Tuesday, January 30, 2007

The Hippest Place in Penang

Every city in the world has to have a HIP place for the COOL people to go to.

Singaporeans have places like Holland Village or Clarke Quay.
KL people have places like Bangsar, Hartamas...

or even the famous Bintang Palace Night Club at Imbi which I hear is the place to be when you are in your 40s, successful, driving a Mercedes S-Class and looking for the company of some pretty girls.

These are the places where everybody who is anybody goes on a Friday/Saturday night.

Similarly, Penang has its own hip place where the COOL people go and where only those among the Penangite elite hang out.

Where the crowd is sophisticated and exclusive and where the grass is green and the girls are pretty.

Welcome to the Green Lane McDonalds in Penang.
Now before you KL people go about saying


This is not just ANY McDonalds!

The Green Lane McDs is not only the most profitable McDs in Penang, but it is also the most happening!

Open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and 52 weeks a year, it is ALWAYS busy and full of people at ANY time of the day...
Well except in the mornings since I reckon Penang people would rather have a traditional Bak Kut Teh breakfast than a McBreakfast.

But late at night, especially on Friday and Saturday nights... this McDs is FULL of young people!

That's right... young people, some even dressing up almost as if they were going clubbing (some just dropping by for a bite just after clubbing).

Then of course, there is the 'cooler' crowd.

The crowd that I never quite understand.

The type that goes to sit down at Coffee Bean or Starbucks just to surf on their laptops.For those of you who like this kind... GOOD NEWS FOR YOU... CUZ WE HAVE THEM HERE AT GREEN LANE MC DONALDS TOO!!!

And of course apart from the 'cool' and 'hip' atmosphere, there is the other reason why people go to the Green Lane McDs.


Like this double helping of french fries and apple pie I had which is low in fat and carbs and FULL OF VITAMINS AND NUTRITION.

So if you're ever visiting Penang, be sure to visit the Green Lane McDs!!!
Okay okay...


Go ahead and give it to me guys...

How many of you are going to say




Anonymous said...

Beat you all for it, you too Tashaaaa!!!! muahahahha! Too bad some of you guys having school and classes

Anonymous said...

hahahahaha... FIRST!!!

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

Shireen... I've avenged you!

Anonymous said...


haha... fine fine... u win me by seconds...

Boss Stewie said...


AhPau said...

Darn I sure do miss Green Lane McD :(

Anonymous said...

wow ! green lane Mcd now with wi-fi uh ??

Anonymous said...

MCD? WTF? -_-"

Anonymous said...

Lies, dem lies, and statistics!

Everyone knows that the most happening place in penang is at http://timothytiah.blogspot.com/

McD green lane? Puah!

electronicfly said...

ahahahha..my classmate just told me that when she went on a date with a Penangite, he took her 2 mcdonalds..ahahahahha

Kiss my ass said...

wuah anonymous... bodekkkkkkkkk!!!!!!

and i so hate you willy.. i so hate you...

but .... most of the drive thru and sit in/24 hours mcdonalds here is wifi-ed already.... :X

Anonymous said...

erm.. all sg macs have wifi. n now nt jus macs. even KFC, burger king, pizza hut, delifrance, starbucks, coffeebean, spinelli's, the coffee connoiseur, hospitals, schools, courts (the furniture n electronics place), even MOS and devil's bar (tho i cant imagine ppl totting their laptops to clubs) n many other places got Wireless@SG. haha.

sigh. wish our dear msia can catch up soon also. thn again.. msia is like, a few hundred times bigger than singapore. lol. so it's hard to wi-fi the whole placeeeee. :(

Anonymous said...




-source alynna-

Unknown said...

why'd you hate me for? what'd i do? :(

Boss Stewie said...

ahpau: hahaa we all love green lane mcds!

jason: hahaha what? isn't green lane mcds blogworthy? hahha

jodie: i think so.. i never tried it myself but... i can't think of what people do there with their laptops otherwise

chapre: LOL

anonymous: ai cheh... ok lar come come i buy u coffee

feiness: and she enjoyed the date rite?

shireen: u mean not only penang mcds is wifi? chiuu

daphne: but.. they can always wifi PENANG rite? and they won't even need to wifi the whole island... just wifi the east.. where most of the people live

lance: LOL!!! hahahaha

Boss Stewie said...


mae said...

McD is not hip. Its crowded with peeps from Penang Free School!! Queensbay is the new Gurney.. And do you know there are free movies showing in Queensbay now boss? FREE YOU KNOW. FREE!! And if I remember correctly a wise man once told you if its free just take. XD

Gwendolynne said...

AT FIRST ... I wanted to say something substantial.

THEN ... turns out (just like your post) I had nothing to say.

*runs away*

Anonymous said...

gwen: Hmmm... sounds substantial enough. *nods head*

Kiss my ass said...

boss: errrrrr.... ok .... no i lied.... all the mcds here are not as high tech as the mcds in green lane..... i lied to get some attention... *sob

willy: you figure.

-blake- said...

boss... you damn cilaka. I craving for McD's then i read your blog and you blog bout McD's. I don't get McD's here... Too much man you... haha

Robin Wong said...

I am actually one of the guys that bring laptops to coffee bean.. ahahaaa... wad to do.. free internet...

