The Christmas meal is also when all of us give each other our Secret Santa presents. That means weeks before the meal we are all assigned a person we're supposed to buy a Christmas Present for and on the day itself we get to give that person the present.
This year we had our Christmas meal in this nice quaint restaurant in Singapore.
Here's one with Robb and Nicholas.
Tim 2, Raine, Vernice and Robb again.
Ming and I both gave a good speech to the team about Nuffnang to look back at how far we have come this year but also to look forward at the mounting challenges we have ahead for next year (next year will be a difficult year).
Then Ming had a surprise for everyone, something he asked me about before but he has to take credit for actually getting it done.
He made special Parker pens for each and every Nuffie in the team with their names/nicknames engraved on it.
After we were done admiring our shiny new pens, we had our wonderful lunch with lots of jokes and laughter, ending with dessert.
We took turns and went round. Basically if it was my turn to give my present to whoever I was Secret Santa to, I had to give clues on who that person is.
So say if it was Firdauz then his Secret Santa would say
"This person laughs like this: 'Hur hur hur'".
Or like when it was me my Secret Santa just pointed to the part of his face where a mole would've been if he were me.
And the presents were all given out.
Firdy got Clara for his Secret Santa and she got him a very nice customized Nike shirt with the words "Firdy" on it and with an "Afro" cartoon on it.
Reminded me of the Christmas song we used to sing in school. It went like this.
"On the third day of Christmas my true love gave to me, one Nintendo, two coffee mugs, three leather wallets and a G-String to keep my balls warm!"
Nicholas gave Vernice a pretty cool present. Two tickets to watch a Gold Class Movie for her bf and her. That means all the space you want in a cinema Vernice. Just no cuddling or hugging bf during movie times because he'll be so far away you'll be lucky if you could reach him with your toes.
But heck who wouldn't want Gold Class Tickets. Check out Raine's face when she saw Vernice take out the tickets.
I didn't give Raine Gold Class Tickets :(
My present to her was a Lava Lamp!
Because when I think of "rain" I think of sun, so when I think of sun I think of light. So I got her a lamp! But not just any lamp! A lava lamp!
Finally after it went through everyone, it came to my turn and my Secret Santa was Robb.
Man look how excited I was about my present.
My present was two ready-to-play decks of Magic The Gathering cards.
Don't know if I'll start it again though, costs too much money and I seem to have grown out of it a little unless I play it for fun.
We ended the lovely lunch 2-3 hours later, one of the longest lunches we've ever had but even then it was cut short... why? Because a client was chasing us to have some work sent in before a deadline so we all had to rush back to the office in Singapore.
It's Christmas Eve tonight, Merry Christmas everyone!
I love this time of the year!
WOW its been so long since i read your last entry, didn't even know you're together with Audrey now (congratulations! hope you didn't actually take my dumb advice to achieving your "goal" because... well, my advice will only lead to the Law giving you shit)
Good to see yous guys are doing wells. Once again, anytime your nuffies wanna visit Canada for next year's Christmas din-dins, by all means, come come come!
Firdy standing in front of air haram!
Merry Christmas to everyone of you :)
merry christmasssss boss!!
MERRY CHRISTMAS STEWIE!! btw u can watch family guy on!! that's my present to you boss =p
Hey! Remember me?
Merry Christmas! :)
atherian: hahaha Canada for our Christmas Trip? Taht will be the day dude
ky: it was just decoration lah dude, no booze was server
ahlost: Merry Christmas to you too ahlost
nicholas: Merry Xmas ! :P
Kay: hahaha what a great Christmas present. Okay shall go watch it now. Merry Xmas
Ju Ann: yes I do of course! We took pictures! Merry Xmas!
merry christmas tim!
we shall dance again in 2009. haha.
Hi! I'm a silent reader but I REALLY enjoy reading your blog. Anyway, tis the season! Merry Christmas to you and everyone at Nuffnang! :D Oh and a Happy New Year!!
Merrry Chrissstmassss Tim!
Have a Merry and Spanky X'mas :)
Loved this post...
Boss it was a card game not a book ler
Hey boss, can i know where did u get the lava lamp pls?
Psst... Boss, if you do not want the Jace vs. Chandra, do consider selling it to me with the condition that it's still sealed.
I've checked in Penang & KL and they've ran out of this deck. :'(
Don't worry, I promise I won't tell Robb. ;)
Meeooorry Christmas ^^ boss...
What did Robb get then?
Merry Christmas Ewe Tiam!!! :)
Merry Christmas & Happy New Year to all nuffnangers. wow...what a great party & company. i wish i work here..:P
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