I arrived on Monday night, really happy and all. Went for dinner with some of my friends and clients who happen to be there and we went take some pictures around Shanghai.
I went to bed thinking that I was going to be fine on Wednesday morning for work again but in the middle of Tuesday night I woke up with a painful stomach ache. I didn't know what was causing it but my body told me that I had to be near a toilet so I rushed into the toilet.
That night I woke up almost every hour to rush to the toilet.
When Wednesday morning came I was struggling to stay alive. By the time I was up it was near 10.30AM and I knew I had to go to a pharmacy. So I made my way to find a pharmacy and while I was expecting to see a well-stocked pharmacy like this.
So okay I asked for some of the Western medicine that I knew off but they had no clue what it was so I told them that I was suffering from food poisoning and I needed something.
They prescribed these pills for me and I started taking it as they suggested. 3 of these pills 3 times a day.
It's Friday now and I'll be leaving in a few hours for the airport to head back home and I'm still feeling like shit so that kinda messed up my trip a little.
The good news is that my
See you guys soon.
Take care!
Next time bring a pack of emergency meds >.<
Its China...Did u ask if the pills were made with melamine? OMG!
Anyway, get well soon.
Oh my...Yea....Sometimes it's ur stomach can't get used to the food over there or maybe the food is not clean...
Undeniably, a lot of Malaysians couldn't stand the oil ( they say those cheap restaurant use oils made by a kind of flower which does not smell good) and also the food in China...
gosh sorry to hear that tim. hope u get well soon n perhaps u should consider packing a mini first aid kit for future trips. i usually do that. take care.
mile high shitz!
now, that's something unusual ..
get well,boss!
Had the same experiance when I was there a coupld of years back. Bad food just gave me stomach cramps that went on for days until my parents and the tour guide went and got me some medicine from the local pharmacy.
Amazingly, instead of getting constant diahorrea, it became constipation in a matter of days. And it lasted for a week!! It's crazy!!
Get well soon! It takes a person who's been through that to really get how you feel. At least I know now it's not my fault.
so u really did make use of the toilet with special cubicle :D
OoOoo those look like carbon pills? I heard it's not good if you take too many. Drink as much fluid as possible. :)
Tim, you should try this brand of medicine called Smecta. It's a powder thing that you mix with water and drink. I've found it in Beijing in the bigger pharmacies.. Of course you're back in Msia now, but you know, just in case, for next time! It's called Si3 Mi4 Da2 in Mandarin
Those looks like charcoal pill, the usage is only to absorb gas in the stomach not much effect. Stop eating anything for a day, that might help.
hey! u were here in SH!??? u shoulda called me! haven't got scammed nor had food poisoning yet (touch wood).
ex-happy communicator
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