Now when attending other people's barbeque, it is only polite to bring something to contribute (even if not asked).
So I asked if I could bring anything apart from booz (since they already had truck loads) and we decided on cake.
Which left me looking for a bakery in the afternoon just before the BBQ.
But on my way to the bakery, I saw some people gathering around a 4WD at Belissa Row. I instantly recognised the Mix FM Road Runners crew so I made a turn back.
The friend I was with in the car was confused
"Why ?!??! What are you turning back for? They're just giving out freebies that you probably won't want anyway!!!".
But I remember what a particular friend of mine once told me.
This friend comes from a rich and famous Penang family and he gave me the most compelling advice of my life
"Timothy... if anything's free... JUST TAKE!!!".
So I went back and I got myself two packets of green tea... WOOHOOO!!! Shortly after that, I reached the bakery.
Now if you're from Penang and you have never had a cake from Jenni's, you are sooo deprived!
I selected two cakes, a Pandan Cake... and a Chocolate Mint Cake and brought them straight to the counter.
Then the person behind the counter asked me
"Would you like to write anything on the cake sir?"
My initial reaction was a clear "NO" since it wasn't a birthday or anything.What else could I possibly write on the cake.
Then I asked the guy behind the counter if there was any extra charge for writing anything on the cake and he said "NO".
And then it suddenly dawned on me again... I remembered my rich friend's advice...
So I got them to write this on the Pandan Cake. And this on the Chocolate Mint Cake.
I left the bakery in a hurry with my cakes in hand.
And a couple of hours later I showed up at the party where everyone was already waiting for me.
All the food was already prepared.
But the first thing they did was to get me to drink a whole bucket of something that looked pretty much like Chili Juice (Chili Seeds Included) and was no where near as beautiful and delicious looking as my cakes!!!
So they had to force me to drink it eventhough I clearly expressed to them that I didn't like it.
Then the bastards later took revenge by stabbing my Chocolate Mint Cake!!!
I hurled the "F" word at them only in time to see them stab my poor cake again with another knife.
Lesson learned... when dining with Penang People... drink ANYTHING they offer... even if it's Chili Juice (or horse urine).... or they'll take it out on your cake.
My life is complete now ^^
Whahahahahah that cake is hilarious, if I was drinking any water, I'd be spraying it all over the screen.
Guess I have to remind myself never to drink or eat anything before going here :P
haha jackson.... the cake was delicious too!
mader F!.... F-ing hilarious!!!!..... damn like the writings man..... you make it an art caligraphy.. on cakes..woohoohoohoo
Hehehe... notti boy as usual.. :)
william: oh... haha come to penang again and i'll get a cake like that made for u
cely: eh.. not notty lar... following my friend's advice
i didn't know jenni cakehouse makes pandan cake too. I'm definitely giving it a try and i loveeeeedd those words on the cakes :P its cute LOL
Hahahahahaha @ the icing ... what did the girl say when you told her to write it out for you?
wahahaha...liddat oso can 'lum tou'. 'Pui fuk' you weh boss.
Ok SET Boss!!! Will plan the next Penang trip. Phuck You Cake... here I come!
Woohoooooo... exams over!!!!!! I'm a freeee man again~!!!!
sharon: u thought it was cute? hahahaha ... the pandan cake was quite nice... try it.. but i do love the mint chocolate a lot more
gwen: she said "want to write happy birthday on top of that or not?"
e-fei: hahaha sorry lar.. that's what happens when you have too much free time on your hands
william: LOL.. ok come!
No no, I mean when you told her to write the two phrases you wanted her to ... did she go
= = drink tht thing?
take my life better lu =P
btw cake also huncur when it goes into yr mouth.i don mind it to hancur outside ma mouth if i ought to drink tht chillilicious
gwen: hahaha gwen.. i'm still not sure i get u
belle: the drink is some... punch thing
Boss, I think what Gwen meant is, what was the person at the counter's reaction when u said u wanted to write those phrases on the cake. I wanna know too.
i know ark.but its look chillilicious ma
ah well. at least i'm in the top 20. i hope she didn't take offense with the "phuck u" thing. i'd offer to spell it proper though. muahahahahaha :p
oh and wait. wasn't it your DAD who told you "tim, anything free, just take?"
good one on the cake...
Ya ya ya William you get me. This guy way too blur XD
ahhhh...jenni's! the tiramisu and choc moist are the bombs! =)))
cool icing btw. lol...
william: oh.. no she just went about to do it and came back a few minutes later saying "want to write happy birthday?"
belle: yes... i didn't fancy it too much but some of my other friends did
suicidal: yeah he told me that before too.. haha!!!
shireen: thank u
al: i haven't tried the tiramisu .. shall try it soon
I have decided not to fight with the rest.. so i'll go LAST instead .. HAH!! Pffttttt :P~ !!!!!
LAST!!!!! Hooooooooooooooooo !
LAST!!! HOOOOOOOOOooooooooooooooo!!
Shireen, as long as my internet's working, u will not get the ultimatum... now I'M LaSt!!! WooOooohooooOoo!!!
oh bullocks. i'm last!!! blehblehbleh
Now I'm the LAST!!!
I must admit.... this is kinda stupid... competing to be the last... haha
OMG HAHAHA I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU GUYS!!! Look what you just did Shireen..
oh wait.. now I am last... and it feels good... HAHAHAAHHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yo will.... go concentrate on being 1st ok...
and no.. stewie... u cant compete in your own blog -_-* duhh....
tasha: i have no choice ok... i'm slow..
am last again... HOoooooooooooooooooooOooo!!
eh... wait..
and it's not fault ok ....
Boss Stewie said...
OMG HAHAHA I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU GUYS!!! Look what you just did Shireen..
----> i just increased your traffic site by double.. does that make me your business partner *sheepish*
hoooooooooooooooooooooooo !!!!
oh hey.. wait... NOW I AM LAST ...
I'm taking over your spot, Shireen.
PUshess* chapree ....
Hoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo !! *pose that cute lil taiwanese post
ah fine i can't compete...
but hey.. look i'm last again :P
i'm from penang and i nvr heard of jenni's
berry... u poor deprived girl
hey... u should try bakerzin ok.. it's rawks!!!
oh wait..
LASTTTTTTTT!!!!!!! Hoooooooooooooooo!
and you have ugly writting.. i believe Jenni's taught their staff well...
Demmm!!! I was out for less than 12 hours, and this is what i find when i come back on? Kinda suprised when i saw 40 comments though, coz when i left this morning it was only 20-ish.
I can't be the 1st for the moment coz boss havent update, so now i feel like taking the last for the moment.
Woohooo... Last!
i've tried bakerzine.. love it. very good cake!!!
gila sial.. competing to get the last place?
sorry.. i TOOK it :)
this is ridiculous. but i bet nobody's gonna take over my last place with this outdated post. muahahahaha
too bad! i did =P belle roxing~
No belle, I rocked more! THE LAST PLACE IS MINE.
I wrote this "fight to be last" in my blog
Err... am I the last one? Am I?
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