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Bloggers' Meet
Jolene and Yee Hou, the glue that keeps the blogosphere together is organizing another Blog Meet.
Everyone is invited... even if you didn't get a specific invitation to your name you're invited!
Check out Jolene and Yee Hou's blog for more details.
Is Boss Stewie going? Uhmm......
am i 1st????????????????????
eh boss i wan go =P
Nice banner! Weird, how come no one is competing for no.1 this time? :S
Nice banner! Weird, how come no one is competing for no. 1 this time? :S
belle: AHAHAHA damn fahney lah u belle... eh.. u wanna go.. come with me then
little ray: hehehehee.. it was made by one of my readers named gwen... guess what city is in the picture
Looks quite Taiwan-ish to me. Can't be Penang, too nice already. Hehe.
hmm leng chai and leng lui only ...
***sigh ...
remember to take more pics k ... send me some ...
i'll go back to my corner ...
boss, ur banner so the powderful!!
is that penang?? looks like komtar building...haha
Ya lah, for leng chai and leng lui only. I join earl-ku at the corner. *slowly go*
boss!! tht means m yr partner? but i gpar! how??
fei sulks and joins chapree and earl-ku.
*sniff sniff*
little ray: penang lor! cantik leh
earl: hahaha u better come ar!
slacker: yep it's penang!
chapree: u also better come
belle: what's gpar?
e-fei: u also come!
no need say ge la.... i have to join earl ku mia corner also la... ishhh...
*push the balls aside
gpar = pretty gal ^^
Wah.. Penang.. Cantik!
wabiang eh.. and here i was thinking i could go meet all those famous/infamous/peekaboo bloggers.
looks like i'll have to join earl, chap, e-fei and shireen. :(
wah, so manny ppl in the corner edi, sempit la... come come we do our own blogger meet, leng lui cannot come, leng chai can!! haahahahhaah...
boss:air asia selling tickets for penang-kl from as low as rm0.99. booking period 20-26 jan, travel period 1 april-24 may
shireen: hahaha please lar.. are u saying earl is not fehmes? you are mistaken!!!
belle: oh.. so i have a pretty girl as my date.. even better.. come lor
little ray : hehehe yes penang cantik
suicidal: u better come! seriously
e-fei: haha okok i'll keep that mind.. but i normally drive down to kl...
mebbe time hor. Boss Stewie shud organise 1 big blogger meeting hor in Penang..
lagi best kan?
wa yang tu kita kena tunggu lama lama sampai taukeh ada masa nak melayan kita kan???
or am i speaking for myself only...?? :p
cant wait cant wait ^^ i lagi lucky got bossy as my partner WAKAKAK
eh no tok cock! really wan1
maniacz: hahaha nobody will come for that!!!
suicidal: please lar.. come then we will main main together!
belle: then come.. serious... come with me.. email me ur msn and we'll work it out
i wanna go!! honest!! but if i went then i'd have to be rushing around Malaysia no less, like a mad dog.. Surely kenot let people see me so the uncouth rite? even if my middle name IS uncouth.. :p
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