years of my life. Total time spent: just over 2 hours.

I went there just with the intention to get a hair cut and have my hair dyed. But as the hair stylist took a look at my hair, she noticed that I could use some various hair treatments for my sensitive scalp. Treatment that would solve some problems I was having.So while I was reading my book she kept recommending this and that and eventually before I knew it, at the end of the 2 hours I had spent a bomb on my hair.

I jumped when I saw the bill but then I thought to myself that after all the 20 odd years of my life that I have had hair, I never spent much on it. Most of my life had me spend max RM5-RM10 on a hair cut so I thought.. okay fine why not. Besides whatever problems I had with my scalp was miraculously cured right after the treatment.

Now let me say this... there is something I absolutely love about cutting your hair in a hair saloon. I LOVE the part when they wash your hair. GOSH... all the scrubbing and head massaging always makes me feel like I'm floating away to a far far away dream land.

At the end of my 2 hour treatment, wash and hair cut... this is how I ended up looking like.

Do I look even more like a little teenage boy?

While I was getting my hair cut, the stylist just had to ask me
"So are you still studying or working already?"

I told her that I've been working for about 2 years now though on second thoughts, maybe I should've told her I was still a student. Maybe she would've given me a student discount.


Have a Happy Sunday ahead everyone!


electronicfly said...

haha boss look more like boss's son!
you look more matured without your specs tho..

Anonymous said...

It's a compliment! You wouldnt want me to call you OLD.

nice haircuttttt by the way.
Seriously!: )

JacJac said...

very expensive wei... it's as much as me wash + cut/style + perm my hair + treatment and after all that i could actually go get a meal with the balance...
KL expensive wei.... come back penang cut :p

ah but nice hair cut... a question... can you manage to get back this style after you sendiri wash and style yourself? :p

pinkpau said...


beng stewie!

nola nola not beng la. okay la maybe a bit la. but x100000 nicer than previous hairstyle

bryanlyt said...

wowow expensive yet youthful haircut! =P

[fong88] said...

looks like one of my college friend..nice haircut..^^

- m i c h e l l e - said...

Wow! Very expensive haircut but you look good. ;)

Ken Wooi said...

that's expensive! O.o

Sapphira said...

Omgosh, that first photo really doesn't look like you. :P

Sapphira said...

Omgosh, that first photo really doesn't look like you. :P

Unknown said...

u dyed ur hair!!!! :D :D :D
dye blue next time!

Terrence Cheang said...

I need to enlarge the first picture to have a better look at your face.

At first I thought, why Tim put other people's picture there?

It doesn't look like you seriously.

The last picture is whole a lot better. :p

Nice hair cut but you wouldn't be able to make that after you shower, can you?

Kay said...

do what i gonna do next time! keep my already long hair and dye it metallic blue!

Chee Ching said...

Ahahaha! I can't wait to see you this Monday! :D

R said...

boss, i had my fair share of expensive hair cut. spent about 350++ once when I first came to KL. Hahahha.

Ulat said...

so this is how little timmy looks lyt... XD

Anonymous said...

My goodness I look so much older than you now. Haha. It's time for me to have a new hair-do as well.

Cassie said...

yesss look younger HAHA but it's nice =)

Panache said...

holy cow... u becoming like beckham... he cuts his hair for that price too but in sterling pounds la...

way to go man

雙妍 said...

Nice haircut! :)

Unknown said...

looking good. =)

Ruionkoh said...

Er why not considering keeping the Kurt Cobain's hairstyle? LOL XD

KY said...

hahaha you look so cute now!

Unknown said...

Looks younger after haircut.

eyeris said...

I think I got the exact same haircut at my regular salon for only about RM18... haha.

KaizenKuok said...

ur hair really looks good bro!!I think rm430 can last me a lifetime of haircut man!

Simon Seow said...

That's why I always reject what the hair stylist want to add, so I come out only RM 20 for wash and cut.

Suet Li said...

eh very handsome!!! pheweet ah moi ah moi wtf

Harry Kho aka Krawx said...


hahaz.. as said like everyone else.. no need to repeat what they say liao la..

one question.. usually ur rm5-rm10 haircut where cut one weii.. me want also!!

I dont need so exp hair cut.. rm5 will do muahahaz.. just dont kena cut like bangla can liao..

oh oh .. also.. how old are u again?! muai gosh!

LeangFM said...

spend rm400+ , and u get to look 5 years younger
next time, try spend 900+ to see whether u can look 10 years younger or not?

ZB said...

the last time i had my hair cut, it took 4 hours!!!

Florence said...

nice hair haahahahha

ahlost said...

Hahaha.. It's a disadvantage when you meet your clients cos they might think they're dealing with a teenage :D

CJS said...

haha, i duuno how much is that in dollars..
but you got to love the student discounts!

Racheal Kow said...

i think ur new hair style looks good. keep it up.
i always believe that spending on 'beautifying' one self is worth the price :)
have a great day!

Florence said...

Since everyone has commented about your haircut, let me say somethin else.

You look better without specs! =)