I had dinner at Prime on Tuesday night with Pierre and Lay See.
And on the other end of the table was me and my date..... that would be Ming.
Here's the story.
Prime is apparently one of the best steak houses in KL. It's at Le Meridien. It also happens to be really expensive so while I've heard loads about it and how VIPS and royalty eat there all the time, I always stayed away. No point hanging around places you can't afford right?

So Tuesday night I was having a late meeting with Pierre, Ming and some of the Nuffies in the office when Pierre suddenly decided that we should go to Prime for dinner. He was going to treat us all!
I was dressed in jeans, sneakers and a t-shirt so I thought I was a little to underdressed to go anywhere like that but Pierre insisted.
So okay we went... and I was extremely underdressed. Everyone else who was there looke and dressed rich... like they play Polo or something.
This was the steak I had.
This steak costs RM190. (Can you guys say "fuck me!!!"). And it was one of the cheaper ones too.
Thank you for the wonderful expensive dinner that I won't normally be able to afford Pierre.
PS: The parking at the end of the night costed me RM14. (Can you guys say.....)
I'll end it for you...
omg... rm190 just for the steak??
holy banana! imagine how many roti telur + teh tarik I can get at mamak with your steak...
rm 190. /slits throat and dies. /revives and does same thing again and again.
I've never heard of this place but must try! The best steak I've had so far would have to be at Rockpool in Crown Casino, Melbourne .. roughly around AUD$60-70 for the cheaper ones too but soooo melt in your mouth gooooood!
My friend had the Kobe there and it was the bomb! Of course the bill also bombed him in the end LOL
is the steak flown in from uk or something??? so expensive... but judging from your pictures, the setup of the restaurant looks really classy...
ahah.. u should at least start wearing collared t-shirts instead of normal t-shirts... wont look so bad. or keep a set of spare formal clothes in ur car
wah.. the steak u just had = my 2 weeks expenses.
i am so poor...
@dolly: That's practically my entire month's allowance.. >.<
Was it good boss?
LOL...For a moment i thought your double date partner is Princess...
or just keep a jacket in your car, anytime you can wear it on and it'll be semi formal :)
What a good double date~!
Ming = Prince ar? XD
u didn't say n'thing about whether the steak was worth the price! hahaha
fwaaaaaahhh RM 190 for a piece of steak!! :P I also want!
OMG! RM190 for a freaking piece of steak. How much does a whole cow cost? Anyway, you failed to mention. So was it good or not! Better be damn good!
OMG! RM190 FOR A STEAK??? o_O!!!
I would not be able to afford that too. -_-''' Lucky you.
You and Ming = date? Looks more like "spot lights" for the couple to me. What did the total bill amounted to??? RM1000???
Sorry..but the steak doesn't look tempting at all....-___-
i think had the same bottle of WATER you guys drank @ Latest Recipe, it cost RM50 if I'm not mistaken, freaking expensive!
next time when you're there, ask Chef Antoine to cook for you. He's damn good!
I will say..
oOo looks good, i shall give it a try one of these days yums!
Tim, when you swap your date from princess to ming, you get free steak! Haha
The steak doesnt look nice at all, look like one stodgy chau huey tar "stuff"!
its better to fly back to penang (below rm100) and eat all u can at great prices (below rm100) - d other end of Prime prices!!
(Can you guys say.....)
lol.. expensive place la.. i cant afford it.. the steak looks a little.. erm.. weird.. heh =P
RM190 for one steak??? OMG!!! Kill me pls...
Come down to S'pore and try Lawry's or Mortons.
shit, i read tht title and thought u were going to blog about the hi tech version of popeye @k@ Transformers tai kor =.=
now the place... looks more like a rm30 steak kind of place than a rm190 steak kind of place..
and the steak.. no comment =.= looks like something else...
I tried in Angus Steak House in Pavillion level 6, cheapest one cost RM100 but good enough... RM190 for a steak is too pricey ler! Is not that cannot afford, just dont worth it no matter how good is it.
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