Last week I attended the vPost-Nuffnang Christmas Party in Singapore, along with some of the Malaysian Nuffies. It was the first large scale cross-border Nuffnang party (think Nuffnang-Chipster Pajama Party) held in Singapore for both Malaysian and Singaporean Nuffnangers in collaboration with vPost (SingPost).

Just like all other Nuffnang parties, this was a costume party. The theme was that you were supposed to dress as anything that starts with any of the letters in vPost.
So you could dress as Vendetta or a Porn Star or even Timothy Tiah (For the letter T :) ). So we ended up with some pretty interesting costumes. Let me show you guys a few pictures I took from the night.
I went as a Popstar (
well actually a Korean popstar), so I dressed myself up a little bit and stole one of those giant stuffed mics I found in the Nuffnang Singapore office.

The girl next to me is
Cindy from MDG, she went as Venus the Goddess of Love.
Our dear friend
Kenny Sia went as an Old Man.

Nobody recognized him there behind that mask. We were all queuing up to get into the event and when I told one of the bloggers in front of us that the Old Man standing next to me was Kenny Sia, he didn't believe it.
All the Nuffies went dressed as something too.
Raine went as an SIA Air Stewardess but I can't remember what
Clara was supposed to be that night though. Clara please refresh my memory.
Ginny went as a Playboy Bunny and
Vivian who is further to the right went as a Student. Sooo cute!

I also bumped into the famous Chipster Girl from
Dweam who went as a Soccer Fan (or a Soccer Player).
Audrey went as a virgin bride and
KY went as a Pirate. Not one of those Pirates of the Caribbean kind of Pirate but I think one of those Somalian pirates kind of pirate. A modern pirate.

The simplest yet one of the coolest costumes of the night though has got to be from
FA who went as a.... guess what she is.

Yes... shopaholic. And all she had to do was grab loads and loads of shopping bags and carry them to the party!
The guy behind her is
Jasonmumbles. He was dressed pretty normal armed with his usual camera but when I asked him what he was supposed to be he said "Photographer" (
The night was full of games with loads of prizes to give away with some really cool stuff that vPost managed to bring in.

For example, when we all got to the party we had professional photographers take pictures of us behind the vPost-Nuffnang Christmas Party backdrop.
Then by the end of the party, everyone left with those photos printed on to official SingPost stamps. That means you actually had stamps with your photo on them and not just any stamps but stamps that you could actually use in the post office to send letters to your friends. I thought that was a pretty neat souvenir.

All and all, I gotta say the Nuffnang Singapore team did a wonderful job in putting the party to go. I myself wasn't involved so it was actually my first time going to a Nuffnang Event actually pretty much as a guest more than anything else and I actually had a lot of fun that night.

The next major Nuffnang event in Singapore is planned for March, for our 2nd Nuffnang Anniversary. The first was held in Malaysia (the Pajama Party) where we brought down 100 Nuffnangers from Singapore down to meet 200 Nuffnangers in Malaysia. I guess we're having this year's in Singapore and bringing down the Malaysian Nuffnangers.
It's still pretty much in the works so don't get your hopes up ok people?
If things go well for Nuffnang, maybe next year we'll do our 3rd Anniversary in Manila and the year after in Melbourne, Australia.
sign me up for the melbourne party, NOW!
ky: hahaaha that's only a maybe and a long time from now
definitely looking forward to the 2nd anniversary party! yayyy!
nuffnang parties rock! =D
jackson: what's the aww for dude? haha
dweam: will see you there dweam!
If they're gonna serve balut I wanna go to Phillipines!
I book spot now boleh? =P
if i went i would have dressed as.... STEWIE!! =D
wuwuwu you spelled my name wrongly :(
looking forward to more parties! keke. happy new year.
hey remember me? :)
nice to meet you that night~
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