Then as you drive out on to the roads, loads of things that slow you down take place. I feel as if I've seen them all.
Sometimes you just happen to follow behind a car that is driving so slow you'd think his car was being pulled from the front by a mule.
It's just bad luck!
I mean who's to think that these kind of things happen ONLY on the days you're late for something.
Here's the classic though.
Just a few days ago I was driving down the highway and there were so few cars on the road you'd think they raised petrol prices to RM10.00/Litre. I was enjoying the smooth traffic and making good time.
Then just as I approached the toll booth I kept to the Smart Tag lane as always. A car cut right in front of me and I let it go.
Then it stopped right in the middle of the Smart Tag lane. The driver then put his window down and took out his Touch n Go card and touched it on the green intercom that you normally use to call for help when something goes wrong.
I was about to get out of the car and say
"DUDE!!! STOP TOUCHING YOUR TOUCH N GO THERE!! You might as well touch it on my head because either ways it's not gonna get the barrier up!!"
when a PLUS Highway official finally came to save the day.
The poor lady had to take the dude's Touch N Go card and walk over to the Touch N Go lane, then wait till all the other cars had passed before she touched his card on the reader to deduct the credit. Then only did she open the barrier for the guy in front of me.
I tried to reverse out and change lane but there were so many cones blocking the way I just gave up and sat still.
Total time it took... 4 actual whole minutes. I heard the start till the end of a song in my car in that time.
And you know what's the best part... these things ONLY happen when you're rushing somewhere.
Will someone buy me a helicopter for Christmas? Just a small one will do.

Or our daily headache, the 7 - 8 people wtf.
"i am late" is something you don't ever want to hear from your gf
boss, u realize that the car's number plate says CCB, means chao ci bai right? lol just something i observed. like mocking u for being late XD
I sooooooo FEEL you!!!
Ironic how all this conveniently (or inconveniently) happen just when you are late to a meeting, or appointment, or a wedding, or a launch or to work! Geram!
I'm always late for classes..sampai ada juniors siap betting what time I would arrive..gila malu bila dapat tau they do that..
Tip of the day..bila lambat buat cool in buat muka kesian..and have bizzare excuses like, oh my shower head's clogged..I had to mandi using the sink?
The KL traffic is always and has always been the best excuse for being late.
Why late?
Traffic jam!
when u hsve ur helicopter, what would be the excuse for being late??
My pilot was late! LMAO...
when u got ur helicopter, its all fine but only when u are late, wind gets too strong that heli cant fly,
the next building got construction crane blocking ur heli, construction/repair work on the landing spot itself...
Shit happens WHENEVER u r late
haha're so funny lah. just a small helicopter will do huh :P
hahaha...classic right...the fler who was using the T n G on the smart tag lane must have been late too!
yeehou: oh yess...
jyushiang: aihh... i mean... okay lar.. i got over it quickly because it was just 5 minutes of my day anyway
ky: hahah yes i feel you
shike: hahaha yes that i noticed.. was waiting to see if anyone else does
kay: uhh...
michelle: hahahaha I FEEEL YOU MICHELLE!!! I FEEL YOU!!!
jannah: hahaha ok i shall keep that in mind whenever i'm late for anything
marvin: hahaha that excuse doesn't seem to work for me =(
kurogane: hahaha yes.. or my helicopter slow in starting up
mc: aih... you're right.. it's just useless fighting it...
veronicle: hahaha yes yes... don't need a big chinook or anything
zephyr: hahaha no lar don't need so angry at people, maybe he was just distracted by somethign else.
jiawen: hahaha yeah! now that you mention it.. he must've been to.
haha..they have no eyes..cant they differentiate between smart tag n touch n go?????
Tim, when you do have ur helicopter, don't forget to give me a ride as well :)
gary: hahaha I don't know man, maybe he just wasn't paying attention
Adventurer: ok sure! hahaha .. duly noted
If i were you,certainly i will show him the "international sign"
hai...if u try to use Smart Tag at Penang Bridge,you will be even more frustrated. Touch N Go surprisingly is always faster than Smart Tag lane there.
miniature helicopter for display wan can? hehehe at least cool you down abit LOL
its called murphy law la..
there's one time I was driving my friend's car.
When reaching the toll, I took out the Smart Tag to get ready to be scanned, when I reach in front of the booth, it never beeps. Then my friend woke up from sleep beside me and tell me it's a Touch n Go lane. I felt so stupid. Lol.
there's one time I was driving my friend's car.
When reaching the toll, I took out the Smart Tag to get ready to be scanned, when I reach in front of the booth, it never beeps. Then my friend woke up from sleep beside me and tell me it's a Touch n Go lane. I felt so stupid. Lol.
well i believed u know everything in this world happens for a reason... when u are rushing for time, everything seems to be slower but not when you arent right?
well, everything was going thru the normal speed only bcause u were fighting for time hence everything was slower to u the other day..
many hypothesis but everything do happens for a reason.. that single second u were later would have actually saved u some troubles or even prevented u from some fatal incidents that you might not know..
been thru it, experienced it...
wah, if someone buy a helicopter for you, then we can use it for nuffnang loh! Hahaha.
wah the carplate number LOL
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