Unknown said...

i really dont know lor, i edi said that i avenged for u edi ma, since tasha keep taking OUR 1st place.

Jackson said...

Wow, those are large portions of fries... You have those 1.5 litre drinks too?

Anonymous said...

OMG... BOSS!!!! if you keep this up, i demand a camwhoring post again. this time showing off thy sexy belly. muahahaha and i'm sure a lot of people would agree with me.

and william you no life-er!!! i curse thee!! you everytime meragut my first place... :p

Boss Stewie said...

mae: WHAT??!? FREE???? ON MY WAY!!!

gwen: hahahaha gwen

lance: lol lol

shireen: hah! i knew it...

blake: u don't get much mcds from where u are? but.. but. there are mcds everywhere!!!

robin: hahaha.. yes... like mae said... anything free.. just take.. rite? :P

william: lol

jackson: oh noo we don't... 1.5 litre of coke is too much for us penangites

suicidal: hahaha.... i do that and suddenly everyone will run away from my blog

Anonymous said...

boss: ahahah... NO! she's a KL lass, so when he brought her there, she was all "wtf?"

slacker said...

you really can't be serious about mcdonalds being the bestest place in penang..

if you are... I feel sorry for all Penangites.. :P

Anonymous said...

faster post up ur sexy cam whoring pictures or ur secret maybe

Anucia said...

i was living in penang for three years-and yes, I frequented McD's Green Lane..those lazy saturday mornings over a Big Breakfast were such cherished memories..sigh!

Since I was a parton, am I cool? Am I?Am I? Am I?

Boss Stewie said...

fei: hahah lol

slacker: ahaha!!!

cely: hahaha cam whore and scare everyone off? hahah

anucia: yes u ARE COOL!

-blake- said...

haha. yeah. i thought so too... but... Manipal don't have. damn saddening. only fast food is dominos and erm subway. lousy subway. haha

-blake- said...

haha. yeah. i thought so too... but... Manipal don't have. damn saddening. only fast food is dominos and erm subway. lousy subway. haha

Boss Stewie said...

blake: subway is pretty good! just a relatively too expensive by malaysian standards.. it was my staple student food in london

Anonymous said...

Not to mention full house during afternoons over-crowded with students from about three schools nearby. Queensbay ain't "all that". Went there today and it was sooo empty, and of course the cinema too.

PS: QB GSC sux, sitting around row E & u need 2 tilt ur heads up high already.

-blake- said...

yeah. i loved subway when i was in australia. and when they were opening one here i was damn happy. then, i tried it. the ham's thin n really lousy. the sauce seriously tastes funky. the salads... well... their tagline is eat fresh right? it really doesnt taste all too fresh. all in all, it's overpriced and really doesn't live up to its name.

-blake- said...

yeah. i loved subway when i was in australia. and when they were opening one here i was damn happy. then, i tried it. the ham's thin n really lousy. the sauce seriously tastes funky. the salads... well... their tagline is eat fresh right? it really doesnt taste all too fresh. all in all, it's overpriced and really doesn't live up to its name.

-blake- said...

yeah. i loved subway when i was in australia. and when they were opening one here i was damn happy. then, i tried it. the ham's thin n really lousy. the sauce seriously tastes funky. the salads... well... their tagline is eat fresh right? it really doesnt taste all too fresh. all in all, it's overpriced and really doesn't live up to its name.

-blake- said...

oops. sorry for the double post.

Anonymous said...

ehhh why do all such fast foods turn out sucky in malaysia?? damn disappointing wei. i've been on a long term addiction on subway but JB dun have.. chehhhh

Unknown said...

and not the mention the portions here are so small. i once had in Aust. the big mac is twice the size of the ones here. saddening =.=

-blake- said...

suicidal: eh. im talking bout the subway in india. not malaysia. haven't tried it in msia.

william: the big mac in aust also shrunk edi i think same size like msia. mcdonald's new policy= try not to show that they are the cause of obesity.

Anonymous said...

Hahaha the Green Lane McDonalds is so happening that even on Chinese New Year it's packed.... Like a big reunion dinner

Boss Stewie said...

anonymous: seeing how penang is short on cinemas... i'm sure the gsc there will still be full

blake: hahaha u mean triple post

suicidal: ehh.. kfc in malaysia is better than the one in uk any time if u ask me

william: hahahaha.. dun be greedy! after u become fat like me

nicole: hahaha yes yes

jlshyang said...

Ahh, i miss Greenlane's MCD. Lots and lotsa high school memories there, hehe.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, Malaysia's KFC is the best! Even here in the USA, the place of origin of KFC, the KFC is not as good as in Malaysia. It's too salty for me. Actually, almost everythings here is very salty. Haha. Even the popcorns.

And oh. It's too cinnamon-ish in here. I think, cinnamon should only be simmered in curry. Not as a flavor in doughnuts, cookies, cakes or everything else. Yucky.

I miss Greenlane's McD too! It's been.. God knows how many years. *sigh* I miss home!

Lihui said...

what la boss, dont sia sui penang okay.
This is certainly NOT the COOLEST place in penang. there are so many much much much more happening places in penang.
Guys, dont mislead by boss S. he left penang for too long already and whatever he say about penang might not be true. hahahaha.